
Xiran's POV

As soon as her blood entered my system I felt this odd sensation inside me. It was heavenly delicious, my mind wanted to just shut down every other emotion and focus solely on this tantalising liquid, which had a fragrance I had never smelled before. It was not only intoxicating but also overpowering. I didn't want to stop as my carnal desire wanted to take over but I knew I shouldn't be drinking for more than five minutes or I would make her anaemic and I was sure she hadn't even eaten her breakfast.

I could feel her body had relaxed a bit but her heartbeat was all over the place. She was anxious and I didn't want her to feel scared of me. I had to stop but I couldn't bring myself to do it, my body was not acting according to the wishes of my brain. She had started to fidget a bit as I held her steady by her shoulders. I slipped one of my hands to her waist and pulled her closer to my chest. Her whole body became tensed again as it touched mine and she began to struggle under my hold. I knew I shouldn't have pulled her closer, she was not comfortable with my touches, and although all I wanted was for her to feel relaxed, the opposite happened.

So I stopped and pulled my canines out of her neck, it took every fibre in my body to do that. I wanted to kiss her neck but I knew she won't like that. Instead, I just held her close for a while taking in her floral scent by placing my nose on her neck. The two small dots were still oozing blood so I put my hand on them and pressed. "Let me go," she spoke slowly as if trying to catch her breath.

"Wait, let me stop the bleeding," I whispered as she turned her head to look at me, her expressions were unreadable again. Why was she such a mystery?

"It will stop eventually, I don't care. You need to let me go." She was very clear about what she wanted. I was used to girls who would jump all over me after this experience and here she was trying to get away from me. Did I repulse her? Maybe. I wanted to know more about her.

"Sure," I removed my hands and she instantly got up and scuttled away from me as if I was something filthy she needed to avoid.

"Sit down," I ordered her, my voice came out angrier than I had anticipated. "You are not supposed to stand up instantly after this. You can black out." I got up, grabbed her hand and seated her on the chair. Her face looked shocked at my sudden anger but she stayed quiet. I let go of her and stepped back trying to give her the space she needed.

"Eat," I pointed to the breakfast as I made my way to the extension telephone. My call got received instantly and I ordered: "Put Madam Marci on the phone." I drummed my fingers on the wall trying not to look at her.

"Señor," Madam Marci answered after a few minutes.

"Come to my top-level suite and bring cranberry juice," I ordered.

"Right away, Señor," I cut the line and placed back the phone. I turned around to look at her and she was eating slowly, her heartbeat had become steady and the bleeding seemed to have stopped. The silence in the room was deafening and it was hard for me to concentrate right now. She was driving me crazy, maybe it was her scent but no one had this effect on me. Was it her Elven blood? No wonder elves were almost extinct, it was impossible to resist them.

I left her to eat and went to the washroom to change before Madam Marci was here. I choose black dress pants and a white full sleeves shirt. Then I brushed my hair, which was almost dry now and tied them in a neat bun. There was a knock on the door so I stepped outside the washroom and gave permission to enter.

It was Madam Marci carrying a glass of Cranberry juice. "Señor," she bowed her head a bit before placing the glass on the table.

"Madam Marci, next time bring the whole jug and it's your duty that she drinks it daily." I felt a little annoyed that she only brought one glass for her.

"My apologies, I will make sure your order is fulfilled." She replied quickly.

"And, when I order that she will make my food, it means she alone will do it. You are not to cook it, you can guide her but if this offence is repeated I will not be tolerant next time." My voice was low but threatening.

Madam Marci's face had gone white as a sheet, she quickly bowed her head and replied: "Señor, please forgive me. I will be very careful from now on."

"Good, Rivan will be having lunch with me today. You will prepare his lunch but mine will be prepared by Aselia. Do I make myself clear?" I addressed Madam Marci.

"Perfectly, Señor."

"You may leave, I will send her your way once she is finished eating." Madam Marci bowed and left.

I stood beside her when she spoke: "You didn't have to act like an ass to her, she was only trying to help me give you something you could actually eat." I glimpsed toward her as she picked up the glass and took a sip of juice.

"I will eat whatever you will make, as long as you make it on your own."

"Oh! really? I hope you won't live to regret this decision of yours." She took a quick peek at me to see my reaction as a knowing smile was playing on her lips.

"We will see," I smiled back at her.

"You promised me something." She spoke again.

"I remember, we will get to it soon. I have a friend over and I would like you to meet him at lunch today. Ask Frila to help you with clothes and I want you to keep your ears covered at all times. No one can know you are an elf. Is that clear?"


"Perfect, finish your juice. I will leave you with Madam Marci before heading out."

I wanted to clear my head after being in such proximity to her. She was driving me insane as she was just sitting there drinking like it was nothing. I knew it was going to be so much harder than I had anticipated.