Carnage in Lahoire

Returning to her room Aselia gaped at the painting she had made for a long time before eventually falling asleep. 

The next day Yurian met Jaguar for the first time.

For he was away on a mission when Jaguar joined and when he returned Aselia had assigned Jaguar a mission to see how capable he was. So this morning both of them finally met. 

"He is built like a wrestler," Yurian whispered to her, seeing him approach. 

"Exactly my thoughts when I first saw him," Aselia murmured back to him.

"Hello!" Jaguar extended his hand to Yurian who firmly shook it.

"Welcome to Avarance. How are you finding it so far? Considering you are ex OFA member," Yurian asked and Jaguar grinned at him. 

"Pretty exciting so far, killing rogue vampires and other rogue species is always fun. That mission was a piece of cake," his last statement was meant for Aselia.