V5 Chapter 91 Team Wailing Swift Breeze 5/5 (FTC)

" Well guys, that was fun but I gotta call it a night. See you in the morning shift."

Joey grinned while still hanging onto his friend's shoulder for support. For him and his friends, the world was shaking and unstable but even so, he found the balance within him to hold himself upright without the help of his friend.

" See ya, Jo, remember not to kiss the supervisor's ass too hard. We might not be able to help you if you get stuck up it. * Laughing*"

Daniel teased his friend as he wobbled toward the door frame of the tavern, resting against it for support. The knight that was supporting Joey out the door busted into roaring laughter that stung Joey's ears like a bee. Joey flinched away from his friend, creating some distance between them with his wobbly feet.

" Oh ha ha. I'll keep that in mind, Dan. Trying not to fall asleep face down, you prick."

Joey teased with a wink, leaving his laughing friends behind as he made his way down a different path. He stops right under a torch light, and closes his eyes for a moment, breathing in the crisp air, trying to soothe his aching headache.

" Hey, caballero. Aren't you looking fine tonight?"

A low breathy voice purred, pulling the last word and ending it with a little sexy moan. Almost instantly Joey's eyes snapped open, just a skip away, hidden from the light, leaning against the wall of an alleyway. Stood a slender figure, her short crop dress barely concealing her thighs. She lifted one of her legs up, pressing her foot on the wall behind her, showing off her curves as her ass tempted to touch the sole of her foot that was slightly below. She pushes her long hair up to her chin, making it look poofy before allowing it to flow down her chest.

" *Glup* H- hey? What are you doing here? Alone... so late at night?"

Joey shyly asks as he slowly closes the distance between them. The girl lets out a cute giggle as she bites the nail of her pinky.

" Waiting for you silly."

She replied in such a bubbly tone, only then did Joey notice her ruby red eyes glowing in the dark, staring down at him with such a lustful look. Only then did Joey notice that her entire body from head to toe was pure darkness. She was the darkest thing in the area and there were no shadows around her.

" Oh... should have known. You're a rouge shadow, huh? Well, then you best pay the fee before you get what you need."

Joey says in a low husky voice as he grabs Darzirak's hand pulling her close to him. His hand wraps around her waist, pressing her against his body. Darzirak gasped as she felt his semi-hard member pressed up against her stomach. Joey didn't waste a moment.

" Urkm?!!!"

Darzirak whimpered at Joey's sudden lips crashing against her own and before she could even protest, his lips were already moving against her own.

" Ah! Umm....Hmm...."

Darzirak moans as Joey slips his tongue into her mouth, gently, tenderly, passionately kissing her. Joey lets go of her hand and touches her shoulder allowing his hand to run down her back and pulling her even closer as he wraps his second hand around her waist. Darzirak's hands circle around Joey's neck before moving up and grabbing his hair. Involuntary Darzirak finds herself rubbing her ample chest against his feeling the need for friction tingle throughout her body. Her body burns wanting more of his touch as she lifts her right leg higher than Joey's waistline. Joey without missing a beat, allowed his hand to move down her ass and hold her leg in place as she grinds her throbbing pussy against his hard bugle. Silently cursing his armor and pants for blocking their joining in a more intimate way.

What felt like hours when it was only a moment came to pass as they finally pulled away from each other, breaking the kiss and panting for air.

" *Moans* ha... ha... ha... Caballero... you... were definitely worth all the trouble."

Darzirak whispers to Joey's lips as she moves his front hair away from his eyes and allows her hand to linger. Softly caressing his cheek with the back of her fingertips.

" I'm sorry I'm nothing more than an illusion."

Darzirak apologizes as she moves her hand away from Joey's cheek but before she could Joey grabs her hand and presses his cheek against it.

" It's alright. Do what you have to do."

Joey whispers back to Darzirak. Darzirak kisses Joey, before knocking him out. Joey's body slumped over and almost fell onto Darzirak. The hand that was holding up her leg went limb as his whole body weight came onto Darzirak causing the demon to lose her balance. Immediately Darzirak pushed Joey's body away and quickly stood with both feet. As soon as she saw Joey's body about to crash on the ground, she swiftly grabs his shoulders, slowed his descent, and gently lays him down on the ground.

" F*ck, that wasn't part of the plan Caballero. That wasn't part of the plan, at all."

Darzirak muttered to herself as she rubs her thighs together, trying to satisfy the need for Joey's touch and friction. Darzirak turns away from Joey, opening her mouth wide as she reaches down her throat, grabbed something, and pulls it out. Darzirak choked at her own black shadow before finally coughing it out onto the floor.

Darzirak took in heavy breaths as shrunk back down to his dog form but now his body was no bigger than a rabbit. The woman shadow that Darzirak coughed out, immediately moves to Joey's body, caressing his face with both hands as her legs sink back down into the shadow world. She rests her forehead against his, looking at him, lovingly. As her torso was being dragged down, she kisses him one last time, before she fully sinks back down. Every moment along the way her hands, tenderly touched his cheeks. Until she completely sinks down into the shadow world.

Darzirak winched and flatten his ears when he heard her scream. A scream of slight anger at their situation but mostly sadness and pain at leaving Joey like that. It took much longer than normal but eventually, Joey's shadow returned underneath him. This time a more light grey than pitch black, this time clinging more closely to him, this time his shadow wanted to be with him.

" Uhhh... "

Darzirak stuck his head down the nearest building shadow. Immediately the world turned black and white, an empire and so much more glistened in white. Darzirak turns to Joey, looking at the shadow woman who was broken into glass pieces and shining more light than darkness into Joey.

" You still good with me stealing his armor right?"

Darzirak awkwardly asked as the shadow woman nodded.

" You're not going to stop me right?"

Darzirak asked again wanting to clarify since he didn't expect Caballero to do that and he didn't expect the shadow woman to respond in such a loving way. The shadow woman shook her head, indicating that she doesn't want to stop Darzirak.

" Okay. Thanks again for your help. Next time I'll let you do the talking and the moaning. Kinda awkward for me to do all that... while you were controlling the whole body. Should have given you the control of speech while I probably should have taken the back or something. "

Darzirak awkwardly admitted making the shadow woman smile and blow him a kiss. Darzirak immediately turned red, opening and closing his mouth as he tries to say something but nothing comes to mind. In the end, he just gave up and pulled his head out from the building's shadow.

" God that was awkward."

Darzirak muttered to himself, still blushing red as he moves back toward Joey and started taking off his armor, piece by piece. Doing his best to ignore Joey's hard bulge that was more visible now that Darzirak took off his armor and left him in only his underwear.

" Sorry, Caballero. Hopefully, you don't catch a cold. Don't worry I'll return your amour in half an hour, one hour max."

Darzirak apologize as he absorbs all Joey's amour into his body and ran down the alleyway.
