
"Ahhh, he speaks." Xiran chuckled while Rivan smiled from behind him.

"We want to bag the Phantom Vampire, that's why we came here." Agent 35 said while wincing with immense pain.

"Who gave you the information on him?" Xiran asked stepping closer to him.

"Another hunter. She perished in the fight with Phantom." Agent 35 grimaced.

"How many of you are still here?" Xiran inquired next.

"Just me, I wanted to gather more information on you before leaving."

"Me? Huh? Interesting. And what is that you gathered about me? Let's hear it." Xiran stepped even closer to him with danger emanating from his whole body.

"Not much, you seem like a maniac though." Agent 35 spat out.

"Was that meant as a compliment? Rivan you think he just complimented me?" Xiran asked in an amused voice.

"I don't think hunters are capable of that, they are pretty uptight. I think he meant it as an insult." Rivan replied in a bored voice.