
"I won't," he whispered back and she lifted her head to fall into those abyssal blue eyes of his. Shifting her hands she placed them on both sides of his face, and then her eyes lingered on his sultry lips.

She wanted to taste them, to feel their touch on hers. Without thinking she closed the remaining distance between them and kissed him lightly. 

Rivan's athletic body became rigid at her sudden action and he dropped his hands from her shoulders but didn't have the heart to stop her. She kissed him some more, hoping he would kiss her back, but he didn't. Seeing his reaction she stopped and peeked at him, her eyes holding a sense of rejection and pain while he whispered:

"Irlana...Let's not go down this road," her heart almost stopped at his words. She knew he could never find someone like her as desirable, someone tainted, someone filthy. She might as well be a whore who spread her legs for so many men.