V5 Chapter 97 Master Thieve At work 4/5 (MTC)

" Wo- Giba."

" wogiba? That's what she said? wogiba? That is kinda cute. How old did you say your daughter was again?"

" She's going to be 3 soon. Also No, no you're saying it wrong. You gotta give the Wo tons of energy then say the rest really fast. Wo-Giba. It sounds like it's high pitch because you said it fast. You know?"

Guard 1 explains with many gestures as he held his spear in the nook of his arm. His voice echoed through the well-lit, narrow hallway as they stood guard near the entrance to the treasury.

" Wo-giba?"

The second guard repeated with a titled head, slightly unsure if he was doing it right. He jolted when he felt something hit his shoulder, he turn to see a little bit of drool on his amour. He slowly turned to look up above them but all he could see was darkness.

" Almost there just have to say the back part quickly."

The first guard encouraged with a smile.

" WO-GIbaa..."

(-5 mana)

" That..."

The guard softly exclaimed when he heard the exact sound of his daughter but it was coming from behind him. He slowly turned to look behind just to see, a black head of a wolf, with glowing red eyes, smiling back at them with teeth that might as well be spikes. Its neck was stretched out and from the looks of it came from above.

Darzirak used combo lame wolf.

( Creepy howl, inner launch, absorption, low circle tail sweep, and snapping chase)

Roll_ 10 ( +5 experience)

Mana consumption (35 percent)

" Come here, Daddy. Won't you play with me?!"

Darzirak asked in his daughter's voice as he lunged at the guards. Both guards immediately fell down to dodge Darzirak. The other 4 guards immediately became alert and rushed to aid their fellow co-workers. Darzirak from the ceiling fell to the ground, revealing his wolf body that was the same size as a quarter-grown dire wolf pup.

The 2 guards scrambled to their feet and all six of them attacked Darzirak. Darzirak spat out the guards that he swallowed whole on his way up the staircase at one of the vault guards. The guard caught his teammate but the impact caused him to fly and hit the wall hard, knocking him out as well. The other 5 guard's weapons hit Darzirak but as soon as the weapons did, they sank into Darzirak's body. Darzirak turned his head 360 degrees to smile at all of them as he takes their weapons away.

Some guards to avoid getting sucked into Darzirak let go of their weapons but 1 guard was extremely stubborn and was using all his strength to pull out this weapon. Darzirak's tail stretches out, and using his tail he sweeps all around him in a huge fan method. Leaping over his tail whenever it came close to his feet. All the guards around him were knocked down to the ground and the stubborn guard was immediately sucked into Darzirak's body. Darzirak laughed before turning to the other guards. Ready to suck them all into his body and suffocate them.

The guards immediately ran down the staircase, rushing to get more help and weapons. Darzirak gave chase until all of them disappeared down the winding staircase.

Darzirak uses - Tail hand

Roll_5 (+ 5 experience)

Darzirak's long tail the parts that were spiked out to represent fur expands until they resemble a hand but since his tail failed to grow longer, the hand was just 3 inches away from Darzirak's back. Restricting his mobility.

Using his tail like a hand, he grabs both knocked-out guards, carries them down the stairs, and places them one floor below, a long distance from the staircase. Darzirak vomit out the guard he had within him, gently laying him down next to the other 2 knocked-out guards before moving back up the staircase.

" I'll leave the rest to you."

Darzirak informs as he walks up the staircase past Philomel. Little One sitting on Philomel's shoulders, silently watched Philomel as she sticks the magical bomb, right in the middle of the staircase.

" Fire in the hole!"

Philomel yelled as she ran up the staircase and joined Darzirak by the treasury doors.

Bomb uses explosion

Roll_ 10


The whole building shook as dust blew from the staircase, the sound clapped like thunder.

Mansion's staircase stability

Roll_ 10 ( - damage 10) ( - 8 damage Strategic placement Philomel)

Roof stability

Roll- 17 (- damage 8 Strategic placement Philomel)

Within moments the staircase came crumbling down along with the whole section of the wall. Some tiles from the edges of the roof came down as well but due to the study beam structure. The rest of the roof in that area holds.

" Aiiiiii Booooooooongeee!!"

Little One squealed in delight at the sight of the explosion something Philomel couldn't hear due to the ringing sound in her ears before everything sounded miles away. Philomel shook her head as she uncovered Little One's ears, she could feel Little One squirming behind her but was confused that she could hear him.

" That was one spicy bomb, huh?"

Darzirak laughed as he uncovered his ears. Philomel saw Darzirak talking but could hear anything.

" What!"

Philomel yelled out loud enough for almost half the mansion to hear.

" uhhh.... nevermind."

Darzirak whispered to himself as he shook his head. He then turned to the locked doors that held all they came for.

" Finally we are so close to the end."

Darzirak grinned to himself as he stood on his hind leg and placed his front paws on the locked door.

" Move aside, I'll pick the locks."

Philomel instructed as she pulled out her lock picks. Darzirak moved to the side but was slightly impatient for Philomel.

Darzirak uses liquid body

Roll_ 12 (+ 5 experience)

" See ya on the other side."

Darzirak laughed at Philomel as he flattened himself and slip through the crack of the door and the floor. Philomel was about to ask him to repeat what he said, but before she could, Darzirak had already slipped through, leaving behind the blanket, bed sheet, and Joey's amour. Philomel just sighs as she wraps the amour into the bedsheet, using it as a makeshift bag. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed something shimmering falling down into the blanket.

" Huh? Did you drop something there?"

Philomel questioned as she turned to glance up at the baby. Little One stared back at her, his blue eyes seeming more darker and mysterious. Philomel turned back to the blanket feeling around but couldn't find what Little One had dropped.

" Probably nothing important."

She shrugged as she turn to the lock. Philomel slips her picks into the lock feeling around within the lock and hearing 8 different clicks as she pushed her tool deeper.

" 8 tumbler lock. *small laugh* Of course, it wouldn't be easy."

Philomel softly laughed to herself as she slips her second pick into the lock.

Philomel uses picklock.

Roll_17 (+5 experience) (- 10 fatigue)

Philomel manage to pick the locks but her tool snapped.

(Effective lock pick skills blocked until tools are replaced)

" ... That's bad... but at least it's open."

Philomel shrugged as she pulled the lock out of place and opens the doors to the treasury just to reveal a very bloated, fat Darzirak in the middle of a room that had tons of gold towering over Darzirak.

" Whoa... That's a lot of gold... "

Philomel softly exclaimed as she wondered how long has the lord been extorting the village.
