The Yearly Auction ( Part 2)

" Father-in-law, you are not gonna cancel the marriage right? Even though my father is probably dead, our greater ancestor and other ancestors are still around to hold the front in case any problems occur".

Maya couldn't hold herself anymore and started crying, not caring about her image anymore.

After all, if Maya got her marriage canceled then she will be either killed by her bigger sister just so she makes sure that Maya doesn't go back to the clan. Or she will simply go join a sect and try to obtain more strength slowly.

And that's cause the difference between the resources allotted to the young geniuses of a clan and a sect is simply like the difference between heaven and earth, they just can't compare with each other at all.

And that's totally reasonable, given the fact that a clan will only be nurturing its own descendants which are not highly numbered, they are only a few not cause the clan is small or anything, but because they mainly focus on the more talented individuals than the rest.

But a sect will go and nurture thousands of students and let's not forget the elders of the sect of course which require much more resources, and the top geniuses of that sect that needs special care and nurturing, and that's why in a sect if you don't have enough talent then say goodbye to your strength increasing in the short run.

But while she was bathing in her tears, the door of the room suddenly opened and a young man rushed in with a guard following right behind him.

The young man was obviously Jeff, Maya's future husband if everything stays as it is. He hurriedly knelt on the ground in front of his father and begged.

" Father please, I don't know what happened or what conversation occurred here, but when I reached the door and was about to ask for permission to enter, I managed to hear the last part about Maya asking you if you gonna cancel our marriage".

He halted there for a moment, took out a sword from his storage ring, placed it on his throat, and then continued.

"Don't cancel the marriage father, I beg you, I really love her and wanna be with her till the day I die, and I bet that she feels the same way about me, so please consider your son's feelings".

Upon finishing his pleading, he didn't cry but instead he kept staring at his father waiting for a reply.

Jeffrey witnessing this scene couldn't help but chuckle inwardly and think ' it's really cute to be young and ignorant, they don't know that this marriage was barely gonna happen cause our two families stood firm on their decision and didn't allow the other clans to abolish the marriage or pressure us in any way ".

After all, behind almost every marriage that emerges between clans in this continent, is a contract for benefits between both sides, and that's practically an alliance, so yeah you can comprehend a few things from just that point alone.

Jeffrey isn't stupid and was never stupid, or else he wouldn't have reached his current tier with an intact body and soul.

Except for the fact that the other clans are pressuring them and trying to cancel their marriage, afraid that this marriage will throw the balance that has always stood there.

The main thing here and the most important one is the death of Thomas and his dragon, those after all were two tier 3 powerhouses and cannot be replaced at a whim even if they try to.

That's why Thomas didn't care about the pressure from the other clans and was gonna marry his son to Maya anyway, but hearing the news about Thoma's death really made Jeffrey announce the marriage annulment after this.

Everyone might think his decision is stupid if he announces it to the public, given the fact that both sides will lose a pretty strong and wealthy ally, but the surrounding clans will actually think that Jeffrey is pretty cunning, and he managed to survive a crisis.

And that's cause This whole thing isn't only about marriage and throwing the balance anymore, no, not anymore at least, it got escalated to a whole different level with the news Romeo said right now.

And that's cause even with that greater ancestor or other ancestors coming out of seclusion and holding the front, in reality, they will only manage to hold their clan's headquarters and some other important resource places.

Other clans when they learn about Thomas's death and his dragon, will stop whatever they were doing and start slowly seizing the Hex family territory.

The hex family is but a tier 3 family after all, and the other clans are on the same level or stronger, some of them even reaching tier 4, so losing two tiers 3 is akin to a scythe being placed on the hex family throat.

So some resources will be surely lost, and the hex family won't be able to do shit cause they lost two important fighting powers.

And if those resources were lost, then the clan will slowly start weakening, till it won't be able to nurture a tier 3 powerhouse anymore, and that's why it's so important to protect your zone of influence for this clan.

On normal days, such a thing will never transpire and no one will try and seize the other clan's territory for no reasonable excuse.

But the excuse will just go knocking on their door bringing all the surrounding clans joy and happiness when the news leak to the other clans.

They for sure need an excuse cause of their identity as a righteous clan and the fact that the ruling family of the kingdom will eliminate whoever brings chaos and massacre inside of its territory.

However if the ruling family of the whole kingdom appeared and questioned them, those clans will now welcome them with big smiles on their faces and simply answer in a relaxed way.

The hex family is so weak and can't protect its vast territory anymore, so we are simply trying to help them out and lift some of their pressure, after all, that's what neighbors are for, right?

They will sound like they were doing a favor for that clan if no one knew better, but they still had to say those nice words even if they were gonna do a harsh thing for their benefit, and that's for their image as a justice force.

Jeffrey understood all of these points and that's why he already decided to cancel the wedding and not listen to his son's pleading.

Cause if he follows his feelings here, then the scenario will be super easy to predict. The two clans are in an alliance after the marriage, so Jeffrey will have to step in and join forces with the hex family in defending their territory.

If things reached that point, then the other town Lord and even some city Lord will start Scheming against Jeffrey, since he will for sure be busy with his political talks and fights for the hex family and himself since they were at that moment in an alliance.

At that point, Jeffrey will start battling on two fronts and then he will slowly start losing till he finally dies or his town gets taken away.

The kingdom doesn't forbid fighting, or more accurately, they can't stop people from fighting against each other, so they allow fighting but only for a good reason like it was mentioned before and with another detail, which is to not harm innocent people.

So Jeffrey won't do something so stupid as to fulfill his son's emotions and actually not cancel the marriage.

But he should at least thank Romeo for the indirect warning, Jeffrey is an old fox like Romeo, and he kind of understood what Romeo was trying to explain with his weird words.

In the first place, why would a tier 4 warrior even give a single glance at a nobody, much less tell her about her father news that not even her family informed her about?

So that's for sure meant for Jeffrey in some way, and that's not even his main goal for coming here obviously.

So Jeffrey answered the duo with a majestic tone " The marriage will be canceled Jeff and my decision won't change, Maya you can stay here for how long you want before you depart, now both of you quit the throne room and leave us alone, we four have few things to discuss between ourselves".

Jeff knew well his father's temper, so he didn't argue more, put the sword down, and started exiting the room.

Maya followed behind Jeff silently, she did understand what the lord meant to say, which is ' Pack up your things and don't stay here any longer,' he simply said those nice words just cause he was in front of those three people.

Jeffrey then looked at Romeo and thanked" I appreciate your help, my friend, now can you finally tell me about your purpose for this visit?

" Haha, no problem kid, well I came here to invite you for the yearly auction of course" Romeo revealed with a faint smile emerging on his face.