Not a good idea.

Xiran's POV 

Frila entered the room holding a small box in her hands. She was about to say something but then her eyes landed on Rivan and she presses her lips together and began staring at the floor. 

"What?" I was feeling frustrated at her actions and was not in the mood to play the guessing game.


"Speak up Frila, Rivan is like my other half so speak freely." She slightly looked up at my words, and stepping forward she extended a small blue box towards me.

"Aselia sent this for you... it's your birthday gift. She asked me to give it to you on her behalf." My head jerked at her words, my heart fluttered at the happiness it felt. Did she send me a gift? I couldn't believe not I had ever anticipated that she would have thought about sending me a gift.

I quickly took the box from her hands and unfurling the ribbon opened its lid to reveal what lay inside.