Blood contract

"Sealed?" Frank asked

Frank already knew this but he just wanted the skin Morpher Di to elaborate

"Yes, I was sealed by an old monster of your human clan" the skin morpher explain to Frank as he kept on struggling trying to stretch his neck


" Oh, why" Frank asked the skin Morpher 

"Hehe well if you were to ask the asshole he would say something along the line of me being a murderer and all sorts of rubbish but I'll tell you the truth" the skin Morpher said to Frank


At this point he had stopped struggling looking at frank with a coy smile 

"It was all because of greed he wanted my powers but couldn't get it easily so he sealed me in that dark place" Di  finally said with a cough 

Frank nodded in understanding the skin Morphers powers was indeed very useful no one in their right senses could say they weren't interested in them at all