V5 Chapter 137 Leaky Catacombs

Drip Drip Drop Drop

Puddles form with each plop, water running like streams. Damp and cold, with each turn of these natural tunnel systems that run throughout the catacombs. Constantly hearing, eerie ghastly howling and moaning. Shivers down the spine, silently praying, nothing more, nothing more than the wind it is. Nothing more than rainwater reflecting the torch light.

Constantly rippling, reflected light, moving across the walls, as if a light moving underwater. As if underwater looking upwards where the darkest depths struggling to see the sky. There's nothing moving, nothing lurking, nothing stalking behind the shadows just our imagination. Cold winds breeze past, air holding a stale scent, like being in a creature's throat as it pants for breath.

Little One" Seeeeeeekeeeee."

Little One babbled as he tries to entertain himself in Amon's arms. Each time his little hands reach out to poke Amon's cheek, demanding attention, he would be reminded of the cold and curl back up in the warmth of Amon's shirt which was substituted as a blanket that was wrapped around the baby.

Philomel" Wow this place is creepy. Think that our home might be as creepy as this during a thunderstorm?"

Philomel questioned as she looks around, boldly, taking in mental notes and her mind drew up a plan.

Amon" *Chuckle* As if our home isn't creepy enough. Think about it, a bunch of bloodthirsty dark elves all hanging out in one huge catacomb in the middle of the desert. Imagine that you're a light elf lost in the sandstorm and finally finding a stroke of good luck, a nice cave to take shelter in. Then upon entering, you realize it's full of heathen dark elves empower by demons and still able to summon more demons to their aid. "

Amon describe with a huge grin as he held back his laughter.

Philomel" *Giggle* How that you mentioned it! Yeah! Our home is much creepier compared to this. "

Philomel chime as she did a little twirl before a solemn expression took over.

Philomel" Home... Never thought I would ever miss it but I miss the bellowing roars of the sandstorm as it howls through our catacomb home. "

Philomel admits with a sigh.

Amon" Sounds like something to fear rather than miss."

Amon shot Philomel a puzzled expression.

Philomel" Well I used to be... when I was very young, but daddy told me that it was the bellow of the demon dragon that lives within the catacomb protecting our home from whatever creature outside threatening our home. After that whenever I hear it, it brought me much security and made me feel protected. Now looking back, I know. I know that it was just another one of Daddy's made-up stories to make me feel better.

Even though I know that I still find myself not caring and wanting to believe it with all my heart. Because I know that even if the stories were made up and fake, my daddy loves me. He wants to create a safe place and keep me safe. This is why I want to believe all his stories, no matter how ridiculous they are because they are the best wishes of my father. The best wishes and the best advice he can give me for my future."

Philomel informed as she took a few steps in front of Amon before twirling around and smiling at him. Amon's heart skip a beat not at the sight of the beautiful Philomel's sudden smile but because he was touched by her words. A father, that spins such tales as best wishes and the best advice a person can give for their offspring's future. Amon thought back to his father, a father that wasn't always around but whenever he was. He gave advice as well but not in the form of a story that could be remembered well.

It was always direct lines that holds so much meaning that, it often confused Amon and left him clueless. It was only in later parts of life, looking back that he realized the meaning of the words. But that was only if Amon recall the exact words well. More often than not, Amon had forgotten his father's words since he didn't understand them. He only remembers those that he understood. Which is why he relies on Darzirak a lot. Darzirak would remember the exact words for it was something that was passed from generation to generation and during certain moments.

Whenever Darzirak felt like helping he would recite the advice which was extremely helpful during each situation. Unfortunately, Darzirak was the type that loved to see a frustrated, annoyed Amon. This is why he more than often, recites the advice after the situation is done and dealt with. Just to watch with much amusement, Amon's realization turns into a rage at Darzirak for not telling earlier. Amon soon wonders what kind of tale Mr. Anubis tells his daughter.

Amon" Hey, Mel."

Amon called out as he joined her side. Philomel replies with the sound " Hmm?" rather than words.

Amon" What was the story your father told you about that dragon in our catacomb?"

Amon eagerly asked.

Philomel" Long ago before the war of the gods, back when fairies and pixies didn't hide from humans. Back when tranquillity and peace go beyond the eyes can see. Back when the world made sense. Dragons lived amongst men and shared the same sky as birds and clouds. Their wisdom goes beyond the ages, along with their love for gold. It was then, dragons offered their help and information to the humans for a price.

Such knowledge could only be marveled at when it was bestowed upon a human. Terribly ingenious, the humans soon started worshipping the dragons as gods. Unfortunately, Lexi Bathory didn't like this at all, which is why he called upon his most devoted men to wield their blades against such magnificent creatures. Out of all the humans, the most successful was Shizen the dragon slayer. Bring back the tooth of the dragon as proof, for Dragons, they never really die. They are a part of nature whenever they fall, they transmigrate, returning to the earth.

One by one, the dragons fell, some turned into great oceans, some turned into tall mountains, and some turned into a deep dark forest. But always leaving something behind to protect their hoard, always leaving something behind to protect their hard-earned treasures from the world. However, whenever they turn back to nature, it's extremely hard to protect their treasures by just themselves. Which is why they would coexist with other races. Letting them live in its body, as long as they protect its hoard of treasures from the world.

It's said that our home used to be the biggest earth dragon that ever came into existence and went it fell, it fell upon its hoard, burying it many feet under, so no one can get it. Some say that the dragon's hoard consists of many types of valuable stones and not just gold. Rubies, emerald, topaz, jadeite, and every other type of valuable gem or stone that exist. That dragon had it all and being the grand dragon he is, he had more than plentiful. This is why even though we are cursed beings and every plant, water, and grass turned into sand, over time, that catacomb stood tall. For we dark elves are the best guards there will ever be for a dragon.

We have done our jobs so well that the grand dragon allows a bit of its hoard to resurface, lining the whole carven with limestone. Our reward for doing such a great job over the years. As each year pass, more limestone appears and glows a little stronger. Soon, we had Limestone that emitted a blue glow throughout the entire cave system. Basking in all its occupants in a soft blue. That is like standing under a luminous full moon upon a dark gloomy night, that is if the moon is blue upon that faithful day. That faithful day when the grand dragon was worshiped as a god. That faithful peaceful day, when the dragon realized how blessed he was. For he truly had it all. That faithful day, before all fell to ruin.

Even after centuries the grand dragon still fears, fears that one day the Dragon Slayer Shizen would come back and truly bring about the end to him. This is why during every sandstorm when the dragon isn't able to see who approaches, it bellows in the most fearsome way it can. Hoping, praying that it would strike fear into the Dragon Slayer's heart and the hearts of all who come to bring ruin upon us all. Praying it would be enough to scare all these people away and allow that faithful day, to come and grace us all with its presence, once again. "

Philomel recited the tale, with as much gusto as her father had told it.

It was then, at that moment, Amon knew what kind of father he wanted to be.
