You guys come up with a name for this chapter I’m stumped 

In a dorm room

"Ha-ha brother mo, this is some good stuff," all the candidates screamed almost simultaneously.

The booze was fantastic.

Some of the candidates were actually over 15 and had failed the assessment quite a few times, so drinking wasn't really a problem with them.

And for people like Frank and the fatty, it was also of small consequence. They had seen blood and they had killed. At least Frank had killed before. A little booze was the least of their problems.

"Brother Mo, come on another round of drinks, don't be stingy," the fatty jack said imploringly.

brother Mo was the person jack had told to treat us to some drinks. In fact, he didn't read anything into it.

But now?

He had started to regret it. These guys had almost finished his stash

And they were asking for more? He thought that Jack was really shameless.

It was difficult to obtain alcohol in the base, and it was actually forbidden for candidates to consume alcohol while on base grounds.

But wherever there is a will, there is always a way. The way in this case was

The cadets

They would sneak in some booze to the candidate for a price. Of course, people like Frank, who didn't even have much money, didn't know anything about this till now.

But it didn't really affect him; he wasn't the one buying after all.

"But Jack, my friend." Mo was trying to come up with an excuse but was soon interrupted by Jack.

"I have offended the Yun clan. I hope they don't come after me." Jack looked up with a look of regret in his eyes.

The fatty really knew how to act.

"I can only drink my sorrow away," Jack said while staring at his half-empty bottle of booze.

Mo looked at the fatty jack with the sides of his eyes with a sneer.

"You went to the Yun mansion on your own and injured their people; we didn't start the fight," he thought.

But that was only a thought. At the end of the day, Jack really did do them a favor.

Mo stood up reluctantly and went to get some booze.

The look of regret immediately vanished from the fatty's face, and he lifted his bottle to take a sip.

If Mo was here to see this, he would throw a tantrum.

Frank was already used to Jacks' behavior at this point, so it didn't really faze him

He walked over to where Gertrude was seated and sat opposite him with two bottles of booze in his hands.

Frank saw Gertrude, amongst everyone here. He was the only one not drinking.

He just sat in the corner of the room, observing.

"No," he declined flatly It was a bit cold, but that was his temperament.

"I'm not good with booze," he continued with a straight face.

"Oh," Frank also replied.

"I've seen you before, but I never knew that you were this strong." Gertrude commented

"You saw me? Where? " Frank asked

"You are not aware but the day when you tried to pass through the gate and were stopped by the elder of the gate, I was there," Gertrude said

"I am the son of the spear village chief, hence my name," Gertrude

"Gertrude means spear or strength"

He was the son of one of the village heads. His village was attacked too, so naturally, he had gone to the gate too.

He tried to leave but was stopped also, but unlike Frank, he didn't put in too much of a fight because he knew that the village head his father had the guards at his disposal.

So he just turned back when he was told to do so by the elder.

"I saw you face the cadet Luke with absolutely no fear in your eyes. I just couldn't put my finger on the face until I saw you today," he added.

Frank was a bit stunned. He didn't know that he was being watched when he went to the gate.

"I admire your courage, but if you keep doing things so impulsively, you'll die fast." Gertrude was a realist.

Frank didn't need to be told how dangerous what he did was. He looked straight ahead with a blank expression on his face.

Gertrude looked back at Frank when he saw that Frank didn't reply.

The look on his face said everything.

He understood, but he didn't care.

Gertrude frowned, but later his face morphed into one of interest. He knew that Frank wasn't dumb.

But he couldn't put his finger on why Frank didn't seem to care.

Actually, Frank just didn't see a reason to beat himself up over something that had already happened.

The future is in front of us and what happened in the past will stay in the past.

From that moment, he just had to keep a cool head when facing such situations.

"I wonder how my parents are doing," he thought.

Their faces flashed before his eyes.

"Brother Mo is back with more booze!" Someone screamed

"Haaaaaaaa!" The room went wild.


On a distant mountain, a man stood there and looked behind him. There sat a lady in white.

"Don't worry, sweet heart. I'll make sure we get out of this alive," the man said.

He had been moving for a while now and was a bit out of breath, so he was struggling to let the words out.

"I wonder how Frank is doing," the lady replied.

That's right Frank's father and mother were there. She had regained consciousness but still looked rather pale.

"Have some rest, we have a long journey in front of us," the man replied.

He was also worried about his son.

He had advised him to unlock the seal in his memory, but he didn't do it.

It was his seal and he knew it wasn't broken yet, so he was worried.

"I hope he does it before it's too late." He had a worried expression on his face.

He didn't tell his wife, though. She was going through enough as it is.


Two days went by and Frank and Jack headed back to meet up with cadet Wang Ben and Jake.

Boiler room



The noise of training was constantly coming out of the boiler room where Wang Ben and Jake were training.

Frank and Jack stood right before the door.

They took a huge breath and pushed the door open and walked right in.

Ben and Jake immediately stopped the spar.

Wang Ben then said, "Good you're here, stand in line."

They both walked to Jake and stood beside him.

"I heard that there was a little squabble between Gertrude and the Yun boy and you two got involved," Wang Ben said.

"Ha-ha, brother Wang, it wasn't like that, we were just mediating," Jack laughed.

Of course, he was lying to his face and even tried to fight the young master Yun, but he would never admit it.

Wang Ben looked at Jack and shook his head.

"The Yun boy is a bully, but he has the strength to back it up," Wang Ben said.

But you don't need to be too wary of him. You are probably a match for him as it stands.

"But his sister is the one you need to be wary of."

In actual fact, she wasn't really his blood sister at all.

The Yun clan had a sort of weird tradition of joining their male and female children together as sworn brothers and sisters so they would protect each other.

Females born into the Yun clan, on the other hand, have shown exceptional promise in their abilities in recent years.

So they gradually became laughingstocks for the other clans.

Even the clan leader had a sister who was stronger than him.

All this was done behind closed doors because the ladies from the Yun clan were ruthless in battle and would always want to protect their own.

When Frank and the others heard the whole story, they laughed their asses out.


They also understood how grave the situation was.

The guy was shameless and would definitely tell his sister what happened, so they had to be prepared.

"They are also people like Gertrude. You need to be wary of them."

They were all witnesses to the battle between Gertrude and the scout's most outstanding candidate, and they knew that he was holding back.

"Let me show you something," Wang Ben said.

He then stood up and walked towards a wooden dummy and threw a punch at it.

"Doom," a large sound resonated, but surprisingly, no damage was done.

They all stared at the dummy and wang ben questioningly.

Wang Ben then used his hand to turn the dummy around.

There was a huge hole behind it.

"When you are able to do this, you will step into the third level of raging fists," Wang Ben said.

We all stared at the dummy in shock.

"How did he do that?" frank question in his mind

"This also applies to you, and your fist technique also demands this."

Jack nodded as if he already knew.

"Step forward, let's begin training."