V5 Chapter 92 Breaking In 1/2

Darzirak's body clinked and clanked as the amour within him shook with each step he took. He pressed his lips into a thin line but the uncomfortable feeling make him feel extremely sick, turning his thin line into a wobbly line.

" Urk... I don't get ... *holding back the urge to throw up* enough apartment benefits for this..."

Darzirak whines to himself as he struggles with his huge stretched and barely holding body. He halfway gave up on walking and was satisfied just rolling his way down the alleyway. Stopping as soon as Philomel came into sight and immediately vomiting out every last piece of the amour within him.

" What took you so long?!"

Philomel demanded as she switched from cradling Little One in her arms to carrying him over her shoulders.

" Shut the Hel... "

Darzirak trailed off when he noticed Little One on Philomel's shoulders.

"I..... Hello up! I did what I had to! And that's more than you'll ever do! Standing in some shifty alleyway waiting for me to do your bidding! Do you have any idea what I had to do to get this?!"

Darzirak growled as he watched Philomel goes through the guard amour.

" Hey! You had no idea what I had gone through either! I had to change a nappy and fight off a pack of dogs while waiting for your slow ass!"

Philomel snapped back, pissed off that Darzirak took 10 minutes for something she could have done in 2 minutes, all because Darzirak said to trust him and leave this to him. Darzirak lets out a low growl as his size suddenly grows bigger. Envious and pissed off at Philomel for having to face dogs and a nappy instead of what he had to go through.

On top of that, she didn't even appreciate what he had done but then again he did do it slowly and what he did was his own idea/ choice. Having no words to fight back, Darzirak barked at Philomel like a dog for some time while she ignored him and put on the armor. The whole time Darzirak kept growing in size until he calmed down and stop barking, by the end of it, Darzirak was as big as a Great Dane.

The whole time, Little One stared at Darzirak moving his mouth along with Darzirak, imitating Darzirak but couldn't figure out how to make that exact sound. The sounds Little One made sounded more like a hiccup to Philomel rather than a bark. Philomel hearing this mentally took a note to give Little One something to drink and stop his hiccups before heading to the mansion. Darzirak huffed and puffed for a moment longer, unsatisfied but no longer angry nor envious.

" You done? Where's the helmet?"

Philomel asked with a bored expression.

" Are you... Are you cursing or are you really saying helmet? "

" What?"

" Sorry, I'm just getting confused with all these baby safety words to replace actual cursing. Like... you know how we change curse words into similar words like hel... Hello to Hello. So I'm asking if you're saying hel... Hello or really helmet? "

" I'm seriously asking where's the helmet."

Philomel said with an exhausted sigh as she facepalmed.

" Oh, ok... What helmet? He wasn't wearing one."

" Then how do you expect me to sneak in when my face isn't concealed in any way and everyone can perfectly see/ identify that I'm not a real knight?!"

" I don't know! Maybe you can pretend to be a new guy... girl guard? Hey, makes you wonder why don't all guards not wear a helmet. That way you can easily identify an intruder posing as a guard."

" Oh my god, Darzirak!?"

" What? It's true. "

" We need a way in! Not increase the defensives of a place we're trying to break into!"

" Ok, ok! Yesh! What's the plan, now?"

Darzirak demanded getting extremely annoyed. Philomel fell silent at Darzirak's question.

" Here take the glove and the baby, then follow me. Try to keep in a straight line, the baby cried when the gloves isn't pointing toward me. "

Philomel ordered as she pass the baby to Darzirak, Darzirak immediately changes his form to the base of a wagon, and place the baby within. Philomel gives Little One the glove and drapes the end of the glove over Darzirak's head so that the glove points toward her. As soon as she saw that Darzirak was ready, she gestured for him to follow her down the alleyway.

Darzirak spun his wheel legs and silently follow after Philomel. Philomel scans the area for the closest lone knight and walks right past him. One minute the knight was wearing his helmet, the next he was knocked out cold in the alleyway, next to a half-naked Joey. Darzirak could only stare in amazement and do his best to keep up at her speed. Completely oblivious to the fact Philomel was dying tired and running on her last steam. The only reason why she was able to stay awake is because she kept biting her tongue and using the pain to snap herself out of it.

With the help of the street signs, they find themselves at the gates of the Lord's mansion. Philomel walks right through the gates, passing the guards that were standing duty on either side. Philomel standing a distance behind the guards, gestures for Darzirak to quickly follow. Darzirak narrows his eyes at her as he tries to interpret what she's saying.

" Circle ... hand .... come around? Come in from the back? Ah, whatever I don't get enough apartment benefits for this."

Darzirak slowly moves through the bush, he was hiding in.

" Uhhh..."

Little One make a sound that was close to crying.

" Whoa! Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Darzirak immediately turned his head 180 degrees and look at Little One.

" What? What do you want?"

Darzirak questions as Little One pats the glove in his hand and wags it around trying to make it work.

" What? What's wrong with the glove?"

Little One started whining.

" You want the other one? Well, I don't have it, it's with Philomel."

Little One kept whining.

" Philomel, Philo... Mel... you know?"

Darzirak returned back to the spot that had a clear view of Philomel and immediately Little One went silent.

" Philomel. See you do know her."

As soon as Darzirak moves away, Little One started fussing again. Darzirak after a few tries then only realized.

" Oh, gods... Must you look at her to shut up?? How do you want me to sneak in like this??"

Darzirak whined as he stared at the guards and Philomel gesturing for him to hurry the heck up.

" Philomel must be visible to Little One in a straight line when he turns back to look at Philomel or he would start crying.

I can distract Little One to momentarily look away from Philomel, pull my shadow over Little One to hide the baby and slip in. But the moment Little One made a sound, was the moment the guard would be alerted of their presence... Ahh, that's too hard!!

Damn! Why do we have to bring the baby along??!! Why??? Or should I just know the guards out? But that would be the first thing someone notices... Ahhh... !! What do you want me to do?!!"

Darzirak screamed in his mind as he lay down and placed his paws over his ears.
