V5 Chapter 94 Master Thieve At work 1/5 (MTC)

" Alright, what do you see?"

Philomel softly asks as she kneels down at a hallway corner and tries to peek around it.

" Locked door, 3 guards, two torches."

Darzirak informs Philomel as stares into the shadow of a chair.

" Guards are evenly paced out and two guards are standing in a dark area. "

" Any supervisors or overseers?"

" None, what do you plan to do?"

Darzirak whispers as he turns to look at Philomel. Philomel signals for Darzirak to wait here.

Philomel uses a combo attack.

Rolls_ 16 (+ 5 Experience) ( - 7 fatigue)

Philomel pulls out her dagger, and with a quick throw, she extinguished the torch by throwing so carefully that the blade cuts right through the heart of the flame. Through the darkness, she knocks out each and every guard with such speed that it was like a breeze. No one had enough time to even comprehend. Darzirak being able to see through the darkness, grinned as he stood up and casually walk down the hallway. Philomel pulls the keys from guards while her other hand pockets their coin pouches.

" You sure you wanna fill your pockets with that? "

" Consolation prize, just in case we fail."

Philomel informs as she stands back up and gestures for Darzirak to look through the door.

" 3 Guards, two torches, all standing under the light. The area is an open area, with big windows and a staircase leading up to the next floor. No overseers."

" What kind of staircase? Is the area very dark? Can we sneak through without anyone noticing?"

" No, as soon as we open the door the torch is right next to the door. I suggest that you leave this one to me."

Darzirak says with a grin as he takes the keys from Philomel and unlocks the door. The door opens with a loud click, alerting all nearby guards.

Darzirak uses daydream

Roll _ 10 ( +5 experience) ( +5 disguise)

Darzirak's eyes glow red as his body releases a very weird scent that smelled like beer and food. In fact, he smelled like a tavern. Darzirak then opens the door and all guards' shoulder's relax from relief as soon as they saw Darzirak.

" Joey! Don't scare us like that!"

" Sorry! Sorry. Here let me take the torch so you can see me better then. "

Darzirak said with a laugh as his hand rubs the back of his head and the other hand takes the only torch that was hung near the door. Darzirak approached the other guards with an engaging conversation.

Philomel uses sneak

Roll_ 18 ( +5 experience) ( - 7 fatigue)

Philomel saw the right opportunity and sneaked up the staircase carefully. She stopped at a point where there was a blind spot between the second level and the first level and waited for Darzirak there.

As soon as the shadows informed that Philomel was waiting for Darzirak, Darzirak cut the conversation short and gave one of the guards the torch before heading up to join Philomel.

" There are 4 guards and 2 torches. The staircase ends at a balcony-like area that looks down to the 1st floor. There's an overseer watching this balcony from the 1st floor. Two guards stick to their positions while the other two take patrol around the area. most of the rooms here are guest bedrooms and are locked. What do you wanna do? "

" Stay close to me and watch my back."

Philomel whispered as she crawls up the stairs, keeping her body as low as it can be without slipping back down. Through the gaps in the handrails, she looks for the overseer, trying to spot him before he spots her.

Philomel uses luck

Rolls_ 8

Philomel peaked and saw a hooded knight looking right in her direction.

Hooded knight _ uses sharp sight

Rolls_ 17

The hooded knight squinted his eyes at Philomel's area and notice a weird silhouette on the stairs. He immediately pulled out his crossbow and aimed it toward Philomel. Philomel's breath hitched in her throat, knowing that if she stands and runs. It would confirm that there is an intruder and the hooded knight would alert everyone. But if she stays there, she could be shot at.

Darzirak immediately stood up as he held the handrail and his left knee. Slightly limping as he pretended his knee was in terrible pain. Darzirak pretended to notice the overseer and gave the hooded knight an awkward wave as he stretched his left leg. The overseer immediately frowned as he puts away his crossbow.

" Dumbass, that can't even climb stairs properly."

The overseer grumbled to himself as he turns away and moves out of sight. Philomel lets out a relieved sigh before turning to Darzirak and giving him a thumbs up. Darzirak grinned as he squats next to Philomel. Philomel stands on her knees as she slowly sneaks up the stairs. She notices the two guards talking under a torchlight.

Philomel uses sneak

Roll_ 13 ( +5 experience) ( - 7 fatigue)

Philomel timed the moment when the guards turned to look at each other to reply and made a dash. But due to her fatigue, she wasn't fast enough and the guard saw the heel of her foot disappearing into the hallway.

Philomel uses luck

Roll_ 17

The guard ignores it, knowing that it probably could be a rat and it wasn't his problem. Darzirak stretched himself over the amour, he kept to the shadows and walked right past the guards with ease.

Philomel carefully moves down the hallway and was about to turn left to the next flight of stairs when Darzirak grabs her shoulder.

" Guards heading this way. "

Philomel immediately turned to the closest door and pulls out her lock picks.

Philomel uses a lock pick

Roll_ 12 ( +5 experience)

The door immediately unlocks and the two of them rush in, closing the door softly. Just in time to avoid the patrolling guard. Philomel glances out the doorway watching them lean against the wall and talk at the end of the hallway.

" They are still there, we should rest here for a while until they leave."

Philomel advises as she closes the door and looks around the room. Darzirak immediately leaps onto the bed curling up. Philomel takes off Darzirak's helmet and checks on Little One. Little One got bored and started chewing on Philomel's glove. Philomel grinned as she pokes the baby's chubby cheeks before slipping the helmet back on. Feeling slightly bored, Philomel scans the room.

The pale moonlight slips through the crimson curtains. Landing on some of the furniture that seemed to sparkle under such little light. The waxed wood and decorative jewels embedded in the craved design just screamed elegance. Philomel's eyes soon fell on the only painting in the room. The figure of a man standing behind rays of light. Due to the light in the background, the man was no more than a silhouette. His arms were open wide giving the impression that he was a grand savior of some sort.

The frame of the painting held many jewels but the strange part of the portrait it wasn't right about the bed. Rather it was more to the side and close to the edge of the room. It was no more than 5 inches to a corner that was followed by another 10 inches and then a wide window that takes up almost the whole wall.

"What a strange place to hang a painting. The bed is right in the center of the room, wouldn't it make more sense to hang it above the bed? Or opposite to the bed?"

Philomel thought to herself as she hits the long metal strap around her arm. Immediately a blade appears at the end, near her hand. Without her glove, now one of her hidden blades was completely visible but Philomel paid no mind.

" Are they gone yet?"

Philomel asked as she started using her arm blade and pulling out decoration jewels from the furniture. Darzirak lifts his head up and looks through the shadows.

" Yeah, they are moving away. Onward to the 3rd floor?"

Darzirak asked as he stretched out on the bed and hugged the pillow instead of getting back up.
