A special dress

[ This chapter is dedicated to my two fellow authors who helped me in detailing it beautifully. Love you ladies @QueenFrieza @Juujuu Sky. Thank you so much.]

Over the next month, Aselia made a speedy recovery. Soon she was walking without help and was allowed to eat. Her right hand and ribs healed properly. Only leaving scars behind both on her body and mind.

She couldn't wait to get back to work out again but Doctor Wanstine asked her to wait for a couple of weeks.

Earlier, she had checked her shoes and found the communication device and serums safely tucked inside. She tried using the device couple of times when Xiran was out but no one answered on the other end. She was unaware of the tragedy that had befallen Agent 35.

It had been a month without any contact from her organisation. She was sure they were just laying low, for now, to let the situation settle after the attack from the Phantom.