The undercity

Frank and Di rode into the city of Blades side by side, and not long after they got to the commercial area in the north-west

Peri's shop

"who's that?" Carlson, who was seated in the makeshift restaurant that was open next to Peri's shop, asked Frank as soon as he stopped in front of him.

He was of course referring to Di, who stood beside Frank, looking amusingly at everything that passed by.

"Ah, he is a friend," Frank casually shook off the question.

It wasn't like he expected them to understand, nor was he ready to tell them anything.

Carlson kept on looking at Di with a puzzled expression, though, until Frank interrupted him.

"Is peri in?" Frank asked

Frank was the only one that referred to Peri by her name; the rest just went on with the formality of boss and employees.

Carlson nodded as he retracted his eyes from Di.

Frank and Di then made their way into the shop.

"Why didn't you tell him?" With a puzzled expression, Po looked at Carlson.