Happy Birthday Partner

Aselia couldn't sleep after that, she tossed and turned but the stinging feeling in her heart didn't go away. She picked up her phone and checked her messages. He hadn't texted her lately, she wanted to text him but his harsh words sounded in her mind and she refrained from doing so. 

She opened her gallery and skimmed through their pictures, both of them smiling in each other's arms. A sadness settled in her heart and refused to leave. She placed her phone back and got up to approach her cupboard. 

Opening the door she saw the white cloth which held his precious hair. Gently she opened it and stroked the silken strands, just to feel close to him. Tears burned the back of her eyes, she wrapped the cloth and closed the cupboard before returning to her bed. The morning came as she kept staring at the ceiling, thinking of him.