V5 Chapter 138 Evolution of wolves 1/2

Drip Drip Drop Drop

Water sings its own melodies song as the gusto voice echoes throughout the catacombs. When the voice ended its tale, all that could be heard is the water's leaky song. Moments of silence passed Philomel soon grew curious of her audience and turned to face them. Amon stood there frozen with such a dreamy look on his face, left holding the torch, right cradling the baby. Little One was wrapped in Amon's shirt as a makeshift blanket. His little head kept peeking through wanting to start a story of his own.

" Weeeeeeeeeeeeaing!!"

Little One suddenly squealed and broke Amon from his trance state.

" I definitely agree, Little One. That was one heck of a story. Make-up or not, it goes to show how much care and love your father has for you."

Amon agrees with a nod and he tries to adjust a happy Little One in his arms. Philomel giggled extremely happy that she was able to tell the story just as good as her father did, if not better.

" I know right? That's my favorite story of them all. I had Daddy tell me so many times until I remembered every last word."

Philomel chimed before noticing that Amon was struggling with Little One.

" Oh, here! Let me. He's getting a little too heavy for you to adjust on one hand, isn't he?"

Philomel offered as she took Little One from Amon's arm.

" Very heavy. I can already feel my arm going numb."

Amon nodded as he stretched and rubbed his arm against the side of the body. Trying to massage it in some way to relieve the numb feeling.

" Who's a fatty baby?! Who's a fatty baby? You are! That's right you are! You are so fatty!"

Philomel baby talked to Little One as she blew a raspberry on the baby's chubby cheeks, causing Little One to sequel in delight. Amon couldn't help but grin at the sight as his heart boiled with admiration for such a wonderful story. His mind is still in a state of disbelief, disbelief of Anubis the man who once told Philomel that if she sleep with a guy, she would get pregnant and die. Upon the realization, Amon soon begins to wonder, what tale did Anubis tell his daughter for her to even believe that?

" Mel, I'm curious again. What story did your father tell you? When he warned you to be careful of guys?"

Amon questioned.

" Oh, you definitely won't like that story."

Philomel waved Amon off as she continued down a tunnel.

" Tell, I'm curious."

Amon urged as he followed after her. Philomel thought for a moment before letting out a sigh and nod.

" Very well. Long ago, when the world was still quite empty and the world was new. The Goddess Luna took the dew of the stars and drop them from the heavens. That drop fell on a frail tree. That golden stardust drop turned the frail tree into a golden tree. The tree was small and frail compared to all other trees within the forest. A tree that was so beautiful and so frail that it was pitied by all nature.

The trees that grew, avoided that area to give the golden tree more sunlight to grow bigger. The nature fairies poured their magic into it, to keep the frail tree from moss, ivy, and other plants that could kill the small golden tree. The birds kept the insects away while the other animals shielded the tree during the most violent of storms, protecting it from the strong winds. The animals even shielded the tree from humans, keeping them far away from the fragile golden tree.

Day by day, all of them did their part until the tree grew and the more it grew the more it lost its golden shine. But even so, all was happy that it was growing up fine. The once golden stardust tree grew into a huge grand tree from within its bark. Broke out the first 10 Elves before it regenerated and fell into a deep slumber. The first 10 elves were all beautiful females that were as beautiful as the stars above. Such beauty and charm, that all who saw them couldn't be helped but be swayed by their gently sweet nature. They returned the favor to the trees, fairies, and animals. Doing all they can to help all of them blossom.

From the shadows the wolves appeared, wanting to claim their reward from such beautiful creatures. The wolves who had chased many humans away, the wolves who had lost many of its brethren to the cause of keeping the golden tree safe. They asked for one of the girls to eat. For such beauty meant that they would the most delicious of meals. The elves refused, and the other animals, fairies, and even trees agreed. They shunned the wolves away, casting their pack out of their forest. Forcing to wolves to leave for a different forest. The wolves, however, cursed the elves and vowed that they would get claim their reward one day with force.

Plan after plan, they failed and were kicked back out, sneaking in through the bushes did no good. Hiding in bushes didn't help that much either. But each time before they were found and forced back out, they saw the elves playing with the wooly sheep. It was then an idea came to them, they would dress up as sheep to lure the elves out of the protection of their forest.

Howling laughter could be heard as the wolves stole a few sheep from a shepherd. They plotted a scheme and realise there was a major flaw in their plan. Killing an elf and dragging her body back to the pack would guarantee their failure. The creatures within that forest surely would notice a blood trail and bring it back to take more than enough time for the rest of the animals to catch on, putting a stop to their plan. All they would achieve is murdering an elf and having one or two wolves enjoying her flesh. Which didn't sit well with the rest of the pack and some wolves even fought to the death to be one of the chosen two wolves.

No, this plan would only bring them ruin. They had no choice but to lure an elf out of the protection of her forest. But what elf would follow a sheep out so far? And there was much risk of her finding out within that time frame. It took them a long time and they finally came up with a plan. A whole load of honey to make the wolf's words so dripping sweet that no elf could turn away. Rolling around in as many flowers as they could find, so that they could hide it...."

Philomel started the tale with the same gusto as the first but then trail off at the end. She paused for a moment, taking in a huge breath.

" It's malodour stench of the overgrown mangy scoundrel LOWLY DOG THAT IT IS!! "

Philomel said in a threatening tone as she held Little One close to her chest, covering the baby's ears with her chest and hand. She then screamed in a very frustrated angry way. As if she hated it so much, her blood boiled at just the thought of it. Her voice echoes throughout the catacombs, warping her words into ghastly shrieks. Amon got such a shock that he instinctively leap backward and hits the catacomb wall. His heart raced as his mind did its best to comprehend as it wonder why did she scream like that. Even though he already knew why and understood that Anubis hated men until it made his blood boil. Philomel was just reciting how the tale was told. Amon knew that, but his mind was so shocked, it couldn't comprehend, why she yelled and his mind could connect the two dots.

Philomel waited a moment for Amon to take it all in, a moment she wanted to take when her father, Anubis told her the tale. A moment Anubis unlike his daughter never gave and just continued the story, without notice. When Amon stood back up straight and walked up to Philomel, it was only then she continue the tale.
