V5 Chapter 93 Breaking In 2/2

Darzirak stared at Little One as he thought of the many ways to sneak past those guards to get to Philomel. Darzirak soon came to realize that there was no possible way to sneak past those guards while remaining in line sight of Philomel and even if he did find out it was extremely risky. Little One was a baby, he could cry suddenly for no reason at all. There was only one option left and that was to use his own magic to settle it.

" Baby, I don't like you and you probably don't even understand what is like but you have driven me into a corner for real this time. I am going to do shadow teleport and you are going to sit here. Not pull my ears or paws or any other part of my body, no crying, no peeing, and definitely no doing number 2. Okay? You did that the last time when I tried to do shadow teleport and it wasn't pleasant. Okay? That time you were lucky that the little deer knew how to change a nappy and had a nappy. I can't say the same for me and I will definitely leave you here in that dirty nappy. Understand? "

Darzirak questioned as he points at Little One with his ear. Little One immediately grab and pulled the ear. Squealing in delight when Darzirak pulled back the ear and Little One immediately let go, making his ear snap back like a rubber band and hit Darzirak in his left eye. Darzirak wailed in pain as he quickly turns his head away from Little One and held his eye.

" Who there?! "

One of the Entrance guards questioned as both guards armed themselves and slowly approach the bush that Darzirak was hiding in. Immediately Darzirak took this opportunity, stretching his legs out and creating movement in a different part of the bush while he dash between one guard's legs. The guard's eyes were so focused on that different part of the bush that they didn't notice Darzirak zooming past them.

Darzirak ran past Philomel and didn't stop until he was deep within the Mansion and then dive to hide behind the curtains. Philomel could only run after Darzirak and hide alongside him.

" Why did you choose to hide here?"

Philomel's voice echoed through the metal helmet making her question herself if she was talking out loud or thinking it. Since the words pounded right back into her skull.

" *Panting* Panting* Because... *Panting* I couldn't find... *Panting* a *swallows hard* darker hiding spot."

Darzirak let out a huge sigh of relief as he drops onto his belly and rested on the ground. Little One noticing that one of Darzirak's legs was longer than the other, decided to pull on it. Darzirak ignored the happy baby and the feeling of his leg becoming longer with each pull.

Philomel was unable to clearly see through the slits of the helmet but could hear Little One making noise. Quickly grab the baby before someone hears the child, accidentally grabbing Darzirak along with him and cradling both in her arms. Darzirak frowned at Philomel holding him upside down as his dangling head swayed along with Philomel's moments while she bounced the baby. Making him feel like a shaken, not stirred Martini.

" Enough of this."

Darzirak whined as he turns back to liquid form and slip from Philomel's grip.

" You stay here and keep that baby quiet while I scout around and find that treasury."

Darzirak informed as he flows from under the curtains and into the hallway, keeping toward the shadows. Philomel nodded in reply to Darzirak, unable to notice that he was already gone with the helmet on her head. It was almost instant when Darzirak came back.

" I saw through the shadows and found everything we need to know. The shadows here really hate these people and would love to help us. I'll be needing the amour you're wearing."

Darzirak informs as he slips the helmet off Philomel's head, revealing her ponytail which went flowing down her back.

" Why would you need the amour?"

Philomel questioned as Darzirak's body had turned into liquid and slipped between Philomel's body and the amour.

" Because I'm Joey."

Darzirak's voice changed completely into a deeper smooth hunky voice as he stood in front of her with the armor on.

" Pretty sure that knight didn't sound like that but okay."

She shrugged, willing to follow Darzirak's plan but not really convinced.

" I am Joey. I am Joey. I am Joey."

Darzirak repeated each time his voice went a pitch higher or lower.

" Your eyes... it glows through the helmet... and that doesn't sound like him at all."

Philomel pointed at Darzirak's eyes through the visor of the helmet.

" Ok, I need the baby then."

" You sure you know what you're doing?"

Philomel asked again this time sounding more uncertain as she gives Little One her glove and pass him to Darzirak.

" Shut it I'm zero percent sure which is why we must test it out."

Darzirak snapped with much confidence even though his words said the complete opposite. Darzirak then opens up his helmet and places the helmet on Little One. Darzirak's body filled up the loose areas between the baby and the helmet until the baby's eyes were perfectly aligned with Philomel's sight.

" Oh, now it's looking much better. Just the voice now... maybe don't talk?"

" Meh, I'll just say I have a cold then."

Darzirak shrugged as he pulled back the curtain and stepped out. Since Darzirak was turned away from Philomel and Little One couldn't see her at all began to whine.

" Oh, right. "

Darzirak muttered as his ear covers the side of the visor making a small Philomel shape at the bottom of the visor.

" Look, baby, it's Fil-low-melon."

Darzirak purposely missed pronouncing Philomel's name which made Philomel pout.

" She's walking in the dark so you can only see her silhouette."

Darzirak grinned as he taps at the silhouette. Little One stared at the silhouette, he was confused for a while but he eventually relaxed.

" Oh, good job A-rie- book rack."

Philomel teased back as she patted him on the shoulder. Now it was Darzirak's turn to pout.

" Let me guess you're doing this, to make it easier for us to sneak past every and have a good distraction if we are caught?

Philomel asked as she did some warm-up stretches and adjusted her dress between yawns.

" That's the idea, I suggest that you lead the way but stay close to me, so I can tell you where to go and what's coming. That way I can copy your sneaking form if I screw up. I'll just pose a Joey. "

Darzirak informs with his head held high, extremely proud of the plan, even though it wasn't his plan, but the plan of the combined help of all nearby shadows.

" That's a good plan."

Philomel said with a nod, acknowledging Darzirak's usefulness but knowing better than to admit it out loud.

" Thank you. Now let's hop to it. Down this way."

Darzirak instructed with a point and follows Philomel closely behind.
