
This time their collision was brutal.

Straight punches to the face, elbows, and kicks were set; some landed, some didn't. One thing was certain, though:

Both of them would not be able to leave the battle unscathed.



The strikes were painful to watch.

A noble like the young master Yun, no one would believe that he was such a brute.

Exchanging blows without care for the bodily harm it would cause him seemed far-fetched for a noble.

But it was happening before their very eyes.

"Damn it," the young master Yun finally received a blow that sent him a few steps backwards.

"you…." The young master was visibly angry.

He even sneaked a peek at his sister, and what he saw was exactly what he expected.

She had distaste in her eyes.

It seemed like she was saying to him

"What kind of a noble would fight to such a stalemate with a common peasant like that?"

The young master Yun hated that look of hers.

"Watch out!" a voice suddenly resounded from afar.

But before the young master yun could defend himself, he received a punch in the face.

This sent him flying a few more steps back.

"Arg," the young master Yun said, cleaning the blood off the side of his mouth.

"You are really enjoying this, aren't you?" The young master Yun asked frank a question.

"What can I say?" "I enjoy the sensation of pounding the face of nobles; they are so soft and tender," Frank said with a smile.

"It is a good thing that you enjoyed it, but sadly, it will be the last sensation you will ever feel," the young master replied frank.

The anger in his eyes became much more visible.

"Eagle claw, second slash"

The young master Yun activated another skill.

As a noble, he had a variety of skills in his arsenal, which was one of the advantages the nobles had over the commoners.

As soon as he activated that, a claw-like slash came flying towards Frank.


"Arg!" Frank groaned

A large claw-like mark appeared on his left arm.

He was dripping blood.

Jack, who was back on the line, had a worried look on his face.

This was exactly the weakness Cadet Wang Ben had pointed out about Frank.

"He is insanely talented, but he doesn't have enough martial skills to show it."

Those words resounded in Jack's mind once more.

This was also one of the reasons he showed Frank the four-mountain stance technique so that he could at least defend himself.


As time went on, the young master Yun's onslaught against Frank raged, and cuts and bruises appeared on Frank's body.

The funny thing was that Frank looked as calm as ever.

This surprised quite a few people.

"Is this guy retarded?" Some in the crowd had these thoughts.

As the next claw came flying, Frank also jumped back and dodged.

"Are you going to get serious?" Frank asked the young master Yun.

"hm?" The young master Yun had a confused look on his face.

"You can't beat me with that amount of power," Frank continued.

"Oh, let's watch and see then," the young master Yun also said.


The young master Yun dashed toward Frank once again.

"raging fist, second rapid peak"


This time the person who was flung back was the young master Yun.

"Damn it," he said as he struggled to stabilize himself.

"Are we getting serious or what?" Frank asked nonchalantly.

There he stood with cuts and bruises, mocking his opponent.

The young master Yun, no matter how arrogant, had to acknowledge his opponent at this moment.

Frank was strong enough, and he had shown it.

"Let's do it then," he stood up and cleaned the blood that had traced from his mouth.

This fight was awesome. Even the old man looked on with attention.

He knew that Frank had used the level of raging fist 2 that even some veterans had problems with, and he was very close to merging penetration power and breaking power.

Frank was the first to get to the peak of the raging fist second rapids, so of course he had gone further than them, and although he hadn't stepped into the third rapid, he was close.

"Blizzard" was the name of the skill young master Yun activated as he was about to get serious as the raging fist second rapid peak was too much for ordinary skills.

This skill was a special one that all members of the Yun clan practiced.

This made his sister frown.

They weren't allowed to use that lightly, but she also knew that he had no choice.

"Good," Frank said with a smile as he continued his assault on the young master Yun.

Frank used the raging fist second rapid peak very naturally, as if he had been using the skill for years.

They both went on

At this point, the cadets and candidates were on their toes.

Normally the fight should have been stopped by now, but no one dared to do so because the old man was watching.

"Arthur, come here," the old man called out softly, trying his best not to interrupt them.

When Arthur heard his name being called by the old man, he had no choice but to take his eyes off the match and walk toward him.

"Senior?" Arthur asked

"Come sit next to me," the old man said.

"I wouldn't dare," Arthur replied with a bow. He wasn't stupid; he had offended the old man by giving him the responsibility assigned to him.

"Don't worry, I won't bite you," the old man said in a calm voice.

"I prefer to stand," Arthur insisted.

"Good for nothing, coward, come close, let me ask you something." The old man gestured like a young lady who wanted to gossip about something.

When Arthur saw that, he bent so as to hear what the old man wanted to tell him.

"The boy, Frank, tell me, does he have a master?" The old man whispered in Arthur's ear.

"I well,... I will have to ask his instructor, Wang Ben," Arthur said.

"Good, while you are at it, ask about these few others on the list," the old man smiled at Arthur as he pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to him.

"Hm," Arthur nodded and walked away.

When the old man saw that, he smiled and turned to look at the battle once more.

In the span of a few minutes, Frank and the young master Yun were drenched in sweat and blood.


They were both still going at it.


"Blizzard foot man," the young master Yun screamed.

And the energy emitted from his body doubled.

"Boom" Frank was pushed back

The young master Yun had kicked him in the chest.

"Die," the young master Yun didn't give Frank any breathing space.

"Blizzard foot man" the young master Yun continued raining down kicks.

Frank couldn't take it. He felt like he was about to lose

The young master Yun was like a beast.

The nobles in the crowd looked on with admiration in their eyes.

"That is how it should be," they were all proud of themselves.

" nobles should always dominate the commoners," was their way of thinking.

As they were filling their hearts with such delight at Frank's downfall, Jack and the rest had looked very worried.

They would occasionally look in the direction of the old man in the hope that he would stop the match.

But the old man didn't do that; in fact, he seemed distracted.

"Arggg!" Frank screamed.

Frank was pushed back once again, but this time he didn't land on his feet.

"Give up," the young master Yun said.

Frank didn't even have the strength to speak at this moment.

"Hahahaha! I told you that you would regret it," the young master Yun said with a smile.

"Let's end this," once those words left the young master Yun's mouth.

He vanished

And in the next moment, he was next to Frank, and a kick was coming Frank's way.


Jack was about to move to save Frank.


He heard a huge



The whole crowd was stunned. Frank had dodged and hit the young master Yun from the side.

And this sent the young master Yun flying.

He didn't land on his feet.


He landed face-first on the floor.

"What was that?" Some of the candidates asked

They didn't understand what Frank had done.

But not the likes of Jack and the rest, they had seen this being used before.

By Cadet Wang Ben

That's right

Frank had stepped into the raging fist third rapid

The old man also had a look of excitement on his face.

He was prepared to save Frank at that moment, but Frank surprised him.

"Only a talented few can get to this level without years of practice, or at least if they were to attain it at this period of time, they must have started cultivating," the old man thought.

"I must get this boy," he muttered.

Frank was oblivious to what the old man was thinking; he was just surprised by the strength contained in that fist strike.

"Arg," a voice sounded opposite the stage.


The young master Yun was struggling to get up.

"Damn you, damn you, damn you!!!!!!" he screamed.

There was a glint of craziness in his eyes at this point.