
Three days had passed but Xiran didn't visit Aselia after the conversation they had. Aselia painted to keep herself busy. Frila visited her often with food and drinks and kept her company.

On the third day, Carios visited and asked her if she would like to flex her muscles. Aselia was dying to do that. "Aselia, wear your cap and follow me," Carios instructed her. She hid her ears under a beanie and accompanied him to a room that looked like a training room.

Different kinds of weapons adorned the walls of the room. Aselia gaped at them like a child in a candy store. "You like what you see?" Carios asked.

"Yes, they look interesting. Too bad I don't know how to use them." She pouted.

"Maybe one day I will teach you, but for now let's see how good you are in hand-to-hand combat." Carios got in position with a front stance. Aselia was the first to attack with a high punch, which Carios easily blocked. She tried straight and reverse punches but all of them were blocked by Carios.

"You lack speed, Aselia. I can see and judge all your moves."

"Yes, I am new to this. It has only been a few months since I started learning these techniques for self-defense. In this world, you never know when you will need to defend yourself."

"Don't worry, I will teach you a few basic moves and with practice, you will be able to perfect them in no time," Carios told her as he began to guide her on how to throw a solid punch and land a fatal kick." Aselia took every word seriously as if she was actually new to this.

They trained for an hour and Aselia got dead tired. "I think that's enough for today. We will continue tomorrow." Carios instructed her seeing her red cheeks and breathlessness.

"Ye...s," She breathed out as she gulped down some cold water. Once she had regained her breath she asked Carios: "Is your master still sulking? He was the one who was supposed to do this with me."

"Sulking? Something is bothering him, that's for sure. But he asked me to assist you in sparring."

"I would like to see him," Aselia told Carios.

"He is not in a good mood, it's better if you don't. He hasn't been seeing anyone."

"Oh! damn. I had no clue he would be such a crybaby. Take me to him." Carios looked at her with a shocked expression. No one had ever addressed his Sire like she just did.

"Are you sure? I will not take any responsibility if his mood got worse. You will be on your own, Aselia." He shrugged.

"Fine, by me. Let me go change and then just take me to his room."

They went back to her room. Carios waited outside while Aselia took a shower and changed into navy blue flared trousers and a sky blue tunic. She lightly dried her hair and let them loose so it could dry properly. She then put on her beanie and was set to go.

Carios took her into another corridor and at the end of that, there was a white door with a golden door knob. Carios knocked but there was no answer. He knocked again and same result. "I don't think Sire wants to be disturbed right now. Let's go back."

"No way, let me try." And instead of knocking she simply rotated the doorknob and pushed the door open. Carios almost had a heart attack.

"Aselia, what are you doing? You can't just barge into his room." He reprimanded her but she didn't listen. She winked at him and went in before he could stop her and shut the door behind her.

The room was drenched in complete darkness. She couldn't see anything, so she just groped in the darkness trying to make her way forward. When a voice thundered from somewhere ahead of her. "Why are you here?" It was cold and sharp.

She breathed in before replying. "To see you obviously. I didn't know you would be such a wimp."

"Leave," his reply was curt.

"I won't," she was still trying to see in the dark.

Suddenly, a light was switched on to her left. She peeked in the direction to find a black four-poster bed with Xiran stretched over it. A black duvet was covering his body from the waist below and his upper torso was bare. Hands behind his head as he lay with his head and neck pressed against the back of the bed. Watching her like a hawk, his smiling face was expressionless today. He had turned on the night lamp on his nightstand.

"What do you want, Aselia?" He asked her coldly. She gulped hard, trying to get her bearings. She hadn't seen him without his shirt before and it was distracting her from forming clear words. She tried not to look at his perfectly smooth chest.

"For you to stop acting like a child and own up to your mistake. And while you do that, can you stop sulking as well?"

"Hmm, so you think I act like a child and I sulk? And what mistake are we talking about? Can you elaborate?" The voice was so smooth once again as if he wasn't talking but playing a melody.

"That you tried to make me jealous using Treia and when I called you out. You got angry and stopped visiting me." She blurted out.

"And did you really feel jealous? Did my plan work?" He implored with a hiss.

"Of course not, why would I feel jealous?"

"Good," and he reached out to his phone and dialled a number. As soon as someone answered: "Send Treia to my room," he cut the call and placed his phone back and continued watching Aselia. She could feel her cheeks getting heated up and her ears began to burn due to his intense gaze. What was he going to do? To distract herself she began to observe the room and noticed it was the complete opposite of his room above which had everything white in it. This room in contrast had the entirety of it as black.

There was a knock on the door.

"Sit in front of me and watch, and don't you dare avert your eyes." He instructed her before saying: "Come in,"

Treia appeared in a lacy purple bikini and a matching thong. Aselia's mouth flung open at her apparel and the way she snickered past her heading to the bed where Xiran was lying down.

"Master, you needed me." She spoke in a luscious voice.

"Yes, pleasure me." Although he spoke to Treia his grey orbs were fixed on Aselia.