Rivan's Wisdom

Xiran's POV 

Every step felt heavy as I left her room. It felt like I had been stabbed multiple times. I never knew a woman could break me as she did. Wallowing in pain and guilt I reached my room. Opening the door I found Rivan sprawled on my bed, his arms resting behind his head, an evil smile playing on his face. 

One look, only one look at my face and he understood everything. "Seems like she steamrolled you pretty bad. Not that you didn't deserve it. You certainly did, after what you tried to pull today." He chuckled at me and then threw his head back and laughed. His voice echoed all around my room. 

"Shut up, Rivi." I shot him the angriest look I could manage in that instant. My mind was already in turmoil and now Rivan was going to laugh at my expanse.