Frank vs young master Yun

The young master thought that this decision was a sound one.

The fourth was just as low as the fifth in the eyes of the young master Yun, plus the fourth was the masked maniac, who was probably as strong if not stronger than him; he wouldn't risk that.

He also knew full well that he couldn't defeat his sister; she was just too powerful for him to handle. Even if he decided to try his luck and give it his all, he would still get into trouble with his father.

The young master Yun's father was one who cared about face above all.

If he found out that two of his children were fighting over a spot in the top ten in public, he would absolutely flip, and the recipient of his anger would most likely be the young master Yun.

And then there was Jack. He didn't challenge him, not out of fear, but because he knew that his sister wanted the number one spot, and unless he had some kind of death wish, he would stay clear of what his sister fancied.

So he really had no choice; he had to challenge Frank; he was the only one he could afford to fight.

Plus, the nobles didn't think Frank was much of a big deal; he had withstood a strike from the young master Yun, but that was a casual attack in an attempt to save a comrade.

"Oh," Frank responded with a nod. He was expecting this to happen, and it did. He was happy, yes. He was happy, this fight was something he wanted.

Not so long ago, he was tortured almost to death by Cadet Luke. He wanted revenge, but he couldn't get it. Cadet wang Ben warned them against it after all; Luke was a cultivator.

But Frank couldn't let it go that easily, so he went for the next best thing.

Luke was probably related to the Yuns, and Frank was tortured on the orders of an elder of the Yun clan; this made him hate the Yuns to the core. He wanted revenge, and he wanted to use young master Yun as a step towards that goal.

All these things were going through Frank's head, but he didn't let them know his face was very natural.

"Oh," Frank said with a smile as he stepped forward.

He now stood opposite the young master, Yun.

"You know, I never got your real name," Frank suddenly said.

Yes, they didn't know his real name; they had just been referring to him as the young master Yun without finding out his real name.

Since it was customary to give your name to your opponent whenever a spar was about to happen, Frank used the opportunity to ask the young master Yun

But he received no answer.

"Do you think you deserve to know my real name?" The young master Yun asked

This made the old man frown.

"You young men of nowadays, I swear you all act so pompous; what's the big deal about your stinking names?" He paused and shook his head.

In fact, everyone on the list exhibited the same arrogance that the old man had to point out.

He was of an older generation, and they obeyed customs and traditions unlike the new generation, which did what it liked.

"Tell you what, let's make a bet," the young master Yun's voice suddenly cut into the moment of silence.

The old man didn't react though, he had said all he wanted to say.

"Hm?" Frank turned to acknowledge the young master's words.

"What do you have in mind?" frank asked

"Simple, if I lose, I will grace you with the opportunity of knowing my real name. As a peasant, you should know how much of an honor that is, right?" The young master Yun replied frank

This made Frank frown.

"You're not that special, you know?" frank thought

"Okay, I agree," Frank said.

"Oh, you don't want to know what would happen if you lose?" The young master Yun asked

"I won't lose," Frank replied softly.

"Arrogant," the young master yun blurted out.

He was enraged; he was used to being the overbearing one; he even had a witty remark he was going to use, but Frank caught him off guard.

"I won't lose? Who the hell does he think he is?" The young master Yun thought

"If you lose, you have to step down from your spot in the top ten and give it to Ivan," the young master Yun said.

"Who is Ivan?" Frank asked.

"None of your business," the young master Yun replied.

If he managed to get another person from the noble faction into the top ten, he would be greatly rewarded.

"In that case, I refuse," Frank told him, turning him down immediately.

He had confidence in himself and his abilities, but he would be dumb to accept those terms; after all, he was the one being challenged, not the other way around.

"Then you won't get to know my name," the young master Yun quickly said.

"Fine, it's not a big deal," Frank replied.

"You can be just one of the nameless people I will trample upon to get to the top."

This remark enraged the young master Yun once again.

"You are going to regret that," the young master Yun said.

"What? are you going to make me?" Frank said in a mocking tone.

"Good, let's make a rule then," the young master Yun smiled and looked at the old man.

"As long as he agrees to it, I have no objections to your little foreplay," the old man said calmly.

"Good, the battle won't end unless one of us gives up or one of us gets knocked out," the young master stated the rule.

He waited for Frank's response.

"I agree," Frank replied.

"Vooom "

The young master yun had disappeared.

He was moving so fast that normal people would easily get a headache just looking at him.

But Frank was able to keep up with his movements calmly. Frank had been in a few life-and-death situations on his missions with Cadet Wang Ben; he knew how to keep calm in the face of battle.

"tornado kick"

Before you knew it, a kick powered by the wind came flying towards Frank.

"four-mountain stance."

"booommmm," the leg collided with Frank.

Frank didn't budge from the collision, and neither did the young master Yun.

"Hmp," the young master Yun grunted before making a backflip and landing.

"Where did you get that from?" the young master Yun asked frank

The four-mountain stance was a technique taught only to candidates who agreed to join the noble faction, and even then they were only taught an incomplete version.

"Can an incomplete version of the four-mountain stance stop my kick?" The young master Yun, immediately rejected this idea.

"Wouldn't you love to know?" Frank smirked at the young master Yun

The young master yun turned to look at the cadets from the noble faction and saw that they were all ashamed.

This made the young master Yun frown also.

"It seems like there is a story behind it," he thought.

"Are you going to keep standing there like a statue, or are we going to proceed?" frank cut off his line of reasoning

"Don't worry about it, I will show you that learning that was a big mistake," the young master Yun said.

And in the next moment, he started dashing toward Frank.

Frank braced himself with the four-mountain stance skill.

"Break!!!!" the young master Yun said loudly as he struck.

Several palm attacks started ravaging all over Frank's body as he held the four-mountain stance.

At first, he didn't really feel the impact.

But as time went on, he started feeling a bit of soreness all over his body.

When Frank realized what was happening, he could only sigh.

This was one of the problems cadets' knuckles associated with the four-mountain stance technique, although it had a very powerful defense.

It easily got eroded, and with enough strikes, one could break that defense. Unless one could find a way to increase the defenses of the body, the mountain stance would always have this flaw.

"Oh," Frank said, and released the four-mountain stance technique.

Oh, are you tired of hiding in your little shell?" The young master, Yun, said

Frank frowned

The young master Yun was not all talk; he was actually powerful.

Frank soon started moving.

"Firebird Dance," Frank said.

He was now moving as fast as the young master, Yun. Frank was the fastest in the group under Wang Ben, so it was easy to get to the young master Yun's level of speed.

This made the young master Yun frown.

He had also seen the likes of Jake and Joey use the firedance technique to a high level, so he didn't think that he needed to be wary of Frank's speed, but right before his eyes he saw something completely different.

Frank was almost moving faster than himself.

The whole crowd was also stunned.

The firebird dance technique was one they all knew, but they never knew it could reach this level of speed.

"Damn it, am I a potato?" Even amongst the cadets, some didn't pay attention to the technique either, and now they regreted it.

"Go time," Frank said out loud.

And soon enough he was on the young master Yun.

When the young master Yun saw him coming at him, he also sped in that direction.

"blaze fist"

"raging fist, second rapid"

"Boom!" They had collided once more.