Did you really?

Aselia's POV

He was sprawled over on a white love chair clad in a milky bathrobe tied loosely to his waist with a belt. His slender infinite legs were spread in front of him while his hands were resting behind his head. His Bathrobe failed miserably to cover his smooth chest while his wet silvery-long hair was cascading to the floor like a waterfall. His eyes were closed and he almost appeared to be peacefully sleeping, which he wasn't.

"Thank you, Carios. You may leave." His ethereal voice seemed to flow toward us softly.

"Sire," Carios bowed and left shutting the door behind him. My heart picked up its pace once I found myself alone with him.

"Are you going to just stand there or will you serve me my breakfast?" His voice almost seemed hypnotic, why did his voice have so much effect on me? I didn't like losing control of myself but this wretched vampire was making everything so difficult for me.

'Focus, girl you need to focus' I reminded myself trying to break whatever trance he was trying to weave. My heartbeat had calmed down a bit so I pushed the trolley forward and came to a halt near his feet where a white marble coffee table had been placed. I placed everything on the coffee table to the best of my knowledge.

"Ahm," I cleared my throat as I finished placing everything on the table. He slowly opened those hypnotic grey eyes of his and glimpsed toward me. My heart began to thud louder and louder again and it didn't go unnoticed by him because his face lit up instantly like a Christmas tree.

He took his time sitting up and placing his legs on both sides of the love chair. Madam Marci had told me to place a napkin on his lap but the way he was sitting, there was no lap. So I picked up the napkin and placed it on the love chair between his legs, where his lap was supposed to be.

He raised his eyebrows at me but I ignored him. I wasn't his maid, he could adjust the damn napkin wherever he wanted to place it. He kept looking at me as if I had to do something else too.

"Who will cut the sausages?" He finally spoke.

"Are your hands not working this fine day?" I was feeling irked.

He suppressed a smile by biting his lower lip: "They are, but according to your punishment you have to do it."

"Fine," I picked up the knife and chopped them or one can say butchered them into large horrendous chunks. He watched me with an amused look on his face. I was sure he was trying his best to not burst out laughing.

"There," I offered. He looked at the massacred sausages and then he glanced back at me with utmost disbelief and finally sighed before picking up the fork.

After taking a few bites of scrambled eggs and sausages he asked: "Did you make this on your own?"

"Yes," I lied.

"Hmm, how long did you saute the sausages?" He asked looking at the sausage on his fork. I had no clue whatsoever.

"Thirty minutes," I said whatever came to my mind.

"Oh! really," he gave me an appreciative look, "And how did you make this tea?" He pointed to the teacup. I was not a tea drinker, all I knew was that water and some leaves were mixed to make tea.

"By mixing water and tea leaves of course," I replied confidently.

"And you didn't add anything else?" I wasn't really paying attention to tea making when Madam Marci did because I was focused on those damn eggs.

"Nops," I replied my heartbeat picking up the pace again.

"Hmmm, then how come this tea has milk in it?" He asked me ever so softly his gaze fixed on me.

"It does? Madam Marci helped me a bit so she might have added it." I shrugged.

"Helped you a bit or did she prepare this all? Because from the looks of it you can't even cut sausages let alone saute them. If they had been sauteed for 30 minutes, they would be black and inedible." He pointed to the sausages again with those aristocratic fingers of his.

"Look, I tried. But I don't know how to cook so whatever I had made was not serveable. She had to step in." I told the truth.

"There. See it wasn't that difficult to speak the truth in the first place. I would have preferred to eat whatever you had prepared instead of being lied to. For lunch you will prepare it yourself, I don't want anyone else preparing it for me. Understood?" There was no anger in his voice just authority so damn much, authority.

"Yes," I said quietly.

"I don't like being lied to. Don't do that again." He spoke calmly while trying to smoulder me with his burning gaze.

"Ok," well lies were all I knew so welcome to my world I guess.

"Come here and sit down." He patted the place where I had placed the napkin.

"Why?" I asked alarms ringing inside my head.

"Your scent is driving me crazy, I need to savour some of that delicious blood of yours. Don't worry I won't do anything else and I will be gentle." His words sent electric shocks throughout my body. I wasn't afraid of the pain but the way he said it, made it seem so sensual. I couldn't move even though I knew I had to.

He extended his hand toward me and I knew I had to take it. I placed my left hand in his as he pulled me close and made me sit on the love chair in front of him with my face facing away from him. He gently pulled down my hood and moved some stray hair which had come undone from the bun I had made yesterday. Then he clasped both my shoulders with his warm hands. I could feel his warmth seeping inside even from the clothes I was wearing. My fickle heart started beating faster and faster again. My whole body tensed because of his touch and proximity. I was trying hard not to touch any part of his body with mine as I clutched both my hands in my lap.

"Relax, I am not going to hurt you. Stay still." His lips breathed in my ear like a cold gust of wind on a sunny day. I closed my eyes in anticipation as he tilted my head a bit to the left, exposing my neck to his canines. Then I felt two tiny pricks like needles entering my neck and it felt like my whole body was on fire just like the last time he did. The sensation was indescribable and I felt like butter, melting away in his arms...