V5 Chapter 57 Farewell Little One 1/2

" You... seriously... pick her?"

Philomel softy questioned as she leans against Amon's shoulder, whispering her questions into his ear which sent shivers of excitement down his spine. How much joy he had, each time he saw his mother's ring on her finger but knowing what she wanted from him, stole all that enjoyment with just a mere thought. The whole morning he kept wondering if Rhane was blessing him or cursing him.

" Yes, I think she is the best choice."

Amon nodded, sounding absolutely sure about his choice.

" But... she's a single mother and if you haven't noticed she already has her hands full with kids. Why are you so sure she is willing to take in another? Not to mention a baby of a different race than her."

She reminded Amon, as they stood in front of the daycare hut.

" I'm choosing them because Emma is the most experienced with kids and Shayna had an emotional link with Little One. Sooner or later she would be able to fully understand Little One. Not to mention, she knows better than to listen to Little One's feelings and take him into shadow territory... again. If she does take him back there, at least she knows how to travel safely through it."

Amon added as he rocks Little One in his arms, feeling like he rather stand outside all day than go in and say goodbye to Little One.

Philomel leans forward towards Hector who was standing by Amon's other side.

" What happened to her husband?"

She asked out of curiosity.

" He was mistaken for a buck and shot dead by the human on his journey back home from the elf-holy city, Luxtorious. By the time, I found him, he was chopped up and made into stew."

Hector closes his eyes, so hard he saw colors as he informed, his voice holding so much pain, making Philomel regret asking.

" Hmm... Emma is a beautiful mother. Very well, then let's say our goodbyes before the rest of the kids come. Little One might be too excited seeing his new friends and forget saying goodbye to us."

Philomel awkwardly changes topic as she pats Amon on the shoulder and rushes up toward the daycare door. Trying to run away from the awkward feeling.

" Don't worry, Amon. I'll stay with Little One until he gets used to his new home. I'll do everything in my power to keep him happy."

Hector reassures as he squeezes Amon's shoulder, trying to show how serious he is with it. Amon gave Hector a weak smile. Amon drapes his arm over Hector's shoulders, pulling the wolf beast close.

" Thanks, you're a good friend."

He squeaked out as his voice broke up, and he immediately clears his throat.

" I'm okay, I'm okay."

Amon quickly informed as he stood there watching Philomel as she leaned against the daycare door waiting for the two of them to join her.

" We don't have to go, right away. Take all the time you want. We can even pretend to talk to buy more time."

" Is it possible to stand out here talking for ten years?"

Amon asked with a hopeful look on his face as he rocked Little One in his arms. Hector laughed.

" I don't think we can Philomel would probably come for us in a matter of minutes but at least we have a few minutes more."

" *Sighs* I thought so..."

Amon sighed as he gazed down at Little One.

" You know, Philomel's name sounds just like that plant the Philodendron. Did her parents name her after the plant?"

" Hmm, no I don't think so. I think they wanted to name her after a nightingale."

" Her singing voice must be as beautiful as a nightingale then. Have you heard it before?"

" No, but maybe one day I would. There's really a plant called Philodendron?"

" Yes, I heard from the elder it's an extremely good houseplant. Its leaves grow in the shape of a heart and sometimes it grows red beautiful leaves but that's extremely rare. Remember to be careful when eating its fruit."

"Why? "

" It's extremely toxic when it isn't fully ripened but when it has ripened it's super sweet and delicious. Goes great on papaya salad."

" You think if we gave Philomel papaya salad. She would change her mind about all this?"

Amon couldn't help but asked, making Hector laugh once more.

" Sorry buddy but probably not."

Hector shook his head as he patted Amon's shoulder.

" Among! Come on! We don't have all day!"

Philomel called out to them. Amon sighed as he drags his heavy feet up the steps, he stood next to Philomel. He took a deep breath and gently lifted his hand to knock on the door. Amon, looks down at his feet, silently wishing it was all over before knocking on the door with 3 weak knocks. It didn't take long for the door to open, revealing Shayna and Richard.

" Oh! Good morning Mr. Amon! Mrs. Philomel, Sir Hector, and of course, Little One."

Shayna greeted him with a huge smile.

" Have you decided to stay another day? Oh, please say yes."

She clasp her hands together and begged, wanting to spend another day with Amon and Little One. Excited to learn more from Amon and hear stories of his demon-slayer mother. Amon open his mouth to reply but seeing her huge doe eyes, he could barely see her iris, he was staring right into her huge black pupils that glistened again in the morning light. Making her look so innocent and cute that Amon found himself unwilling to say no but he had to, which was a huge problem.

" Unfortunately no, Shayna. We come here to speak with your mummy and you. We have a proposition."

Philomel steps in and answers, after a few long awkward moments of watching Amon stand there with a stunned look, open and close his mouth like a gasping fish out of water.

" A proposition?"

Richard, the lion cub muttered the word with a tilted head, it was the first time hearing such a word and he turned to Shayna who was looking at him as well. Both of them shared a questioning look at each other for a moment, generally guessing what the word meant.

Richard guess that they were here to make some sort of deal, and he understood that both parties needed something valuable to make a deal. To his understanding, Shayna was the only person he could think of that suited the word valuable, and turned pale at that understanding. Shayna did an emotional link with Little One and they were here to exercise their half-beast rights! And Hector was there a witness! That was the only conclusion he came to.

Nowadays, since half-beast uses common humans to speak, emotional links became something rarely used. Because of that emotional link became the equivalent of kissing to half-beast. Something intimate between two people. Half-beast one of their many rights is to ask for marriage when an emotional link is felt between two people. It's nothing law-binding, it isn't a must-marry. It's basically can ask after you do, can try your luck after you do.
