V5 Chapter 36 Master Thief Strikes Again 2/2

Philomel reassures as she checks that she has everything she needs.

" What if Little One wakes up and misses us?"

Amon questioned, feeling extremely worried about this plan.

" He's a baby that we barely had for two days. If he's going to miss someone it definitely won't be us. Probably his own birth mother or something."

Philomel waves him off as she walks over to the window, breathing in the fresh air and feeling extremely confident about today.

" I guess so... "

Amon huffed out with a heavy sigh as he rubs the back of his neck. Extremely disappointed that he would be spending most of his last day with Little One apart and worst of all by nightfall he would be too exhausted to fully enjoy his last moments with Little One. Amon frowned, feeling extremely robbed of all his excitement, from last night, and sad that it wouldn't be a very good farewell, since they would be leaving early the next morning. Long before Little One would wake up from his nap by then Amon and Philomel would be long gone.

" Well let's hop on to it, Among! Breakfast won't eat itself."

Philomel gleefully chimed as she playfully whacks Amon, a little too hard on his shoulder, and skipped towards the door.

" Yeahhhh... "

Amon sighs as he picks up Little One, cradling him close to his chest, savoring every last moment.

Breakfast went by like a huge blur to Amon, his mind just wasn't into the joyful conversation shared amongst Hector, Philomel, and the Chief. All he could do was sigh into his breakfast of oatmeal and watch Little One sleeping peacefully in his arms. He was extremely tempted to wake the baby and let Little One cry just so he has a chance to cheer him up and doted on him one more time.

Amon's gloomy character didn't go unnoticed by everyone present at the table. Philomel just shrugged at it, nothing she wanted to do about it. Amon had promised her, that he would give up Little One to a loving family here, and she was planning to hold him to his word. Just like she planned to uphold herself to her own words, that no matter how Amon begged, she wouldn't let him bring the baby along. It was the best decision for all of them, who could argue with that?

Hector, on the other hand, felt sorry for Amon, still under the assumption that Amon and Philomel were a young married couple. Hector thought, that Amon and Philomel were giving up Little One because they couldn't afford to have another mouth to feed. Not to mention, giving him up to a family that has a place to call home would be an ideal environment for a baby rather than camping out in god knows where.

Even so, Hector understood what Amon was going through... or in this case, he assumed he understood. He knew Amon was new to fatherhood and having accomplished major leaps in just a few days would make anyone extremely happy. Creating an eternal bond with each other for Little One would always be the first baby he fed, burped, and held in his arms, nothing in the world could change that. But having these first steps with a baby that Amon was about to give away?

Of course, it would be heartbreaking to do so but then again Amon's situation couldn't afford to take care of the child. No matter how much he loves the baby, surely he would eventually see that giving the baby up. Giving the baby the best opportunity in life he could have, would be the most loving choice for the child. But that doesn't make all this any easier for Amon and Hector wanted to lend a helping paw, in any way he could, to make things easier for Amon. Even if it was just a little bit.

" If you like, I could go with you to meet the villages, Amon."

Hector offered as he helped clear the breakfast table.

" Thank you, your help would be most appreciated."

Amon accepts with a solemn and small smile as he rests his cheek against Little One head, tenderly.

" Nice! Hector joining the team. Best you know all the most experienced mothers, eh? Maybe you'll point some out to me, during the village meeting, later."

Philomel chimed as she elbows Hector in the gut, playfully.

" Well, I would say all."

Hector clarifies as Philomel helps him wash the dishes. The Elder Chief gaze upon Amon, she could tell as well that the boy was conflicted about this decision.

" You know, you could keep the child. Even though times may be rough I'm sure that you'll both find a way to pull through."

She suggested knowing it was the exact words Amon wanted to hear.

" Can I really? Doing so would only endanger his life and in many situations mine and Philomel's as well."

Amon contemplates for the million times in that half hour.

" Doesn't mean leaving him here, won't have its own risks. No one knows what could happen, especially in a dangerous village like this one. Wouldn't it be better to have peace of mind, and do your best to take care of the child, rather than constantly wonder if he's okay, never truly knowing that he is?"

She pointed out as she takes another sip of her tea. Amon fell silent, as he once again thought about it.

" Thank you for your wisdom but how can I go against the logical choice of my wife? We are a team after all and I'm sure once everything is settled, we would see him again... One day..."

Amon wished with a sad smile, knowing what would happen if they fail in their quest. Either he and the rest of the dark elves are purged or armageddon shall rain upon the earth. Either way, this would be their last day together like this.


This is where the story is split into two parts one for Male readers and the other for females.

Female Tailored Chapters coming up next


Cute playtime scenes for the next 8 chapters.
