V5 Chapter 98 Master Thieve At work 5/5

" Whoa... That's a lot of gold... "

Philomel softly exclaimed as she wondered how long has the lord been extorting the village.

" So.... *hold back the urge to vomit*... full... *Gags*."

Darzirak struggle to say as he tried keeping all the gold within.

" You shouldn't steal more than we need. We only needed 20 gold pieces."

Philomel reminded as she pats Darzirak's bloated belly causing Darzirak to vomit out a portion of the wealth.

" You may need that much but Percy and his village need much more. I won't stand by and watch the grandson of the guy that helped me 127... 112? ... Uhh.. some many years ago. Gotta repay the favor and whatnot."

Darzirak announced as he struggles to reach the fallen coins.

" *Yawns* Why not just come back later then? There's nothing stopping you from taking more than 1 trip. If you run out of mana, you can drink that mega potion in the basement. From the looks of things here, you can handle perfectly fine by yourself."

Philomel pointed out with a yawn as she takes 40 gold pieces and slips them into her pouch. Darzirak fell silent for a moment as he slowly reconsider Philomel's words.

" Good point. "

Darzirak said with a nod before releasing half of the gold coins. Keeping more than enough for him to move around. From the distance, the roars of knights and guards screamed from the floor below as they charged toward the staircase. Their scream immediately died down when they noticed the staircase was completely destroyed and the wall.

" Get a ladder! Apprehend the thieves!"

A knight raised his sword causing the rest of them to cheer.

" Ok! Time to go!"

Darzirak decided as he slips under Philomel's legs, lifting her onto his back. Little One who was on Philomel's shoulders, squealed out in delight when he was lifted higher into the air.

" Hang on, Little One."

Philomel reminded as she placed one hand on Little One's back to keep him in place while her other hand held onto Darzirak's back. Darzirak swooped down to absorb Joey's amour and the blanket before stretching out the blown-up wall. The knights below immediately swung their swords, shot their arrows, and raised their spears to attack Darzirak.

" Owww... You, idiots, are lucky I'm in a hurry or I would have turned into a ball and crushed all of you!"

Darzirak growled out in pain as he could feel himself shrinking from the damage. Darzirak quickly slips into the garden, leaping over the wall, and made his way quickly back to the center of the town. He checked twice for anyone watching or on patrol before moving from shadow to shadow.

" Even if you're all black and able to blend in with the shadows. I'm still riding you and sticking out like a floating sore thumb."

Philomel points out with a yawn as she lays on her belly, keeping low to Darzirak, to reduce the chances of being seen.

" Does it even matter? In the end, I can just lay down on them and crush them with my weight."

Darzirak asked as he returns back to the alleyway where they left the unconscious knight and Joey. By the time they reached there, the Knight was slowly coming to. But the shocking sight of Darzirak, a demon smiling down at him with sharp teeth and glowing red eyes, made him faint once more.

" Wow, they are still asleep? How hard did we hit them?"

Philomel exclaimed.

" Definitely too hard. "

Darzirak answered with a frown as he spat out the makeshift bag containing Joey's amour next to Joey's side before coughing out the blanket and covering both the knight and Joey.

" Stay safe and happy, caballero."

Darzirak whispered into Joey as Darzirak pressed his forehead against Joey's. Leaving both Joey and the knight 5 gold coins for each before continuing on his way.

" What the helmet was that about?"

Philomel questioned with a frown.

" That's for me *Gags* and only me to know in this *Coughing* world."

Darzirak coughed and gags as he stops in the alleyway of the potion shop.

" What's wrong with you? You okay?"

Philomel peers into Darzirak's face slightly concerned. Darzirak drew heavy breaths and he did his best to throw up but the item was badly lodged in his throat.

" Oh god! *Gags* It's stuck in there. *Coughing* It's stuck in there, real good! *Trying to throw up* Get the potion *Gags* fast. *Coughing* Pass it to me. *Holding breath* I'll rush back to Amon and save him."

Darzirak struggles to say.

" Okay, I best stay here and book an inn or something. Not that I'm ungrateful for Percy's hospitality, but his home is freezing cold and lacking food. Not the best place for Amon to make a recovery. You move Amon when his life is out of danger."

Philomel instructed as Darzirak slowly puts Philomel back onto her feet. Darzirak nodded as he collapse on the floor, he extended his paw down his throat, trying to pull out whatever was stuck in there. Philomel shook her head disapprovingly and rounds the corner, entering the shop with a small jog.

*Jing Jing*

The bell rang as Philomel opens the door and stepped in.

" Ah! Welcome, welcome girl with baby from before! You have the money for the regular Vitality potion?"

Dashrul the shopkeeper questioned with a huge grin.

" Had to take out a huge loan and called in many favors but I managed to scrape together the amount."

Philomel answered as she acted, hoping that this would wipe away some suspension of where she got the money from.

" That's good, very good."

Dashrul nodded as he rubs his hands together. Philomel pulled out every coin she had that wasn't golden along with a couple of jewels she stole from the guest room.

" Ohhh... I hope my mother's priceless jewels are enough... it's all my family has."

Philomel worryingly says with a pathetic expression. Giving Dashrul the value of less than 20 gold coins. Dashrul immediately picks up each jewel looking at it closely, checking it twice, and confirming what he already knew. Philomel was 1 gold coin off.

" Your mother's jewels are fine but unfortunately, there isn't enough here for the potion. You're one gold coin off."

Dashrul explains in an apologetic tone.

" Ohh no... wait let me just..."

Philomel desperately dug her pockets and spent a couple of moments pretending to look for something to pay Dashrul. After seeing that Dashrul wasn't going to give her a discount of any sort. Only then did she pretend to find one more jewel in her pocket and placed it on the counter.

" Marvelous, here is your potion have a good night."

Dashrul said with a smile as he handed her the potion. Philomel thanked him with a bow before taking the potion and slowly moving out of the shop. Trying to show she was calm and hoped her actions would make her less suspicious.

*Jing Jing*

The bell rang as the door closed behind her and she quickly rounded the corner to the alleyway. Darzirak still had his paw in his mouth and digging around.

" Got the potion?"

Darzirak mumbled with his hand still in his mouth and outstretched paw his other paw. Philomel places the potion in his paw, earning her a nod from Darzirak before he absorbs it into his body. Darzirak pulled out his paw from his mouth, coughing violently and gagging as he quickly made his way back to the west of the town.

" Move swift like the breeze."

Philomel softly whispered to Darzirak's back. Silently praying that they made it in time.
