V5 Chapter 136 Why even bother?

" I gotta make this right. I gotta apologize to her."

Amon determinedly announced as he cradle Little One in one arm and stood to his feet, rushing to his satchel, and digging around in it for the book.

Philomel" Amon..."

A familiar voice called out which made Amon freeze in place. He slowly turned and standing there by the cave entrance was Philomel that was slowly rising from a shadow. The shadow was obviously Darzirak. A Philomel rises from the shadows, the darkness of shadows lets go of her layer by layer, and many shadows' hands withdraw from Philomel's body and sink back into the shadows.

Amon "Mel..."

Amon whispered out her name, fearing that he would break the spell if he called out to her any louder, fearing she would disappear if she heard him calling. But then he realized that if he didn't do anything or say anything, she would truly disappear. With that, his hand grabs the book pulls it out of his satchel and quickly closes the distance between them.

Amon" Mel! I'm sorry! I'm really really really sorry. I don't know what came over me. I was just suddenly extremely jealous."

Amon apologized with a bow as he holds up her book to her. Amon's eyes were closed as his heart raced, already knowing Philomel wouldn't accept his apology. What he did was inexcusable and horrid especially when he knew what Philomel's beliefs were. When he knew what her father had taught her.

Nevertheless, he hope with all his heart that she would forgive him. Little One who Amon was carrying in one arm, found himself suddenly dangling from the bow. The baby squealed in delight as he squirm in Amon's arms, wanting to hover an inch away from the ground before being dangled higher. Philomel was unsure as her hand hovers over the book, pulling her hand back but taking the book back in the end. Amon's eyes shot open, staring down at the floor with his head still bowed when he felt Philomel take the book from him. Silently questioning if this was a dream or reality.

Philomel" It's alright... Darzirak has that effect on people... He talked you into doing it, didn't he? That's why he was there this morning even though you didn't summon him."

Philomel gently asks as she holds the book to her heart. Darzirak hearing that pulled himself out of the shadows just to stare at Philomel in utter disbelief. Wondering how she could even say such a thing. Amon was stunned for a moment and slowly looked up at Philomel, wondering how he should respond.

How adorable Philomel looked, with a book pressed up against her breast, her cheek puffy with a pout, her eyes slightly red from crying. Amon's heart couldn't help skipping a beat and found himself wanting to kiss her again. He found himself never having any regret kissing her, rather he regretted not kissing her lips. He regretted not giving her a real tender kiss. Amon quickly adverted his eyes with a hand over his mouth trying to hide his blushing cheeks. He couldn't help but feel extremely stupid and foolish. He wasn't in the clear, yet he was getting swayed by his desires.

Desires that he knows he shouldn't be having, especially towards Philomel who likes Lenny. But he finds himself not caring even though he had flew too close to the sun and gotten burnt. In fact, he wanted to touch the sun, not caring how burnt he gets, not caring about the sun's love for the moon. He wanted the sun to be his even if it meant enduring so much pain. Endure he shall, for nothing else matters as long as he gets to touch that sun and see it happy.

Amon" Yeah... he appeared out of nowhere and started whispering all sorts of things. I was able to push him back in the morning but I guess his words never left my mind and after festering for some time. I reacted. I'm really sorry about that."

Amon apologized again as he rubs the back of his neck. Darzirak's gaze snapped to Amon as his eyes widen so huge that it looks like two red dinner plates rather than eyes, his mouth, gasped in such disbelief that he exhaled even his last breath within himself. Causing his body to deflate and making him look like he was just skin and bones.

Darzirak was overwhelmed with such rage that he wanted to yell at Amon but when he thought back at what happened. There was no proof!!!! No proof that Amon was jealous and that sudden increase of jealousy made Darzirak curious about what had occurred. True that Amon didn't summon Darzirak but with that sudden increase of jealousy it was like his 2 room apartment had just become a whole floor apartment that included a swimming pool. Any tenant hearing the news would obviously instantly come home to check it out.

Darzirak seeing such potential and such an opportunity to make his apartment home grow into a full mansion did what any businessman would and took the risk to win big. Yes, in the end, he lost big because he was slightly impatient but he didn't mind because now he knew how to trigger that opportunity. He now knew how to predict when such an opportunity would occur. Even so! Everything after that wasn't him! Amon couldn't even remember the words Darzirak whispered into his ear when he was in Darzirak's thrall. Amon only knew that he was in Darzirak's thrall for a moment. There were no words festering in Amon's mind! Whatever he has done that afternoon was his act and his alone! Darzirak had no small part in any of it and that was what had enraged Darzirak but without proof what could he say? What could he yell?

Darzirak could only sit there as his mouth kept opening and closing, wanting to yell but there wasn't anything good to say. As the million thoughts flash through his mind. As the unfairness of the situation floods the last bit of emotion he could feel with the last drop of Amon's blood in his veins.

Philomel" Yeah, I just experience firsthand how convincing he is."

Philomel admitted with a little giggle.

Amon" Oh, so you did!"

Amon laughed with a goofy grin as he rubs the back of his head. The two of them never noticed Darzirak's expression, in fact, they even forgot that he was still there. The only person who noticed was Little One and he took Darzirak's actions as a new game to play. Making his eyes as big as they can be while opening and closing his mouth, imitating Darzirak. Each time Little One blinks because he couldn't hold the expression for that long, Little One would babble being slightly annoyed that he was losing against Darzirak before trying again.

Darzirak finally gave up thinking of something to yell, his mouth pulled such a long frown as he turned away from the two dark elves. Sitting in the corner of the cave and grumbling out all the frustrations he had to the cave wall.

" So how was it?"

Darzirak froze at the voice and turned to look around but saw no one.

" How was the other side?"

The voice questioned and it took Darzirak a moment to realize it was him who said those words. Before he even noticed, he was already back behind the bars of his cage. Watching the world pass him by through the rusted bars.

" Annoying. Being the hero is never fun. Why did I even waste my time, trying? Why waste my time caring about people who don't care about me? I should have just sat back and stayed the villain I am, the villain I'll forever be."

Darzirak muttered to himself as he lay his head back on his paws, closing his eyes to dream a sweet dream.

Little One " Ugh waaai!"

Little One pouted as he waved his arms around angrily.

Philomel" What's wrong Little One?"

Philomel questioned as she patted Little One's head.

Amon" He must want to play with Darzirak but from the looks of it Darzirak is ignoring him again."

Amon pointed out when he noticed Little One's gaze was fixed on the demon.

Philomel" He must be tired after using so much magic."

Amon" Yeah, shadow teleport on a person does take a lot out of him. It's really pouring out there."

Philomel" Yeah, looks like it might rain for a few hours."

Philomel nodded before suddenly giggling.

Amon" What?"

Philomel" I can't help but feel this is a little bit like home but instead of a sandstorm, it's a rain storm."

Amon" Well then, wanna explore this whole cave? I noticed that it opens up quite a lot at the back."

Amon suggested as he picked up a burning stick from the campfire.

Philomel" I would love to. This place might be a good area to ambush Lenny and steal the miracle child. Since in this type of environment, we have the upper hand."

Amon" Oh! Good plan!"

Amon praised with a huge smile as he leads the way. Just happy that their friendship could still stay the same even after what happened.
