
Jeffrey from the events that just emerged right now is still kind of furious and isn't thinking straight, so he just asked trying to understand what the old man meant by his words.

" I'm sorry Romeo, but what are you talking about, and what yearly auction, would be really nice if you explain in detail"

" Ah, kid, the sudden death of Thomas and the annulment of the marriage really got you by surprise didn't it? Don't be that mad about it, I'll help you out soon enough" Romeo tried to comfort Jeffrey a little bit since he knew that he is a hot-blooded guy and barely contained himself earlier.

" Don't you remember, the Aysi kingdom will host the yearly auction this time around, and it will be of course located in the capital, anyway I came here to invite you, the auction will start in a month so be There my friend" Romeo proceeded with his words and explained why he came here.

Jeffrey hearing this, another piece of news about this event came to his mind, and couldn't help but say " Oh that, the Immortal Paijin organization already sent me a message, they are gonna host a competition in my town in two weeks related to the auction, well, I guess it's time to start preparing for all of this things, thank you for the invitation old man, I'll make sure to attend ".

Jeffrey's expression suddenly changed to that of pure anger and locked into the mage/warrior standing down below.

" Now you two, let's have a real talk about how such a thing ever happened on your watch, I clearly paid for bodyguards, not guides, so I'll be needing an explanation from your sect elders, Immediately contact your superiors and have them come here or I won't mind paying them a visit myself "Jeffrey ordered in a majestic tone befitting his lord status.

The two below were shivering with fear after hearing what Jeffrey said, and even their backs were drenched with sweat.

They each instantly took out their communication device and started contacting their elders in hope that they can get to see tomorrow.


Mike was holding the black dragon egg in his hands with shining eyes, and couldn't help but rejoice at the decision he made to wait and reap some benefits.

' Risks really get you some good harvests sometimes, I would have wasted getting such a treasure if I was that afraid of death, I luckily already have experience in death so I didn't mind taking such a risk, other people would have already run away when they saw that dragon 'Mike couldn't help but think while constantly smiling.

However, while Mike was enjoying his time staring at his egg, Robert couldn't hold it anymore and interrupted him.

"Master, we already obtained the egg giving the fact that the fire didn't seem to damage her, but what are you planning on doing with it, that's after all a rare dragon and so risky to keep it with you after it hatches, giving how weak we are," Robert asked what's important, wanting to figure out his master's next actions with the egg.

" Well it's not like it will give me any experience from killing it since it's basically just an egg now and hatching is gonna be a pain in the ass since I don't even know how to hatch a dragon egg, so I'll be selling this" Mike casually answered with his gaze still locked on the egg.

Mike after saying those words couldn't help but ask an important question' System can anyone break the contract on Robert as you did? '.

[ No one can do such a thing in this world]

Hearing this, Mike heaved a big sigh of relief and couldn't help but put the egg inside of the system's storage and start what he wants to do.

So he directly turned his head towards Robert and ordered " Robert, I want you to gather as many beasts as possible inside of this forest, however, don't kill any and only capture them alive, make it quick since I'll be waiting here".

Robert was already confused by the words his master used early, like experience and killing a dragon enfant the moment it hatches and now he ordered him to gather beasts, so he couldn't help but raise a question.

"Master, what do you need beasts for? Are you gonna sell them later for example? You don't really have to since selling that egg will make you so rich"

Mike realized that Robert is crucial for him to get stronger now and simply chose to tell him the reason since no one can control Robert except him anyway so it's totally safe to do so.

" The more beasts I kill the more powerful I become, and that's why you will have to go and gather the beasts around the forest now so I can kill them all,"

Listening to his master's explanation, Robert's mouth opened and closed a few times before ending up saying" Yes, master "and retreating obediently to finish accomplishing his order.

He didn't even dare to inquire about what his master meant with the more he kills the stronger he gets afraid that he will lose his life if he stepped out of line, so he simply chose to shut up.

By now the light of dawn had peeked into the horizon, casting Mike's shadow over his face. The sun rose gradually, but Mike suddenly felt a sense of joy overwhelming him, that even surpassed his joy after looting the egg.

Mike chose a random tall tree, climbed it, and lay on one of the branches, his mind started wandering, recalling his past life events.

So what if I was helpless and poor in my past life? Now everything is gonna change and I'll get tons of money out of this egg.

So what if I robbed and died without any resistance? Now, I'll rob, kill and even worse for the sake of getting stronger, and show me how ill die so easily this time around.

So what if my girlfriend, family, and friends abandoned me? I got used to loneliness and just having the system is more than enough for me.

Since I reincarnated, then all of those memories should be a painful lesson that I learned from life. After all, even a peaceful world like that was already so harsh to live in, much less here where the strong eat the weak.

Mike couldn't help but recall the events that occurred above his village, a hint of excitement and yearning could be detected in his eyes.

Mike was still diving into his thoughts when a voice snapped him out of it.

" Master, I have already finished what you ordered me of doing, will you please get down and check if this is good enough?" Robert couldn't help but interrupt Mike out of his thoughts.

'Ohhh, he already gathered all the beasts? Isn't this a bit too fast? I know that he is almost at tier 2, but he didn't even take a few minutes to finish his task' Mike inwardly thought, he jumped in front of the beasts and started checking them out.

Robert was chaining all the beasts with only his mana and no spells whatsoever were needed given the fact that they are way below his strength, so Mike wasn't afraid of the sheer amount of beasts standing in front of him.

" Nicely done Robert, some of those beasts are even close to tier 1 and you even gathered this many. By the way, why did you only get these beasts and not more?" Mike asked, still greedy to get more than this.

" Thank you for your praise Master it wasn't that big of a deal, except those 27 beats give or take some, I didn't find more, I think we should change the location given the fact that this is only a low-level forest and is always being cleaned up by the nearby villages and towns " Robert reported and advised his master for a better solution if he wants more.

" Given the fact that I'll be heading to Serene town to sell this egg and the few things I got from that girls ring, let's now be satisfied with those beasts and start hunting for real after we get out of this shitty forest" Mike explained and started pondering.

Since I have a lot of beasts, why don't I let Robert kill one and see if it can get me experience? that will really be a huge help for the future.

Mike chose to simply test it since the system was basically a power without sentiment and won't answer such a question as to whether his slave can give him experience or not.

" Robert, kill that wolf over there at the back, only that wolf and no other beasts so control your power" Mike ordered, pointing at a level 10 wolf at the back of the little army standing in front of him.

Seeing where Mike was pointing out, Robert responded with a " yes, master " and directly killed the wolf.

Mike almost forgot that Robert was closing on tier 2 and didn't need to advise him to control his power, since he can kill it with just a speck of his mana.