
Aselia's POV

I sat on the chair waiting I did not incline anything. Frila brought me some food which I ate because my stomach was growling. She left for a while and then returned to keep an eye on me.

"Señor has asked me to not let you sleep and I am to wake you if you do fall under." She explained.

"Don't worry, I am not planning on sleeping," I reassured her as she sat down on the other chair.

"How long have you been working for him?" I was curious. "10 years, but it seems like I have known him forever." She smiled. We chit-chatted for a while. Frila was a young vampire and Xiran rescued her after her mother was killed by humans. She was a smart girl and even though she had seen hardships she didn't blame others for them. She inquired about my past but I dodged her questions by answering vaguely.

"I have never seen an elf before you." She seemed interested in talking about my kind. "We are at the brink of extinction, thanks to your kindnesses. The ones left don't like to mingle with vampires except me. I am a free spirit and I do what I want. I drive thrill from experiencing danger." I retorted back at her.

"Vampires are a ruthless species, and sometimes I believe that maybe we deserve whatever is happening to us now." She seemed genuinely sorry, her tone was apologetic.

"Yes maybe, all our species have done some unquestionable things. I guess it's the way this world works."

"I hope a day will come when we can have real peace among all the species and we can dwell along with each other." She offered me a smile while I shrugged my shoulders. There was silence for a few minutes as I could hear the clock ticking, it was almost dawn when Frila spoke again.

"Aselia, be careful of the other two girls of Xiran, especially Treia. She acts as if she owns him and she doesn't let any other girl last long here. She has been with him for four years now. She can be pretty mean at times." She tried to warn me about girl politics.

"Relax, I have no interest in Xiran, I just wanted to experience something new and here I am. She can keep that old man." Frila bit her lip at my words as if trying to keep herself from smiling.

Just then we heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I ordered. The door opened and Carios entered looking sleep-deprived. Was he up all night as well?

"Sire needs breakfast and he said the new girl will make it." He addressed Frila. Damnit, I had forgotten all about it. Both of them shot me a look while I frowned.

"What? I don't know how to cook." I shrugged my shoulders. "Aselia, you have to follow his orders if you want to avoid more punishments in future," Frila instructed me. "Ok, fine lead the way." I was feeling rather annoyed right now.

Frila and Carios lead me across the corridors, up the dungeon stairs and into the hotel's grand kitchen. According to the information I had, Xiran was the real owner of this hotel although a human by the name of Markos was shown to be the owner for the general public. Very few people knew about Xiran's existence, there were no pictures or much information available on him.

The kitchen was bubbling with activity, at least 20 chefs were working in it. Frila led me to a lady wearing a white apron and toque. She was in her late forties. Her demeanour was pleasant to look at as she adorned a pleasant smile on her face. Everything about her screamed rainbow and sunshine, damn what was such a graceful lady doing here?

"Aselia, this is our head chef Madam Marcia. Ma'am, this is Aselia and she will be making Señor's breakfast today. She will be needing your assistance." Frila introduced us.

"Hello, my dear. Welcome, welcome my child. If you will follow me to this counter." She pointed toward the far end of this endless kitchen which was lined with hundreds of utensils, spices and other essential ingredients neatly placed on silver shelves. I followed her without saying anything while Frila left to attend to her other tasks.

"What can you cook dear? Although Señor eats almost everything. His favourite breakfast is scrambled eggs, sausages, scones, toast and a cup of tea. Since it's your first day, let's go with his favourite. Easier to impress." She winked at me.

"Right, but I don't know how to cook anything. I can boil water but that's it." I told her truthfully.

"Oh! my really?" Madam Marcia seemed to have received a shock at this revelation.

"Yes," I replied coyly.

"Why does Señor wants you to cook then?"

"Punishment," I said looking embarrassed. "My poor dear, you need not worry. I will help you. Just don't tell Señor." She winked at me as we both got to work. She handed me eggs to break and guided me every step of the way. I overcooked the eggs and burnt the toast. Madam Marcia had to take over as breakfast was getting late and I just stood there watching her do her magic.

Once everything was ready I helped her place everything in the tea trolley. She instructed me on how to serve it to him with a white napkin and everything. Carios was waiting for me outside the kitchen. He instructed me not to remove my hood and follow him quietly without drawing any attention to myself. I scanned my surroundings and made a mind map of the locations of the kitchen, reservation desk, dungeons, and lifts. I also calculated the time needed to move from one location to the next.

We reached the lift area. The doors were golden with rich designs of flower vines and birds, delicately drawn on them. Carios pressed the button to the far left lift and hit the top floor. The hotel had a total of 30 floors. Once we had reached the top floor, the lift pinged and doors slid open. Carios and I stepped out. He lead me across a vast corridor which had a huge swimming pool to its left and a gym to its right. At the end of the corridor there stood a massive black door which had embossed the word "Xiran" in golden letters.

So this was his room. Carios knocked and his melodious voice sounded from within: "Come in."

As we stepped inside this vast room, I almost gasped as my eyes fell on him.