
The unconscious vampires finally regained their senses. The one who was talking to his girlfriend had numerous girlfriends as Aselia had discovered when she checked his phone. So, she acted like a jealous girlfriend. There was no security breach or detection of a hostile invasion. It was concluded that one of his girlfriends had carried out a revenge plan. He wanted to save his life and job so he told others that it was one of his girlfriends who had attacked him and his partner.

No one wanted to take the matters to Xiran and face his wrath as he was already angsty since the party last night. The matter was dismissed and it didn't make it to Xiran's ears. The Phantom Vampire spend a lot of time with Xiran even after the party. He had planned to stay but something came up and he left in the middle of the night with his entourage of elves.

Xiran called Frila to enquire about Aselia and she assured him that Aselia was fast asleep. Xifin and Sohlia had decided to stay for a few days and enjoy the beach and casinos of Fritez City. Their city had no beach and although Xifin's business was running casinos he wanted to see how accomplished the casinos of Fritez City were. Since Xiran had no interest in gambling and casinos he had only allowed their establishment under strict rules and regulations. The owners were to hand out monthly reports which were accessed accordingly.

Xiran went to his study after Phantom Vampire left and spent quite some time there. Going through paperwork and reflecting on what had transpired at the party. Xiran had a dismal feeling about his visit. Something was not right, he was planning something ominous. He was the most powerful vampire alive and he had a whole continent of "Anthos" under his jurisdiction.

Their planet was known as "Altair" and it had a total of four continents. Anthos, Tremais, Druhias, and Treskilaya. Anthos had 10 major cities and hundreds of towns. The majority population was vampires based but there were other species as well including humans who remained in fear of being hunted down. Elves had been completely wiped out from Anthos and other than a handful who live with him, no free elves could be found in Anthos.

Tremais and Treskilaya were under human and elven jurisdictions and the vampire population was scarce except for the walled city of Valiois which was located in Treskilaya. While Druhias didn't particularly come under anyone's jurisdiction. It was a free continent with all kinds of species living together, sometimes in peace and sometimes raging wars with each other. Fritez City was located in Druhias. Hunters had absolute access to Tremais and Treskilaya but they avoided Druhias and Anthos. Recently this seemed to have changed as more and more hunters had been spotted especially in Druhias.

Xiran was dead tired and fell asleep in his study when he was awoken by Carios.

"Sire," Xiran opened his eyes lazily and stared at him. "He was attacked on his way back to Anthos. We assume hunters were behind the attack." Carios updated him on the current situation.

"What? Did he survive?" Xiran jolted up from his seat in anticipation and astonishment. "He did, can't say the same for his attackers though."

"Where did the incident take place?" Xiran inquired while striding toward his room to change and head over there.

"On Walat Street when he was on his way to Airport. Seems like they were waiting for him in an ambush. They must have intel on him and knew that he would be visiting Fritez City. Too bad they didn't comprehend his actual strength." Carios added with a grim expression.

"Hmm, let me change and we will head over there. Xiran opened the door and disappeared into his room.


Aselia had been waiting to hear back from Team Alpha on the status report of the capturing mission so she could escape and join them. Since Marhia was the team leader she would be leading the capture mission but must have left at least one agent behind to update Aselia.

Frila left in the morning so Aselia was all alone. Her anticipation was rising as she tried to make contact through the secure channel for the tenth time.

"Hello,,,, White Falcon here,,,,,,,, Does anyone copy?"


Then finally someone spoke. "White Falcon, this is Agent 35, I am afraid I have some bad news." Aselia's heart almost jumped in her throat.

"Agent 35, what's the mission report?"

"White Falcon, Alpha Team failed its mission to capture the Phantom Vampire. Everything was going according to plan, and they had him ambushed. But then I heard them scream as if someone was torturing them. I was still in communication with Marhia, and the last thing I heard was her shriek and then comms went static. I went to check on the team from a distance with the help of my binoculars. They were all dead, it seemed like their heads had exploded. No one had survived his slaughter and he was long gone. So, I used the remote control device to blow up the small bomb Marhia was carrying just in case the mission went sideways. I burnt the area to a crisp, nothing can be traced back to you or our organisation." Agent 35 gave her the complete status report.

Aselia slumped to the bathroom floor not believing what she was hearing. Alpha Team was the most experienced and skilled team they had with some hunters who had an experience of 25 plus years. To think that all of them were wiped out by a single vampire made her blood boil. She should have been there, fighting alongside them. She shared some cherished memories with them. She hardly ever cried but at this moment tears rolled down her cheeks, she clutched at her heart and tried to control the anger that embroiled inside her.

"Even Marhia?" She finally asked. "I am afraid so. I will be remaining here but I won't contact you for a while now as security might tighten after today's events. I will wait for further instructions from headquarters and as I get them I will inform you of how we need to proceed further now."

"I will wait for further instructions," Aselia replied with a heavy heart before ending the communication. Her feelings were all over the place, to hear that her fellow hunters had been slaughtered. She wanted to scream and pull her hair but it would not do any good. She had to remain calm, act like everything was normal, she hasn't yet completed her mission and she wouldn't leave until she did it.