V5 Chapter 56 Types of bonds 2/2

The fated bond, however, isn't determined by the goddess of fate or her helpers the minor gods, twin gods of causality. It is determined by the gods who created the couple and informed the goddess of fate who would entwine their fates. Which the twin gods would ensure the fates stay entwined to the best of their abilities. Which still is hard for them since they received the role shortly after the Dragon War.

To make matters worse, Rhane is also known as the god of tricky and has become forgotten for a period of time when his followers found out he was a fake god. But that didn't belittle his work in any way, every action he took, he took to create a world of peace. Lighting Love was as real and effective as the couple who put their efforts into making it so. Well, that was all before Rhane threw it all away and ran off with the minor Goddess of beauty in the name of love.

Which... started the God Wars but that's all in the distant past. Not to mention, he did help out during the Dragon War. Which is why despite the fact he wasn't a god but an angel under the god of peace. People were willing to accept him and worship him as a minor god as well.

"Bottom line, what Rhane is showing signs of, is just another option of a Lighting Love there would be others out there. But that doesn't change the fact Philomel is one of a kind and there wouldn't be another quite like her. On the other hand, Little One needs me, he could easily manipulate the preschool half-beast into putting himself in danger.

There's a high possibility he could do it again and continue to do so just to chase after us. How many times can they be lucky and survive without a scratch like today? This village doesn't even have enough Demon Slayer knowledge to travel through Mountmend. Heck, they would be lucky enough if they managed to escape from shadow territory within a decade."

Amon sighs to himself as he picks up Little One, cradling him in his arms. Not willing to leave Little One in this dangerous village but is not sure enough to give up one of his unique Lighting Loves.

" Hey, you seem exhausted. Why don't I take the first shift tonight and you get some sleep?"

Philomel suggested mistaking his worrying sigh for an exhausted one.

" I might take you up on that, but are you sure you can take care of Little One when he's excited like this? He can be slightly... dangerous when like this."

Amon informs as he closes his extremely red left eye and opens it again.

" No problem! I will just be really cautious!"

She chimed as she takes Little One from his arms. Amon nodded, getting up from the bed and heading toward the table.

" What kind of family did you pick? Is the mother beautiful?"

She asked as she bounces Little One on her knee.

" I picked the most beautiful light elf."

Amon answered as he washes the clay off his face.

" And funnily enough, extremely more beautiful as a dark elf."

He muttered softly to him, before stopping himself and shaking his head. Remembering that he has to rethink his decision again now that he has received Rhane's signs. But at least now he was confident that he could keep Little One safe with him since Mountmend was shadow creatures' territory. If it were actual dark creatures like Philomel said it was when she first showed him the place on the map, then he probably wouldn't be able to protect Little One if he brought him along. If he did it would truly endanger both Amon's and Philomel's life.

" Perfect! Hear that Little One? Your temporary new mommy is beautiful!"

Philomel chimed as she held up over her head, Little One squealed extremely happy to be up so high.

" You scouted out Mountmend, right? Did you go into the mines and check it out?"

Amon questioned as he dries his face with a towel.

" Na that place was too dark and filled to the brim with shadow creatures. They were all chanting my name and it brought back bad memories."

Philomel informs, feeling much better about the situation now that she knew Little One and Shayna didn't experience what she had. She was still bitter, about the whole scenario of leaving her home like that, but was something that could be cheered up, by envisioning a million ways to kill Asclepius. It's nice to have such a wonderful hobby for times like these.

" You sure you're okay with going through Mountmend? We can always go take a different path and avoid all shadow creatures."

Amon suggested feeling a little worried about going through a place that makes Philomel uncomfortable and sad.

" If we do, we might miss our chance to catch Lenny and the Messiah. I really want the go home after all this, and a little more pain, I can handle it! As long as it means I get to grab that golden chance of going home."

Philomel reassures as Amon drops water into his left eye, blinking it a couple of times trying to reduce the redness.

" Just remember, we can always go a different path if you feel like it's too unbearable."

Amon reminded as he turns to face her.

" I know."

Philomel nodded. Amon sits on the other side of the bed and closes the distance between them. Philomel leans back feeling a little shy with him being so close to her after what happened.

" Is my eye still red?"

He asked as he stares into Philomel's eyes.

" Oh. Hmm... it's less red I guess but still pretty red."

Philomel answered feeling more comfortable leaning in now that she knew he just wanted her to examine his eye.

" Guess I'll sleep on it."

Amon says his words holding dual meaning as he lays down next to Philomel, closing his eyes. Deciding to sleep on his decision since it was more than he expected to give up for Little One.
