
Xiran was aghast at the sight that met his eyes. A dozen charred bodies with severed heads and torn limbs were scattered in the street within a 100-meter radius. Faces were unrecognizable as they had been burnt beyond recognition. From the looks of it, one of them blew himself up when they figured it was impossible to kill or capture their target. Eliminating any traces of who they were.

Police had already arrived at the scene, the area was cordoned off and they were collecting samples. Warise; The Chief of Police was on the scene as well promptly giving orders to collect samples and pictures.

"Any clue who they are, Warise?" Xiran inquired in a grim voice. "We are assuming hunters, considering who their target was." He referred to Phantom Vampire because nobody knew his real name.

"Did he escape unscathed? He didn't contact me considering he was here to attend my party."

"He did, he contacted me and informed me that he has left behind the bodies of a few imbeciles who tried to attack him." Warise was still trying to figure out the details and analyse the situation.

"At least this will keep hunters out of my city for a while now, hopefully, they have learnt their lesson that Fritez City being a free city doesn't indicate they can bring their battles here. If they wanna capture him they should go to Anthos." Xiran was furious that his city was becoming the epicentre of the clashes between vampires and hunters.

"Warise, weed out any hunters you find in the city and bring them to me. Also, keep me updated on this case." Warise nodded and went back to his men.

Xiran turned to Carios: "Find and contact the head of Avarance, I need to speak to him."

"Yes, Sire." They headed back to the car. Carios placed numerous calls through his connections and was finally able to locate the desired number. Placing the call he handed the phone to Xiran.

As the call connected Xiran spoke: "I am Mayor Mazitine from Fritez City, put your supervisor on the line." There was a slight pause on the other end and then a deep voice answered: "Speaking."

"Who is?" Xiran was sceptical.

"Head of Avarance."

"I guess you already have an idea why I am placing this call."

"I don't, enlighten me." The voice was authoritative yet dismal, it irritated Xiran.

"I will do more than just enlighten you and once I am done with you, there won't be much enlightenment left." The threat in Xiran's voice was real, he was fed up with hunters trying to disrupt the peace in his city.

"I thought you people had learnt your lesson from the last time you people tried to put your foot in my city. I guess I was wrong." Six of the five hunters were killed last time who came to fish for information about the Phantom Vampire, only one of them survived and escaped.

"If you are done with your threats, state your business."

"Your hunters are disrupting my city's peace. If you have an axe to grind with the Phantom, I suggest you take it with him in Anthos. Stop using my city for your vendetta and animosity. He killed the team you sent against him and if anyone has survived I will make sure they meet a same fate."

"I have no clue what you are talking about." The voice seemed unaffected by the revelation Xiran made.

"That's not surprising at all, considering your organisation uses people as cow fodder. Well, I have warned you, take your business away from my city. Or I will hunt you down and slaughter every last member of your organisation, mercilessly." Xiran spat out these words with utmost disgust before handing the phone to Carios. His mood had turned sour, he didn't like bloodshed and killing people. But this world demanded it, it demanded him to turn into a monster which he tried to keep at bay.

"Head back," he ordered the driver.

"Carios, check the guest list for yesterday's party and everyone staying at the hotel. I need a complete background check on everyone and provide me with the details. Xiran knew someone at the party had tipped off the hunters about Phantom's presence.

"Yes, Sire."

He got back and removed the mask covering his face and headed for the dungeon. He met Frila on his way down.

"How is she?" He inquired. "Forgive me Señor but she is not eating." She bowed with a grim expression.

"How long?"

"Since, y...esterday morning." Reluctance was evident in her voice.

"Leave it to me." He strode off toward Aselia's room. Opening the door he found the room was submerged in darkness. All lights were off and it took his eyes a few seconds to adjust.

"Aselia...," he called her name softly. There was no response. He could hear her soft heartbeat and smell her exhilarating scent. He stepped inside and went straight to where she was. He didn't need light to locate her. She was sitting on the floor with her back pressed against the opposite wall. He sat down beside her. One leg straight other propped to support his arm.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"Yes," her voice was sad today and he could feel a heaviness surrounding her as if she was in pain.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling alright? Why are you in pain?" She was shocked that he could feel her emotions, which meant she was not doing a good job of hiding them.

"I have some tummy ache."

"That's because you are not eating. I thought you love eating. If you are starving yourself just to punish me, it's not a sensible feat to achieve. You are not only hurting me, but you are also damaging your health. There are other ways to hurt me than starving yourself. I thought you were smarter than that." A small smile played on his lips.

"I don't think you care enough to get affected by any of my actions," Aselia replied calmly.

"That's not true Aselia, I care very deeply for you...," deep down she knew he cared for her but she didn't want to accept the truth, to see the truth he wanted to show her. It made it hard for her to push him away. He tried to take her hand which was perched on the floor right next to him but she jerked him away.

"Don't touch me," but her voice was breaking. The emotions she was trying to cage, were on the edge of letting themselves loose. Seeing her parents' killer, knowing Xiran was somehow close to a murderer, losing so many teammates and then a realization dawning on her that she was about to fail her mission. It pushed her on the verge of collapsing, only her training was holding her together.

Xiran could feel her raw emotions and pain and considered himself to be the root cause of it all.

"Come here...please," He finally glanced toward her, she was sitting with her legs hugging her chest, and her sad eyes were fixed on him. He could see her. All he wanted to do was hug her to take away some of her agonies. He only understood a fraction of her sufferings, though he could feel there was more.

He extended his hand again toward her face and stopped right before touching her cheek as if taking permission from her. She didn't move, flinch or speak instead she kept staring at him with her head on her legs. He placed his hand on her cheek, comforting her with his warmth, providing her with a relief she didn't know she sought. No words were spoken for there was no need for them, just silence prevailed between the two torn-down souls who found solace in each other.