Securing The Area

"Thank you for arriving on time and assisting us," the chief of police shook Aselia's bloodied hand and offered his gratitude. 

"That's why we are here, to keep this town and surroundings safe. Patrol the whole area and make sure it's been secured. Me and my partner here will do the same," Aselia replied while he began to give instructions to his men to patrol the border. 

Aselia turned to Jaguar who was wiping his hands over the clothes of a dead rogue vampire. She watched him for a few seconds before he turned his bloodied face towards her, there was this burning fire in his eyes she hadn't seen before. 

"We need to take a round of the city and ensure everyone's safety. Some of the enemies might be lurking around or attacking civilians," Aselia wore a grim expression. 

"Sure, let's go," he picked up the helmet Aselia had thrown aside and tossed it back towards her. She effortlessly caught it and adjusted it on her head.