V5 Chapter 35 Master Thief Strikes Again 1/2


Philomel yawned as she stretches her arms in front of herself. The bed was so warm and cozy that Philomel didn't feel like getting up just yet. Unfortunately for her, it wasn't her decision to make.

" Mel, Mel, Mel."

Amon pestered as he shook her shoulder. Philomel groaned, opening one droopy eye to look at Amon.

" Hmmm... what?"

She mumbles into the pillow as she turns away from him just for her eyes to winch at the annoying sunlight. She groans feeling the sunlight burning through the sweet darkness of her eyes lids and depriving her mind of drifting back to sleep.

" There's going to be a village meeting and we need to be there."

Amon informed as he shook her again.

" Go without me."

She muttered into her pillow as she turns to lay on her belly, cuddling the pillow to her face and preventing all light from reaching her.

" I can't leave you here, if someone sees you, they will know we're dark elves. Come on."

Amon grunted as he pulls the blanket from her, revealing her disheveled clothes. The cold morning air, breezing through, finally hits Philomel's long slender legs, causing her legs to swim against the bed sheet looking for somewhere else that was warm to hide under.

Amon silently stood there, his eyes glued to her sun-kissed toned legs. Now that free from booths and leg stockings, he could fully appreciate her petite feet, the arch of her slender foot that leads up to her smooth toned legs and firm thighs. Amon's hand itches, as the urge to stroke such a ravishing pair of thighs. Of course, the thought of holding back his urge did pass his mind but he didn't waste a moment on it. Amon's hands twitched in a perverted manner as it slowly reaches out.

From the corner of Amon's eye, he noticed something move and subconsciously looks up just to find Philomel, sitting up and glaring at him with a pillow tucked under her arm. Amon's hand immediately disappeared behind his back as he lets out an awkward laugh, placing the blanket back onto her legs and patting the blanket like he was tucking her in. Philomel threw the pillow at his face as she exclaimed.

" Pervert!"

Since Amon's hands were nowhere near his face, it pillow hits him right in the nose but at least, his arms were fast enough, to catch the pillow before it hits the ground.

" Shush... you'll wake up Little One."

Amon informs as he gestures for the tone of her voice to be softer. Philomel's gaze shifted to Little One, who was still sleeping peacefully a distance away from her. His little hands were on either side of his head, his head faced away from the hard sunlight of the open window, his little chest moving as a little snore came with each exhale. Philomel sleepily rubs her eyes as she looks out the window, the sky was still dark with only slight shimmers ray of light breaking through. Indicating that dawn has just passed and yet there still wasn't enough light to hide the moon.

" Who the heck wakes up this early?"

Philomel asked through a yawn as she stretches her arms over her head.

" Everyone, it would seem. They are all up and about, tending to the wounds of those who fended off the dark creatures, fixing hut or fence damage, and even gathering food from the nearby forest. "

Amon elaborated as he sat down on the edge of the bed watching Philomel get up and get ready for the day.

" Why do we need to be at the village meeting? We aren't even a part of this village."

She inquired as she puts on her stockings and laced up her boots.

" The chief wants to let everyone know that we'll be visiting every home to find a suitable family for Little One."

Amon replies as he lays down on the bed with Philomel's pillow under his head.

" Every home? Why every home?"

Philomel demanded as she fixes her clothes and stand up.

" It's an excuse so that we have a chance to cheer up everyone in the village."

Amon answers as he closes his eyes, resting up as much as he can since he knows today would be an extremely tiring day.

" Ugh... I feel exhausted from just hearing that. How many huts are there?"

Philomel groaned as she runs a comb through her hair and ties it into a high ponytail.

" Hmm... 37? 38? Somewhere there. Half of them are shops. Protection seals are hard to create, so most villages sell their products on their porch."

Amon hummed as he could feel the pulls of the bed but his scared heart kept him from drifting to sleep as his mind kept reminding him about the village meeting and his heart was afraid of sleeping through it.

" I'll take all huts that are shops and you handle the rest of the huts. Sounds good?"

Philomel suggested as she washed her face and dries it with the towel.

" Fine but who gets Little One? Me, right? Since you'll have your hands full with whatever you steal."

Amon reconfirms as he snuggles against the pillow.

" I'm not going to be stealing from a dirt poor village. What do you take me for? I'm going there to make an honest trade."

Philomel stated as she starts putting on the clay.

" *Chuckled* That's rich coming from you, master thief of Crimtroy. "

Amon softly laughed as he silently wondered where the fresh scent of scilla siberica was coming from.

" Current master scavenger."

Philomel corrected him with a heavy tone.

" Whatever you say. So about Little One, who is taking him?"

Amon asked again wanting a clear confirmation.

" No one."

Philomel answers with a smirk as she re-equips her amour.

" No one?!"

Amon softly exclaimed as his head jerks up and his eyes snaps out to look at her.

" Yup, no one. Little One would be getting too much attention and might get cranky with people constantly talking or touching him."

Philomel confirms with a nod as she slips her daggers into their slots.

" So... we're just going to leave him sleeping here? Unsupervised? "

Amon asked worryingly as he sits up, not liking the idea, one bit.

" Of course not. We're going to be leaving him at the daycare. I heard about it from Chief yesterday night. Turns out that the first hut I visited was the village daycare. We'll leave the baby with her for the day and pick him up before dusk. He would be well taken care of especially since we're leaving him in much, capable hands."

Philomel reassures as she checks that she has everything she needs.
