Conspired War Part 4: Friends

Eli was sitting on his chair surrounded by burly men with swords, Jaren was sitting opposite to Eli with a saddened smile on his face.

"I guess you can't kill me, we have that bastard Eugene locked away in Jola afterall" Said Eli.

To this Jaren looked at him pulezzed

"No my friend we are killing you today, it's just that once you said that worst way to die is without knowing why you died"

Eli looked at Jaren and showed the same saddened smile. Jaren was still his friend but his duty as a prince came first for him, same as Eli who's love for Anna came first other than anything. They both had something they prioritized in their lives which made both of them betray each other.

"I got it, you're going to tell me how this all happened before you kill me?"

"I am really sorry that this has to be this way," said Jaren.

"I should have really listened to you when you told me to stay out of imperial politics when we were in the knight academy , now I understand why you said that but you know why I did right? I have no regrets whatsoever, it's just I am worried for Anna" said Eli with a sad smile.

"Hmm" Jaren said and nodded, sounds of screaming, shouting could be heard from outside.

"It all began 6 years ago maybe way back but I only know about the schemes from 6 years ago. Alec attacked Conley but lost horrible for this. My father schemed to start a civil war in Ancorna but rather than apologizing for the lives lost in his attack, Alec threatened us with the safety of Lady Lain and Eugene." Jaren started narrating what happened.

"Yeah I know we were in the dining hall that day, your father was attacked by then commander general Roy" said Eli not knowing how this is related to him.

"That's right you remember but the thing is commander general Roy never poisoned my father it was our scheme to remove from the commander general position. You remember the slave I haved in the knighthood Acdmey well she was gift from commander general Roy to prince Landon" Said Jaren

"Wait then that means you saved her so that Commander General Roy would get angry at Conley , he even openly opposed Conley then that poisoning happened. You guys wantedly increased the tension between Conley and Roy so you can frame him for poisoning but why?``said Eli still not getting the point.

"Father already thought that Alec would not surrender and try to threaten Lady Lain and Eugene's safety. So we already thought about how to proceed. As long as there is someone not friendly towards Conley on the Throne of Ancorna, we can't rest easy just like Alec attacked Conley, his future Heir will do the same.

So we planned to put our spy as the next Commander General of Ancorna and we did. Keith Nex has had control over the Imperial Army of Ancorna ever since then" Explained Jaren.

Eli was shocked , now he understood how all his brothers and Father's plans were always counter by Conley they literally had control over the Army.

Eli thought it was reasonable then he said "So you want to make that bastard Eugene the new Emperor? It's a long shot. He is in Jola, you won't be able to get him out of there without getting noticed by Ancorna."

"Actually there is a way you know Duke Rayan Already sent ships to Jola without anyone noticing so why can't we?" Said Jaren with Smugness.

"So I heard about the Secret route that James gave to Duke Rayan. Sigh, you guys were always a step ahead weren't you? But it's sad that you weren't able to save Lady Lain even with all this planning" Said Eli was about to have a great laugh when suddenly Jaren started to laugh instead with him all his men too started to laugh as if they had heard the funniest joke ever.

"Who said that Lady Lain is dead? I told you this is way bigger than you think buddy, What I told you was just the phase 1 of the entire operation called Cat and Kitten, I believe who the Cat and Kitten is?"

Eli was dumbfounded. He could not believe it "But mother killed…-

before Eli could continue Jaren said.

"Alec's wives never admitted they did it because they didn't. It was us who poisoned Lady Lain then we replaced her with a dead body as she was not an important person nobody came to her funeral so nobody was there to confirm if she is dead or not. They did send someone to confirm if she is dead but we have the army under our control so we easily faked her death. She is very much alive, she is back home in Conley waiting for her son's return." Said Jaren with a smile.

"You pushed the blame onto her son so you can take him out of the Capital! You fake her death for the same reason as well fuck!! we were doomed from the beginning!!"Said Eli Shocked and started laughing in defeat they have been planning this for years yet here he was just on whip planned to attack them, of course he defeated such an opponent.

Jaren smiled and looked towards Eli the said "This was Phase 2 to bring both the Cat and the Kitten out of the Capital but we never expected for Duke Rayan to attack Jola but it won't be a problem we already sent a ship to help Eugene defeat him, he just has to hold for a week at most"

"I still don't get it. Why would you have to kill me here? I mean you already destroyed my army there is no way I can attack you again and you can even ask me to join your said after all you know why I sided with James?"Eli asked, confused to him it was a better option, he only joined James side because he promised him that he will help him marry Anna but if making Eugene also gave him the same result he will happily side with Conley so insist on killing him?

Jaren showed a sadden smile and said " Phase 3 of the operation Cat and Kitten start a civil war in Ancorna and to do that we will make everyone believe that James killed you" Jaren pulled out a sword which was clearly made in Yodan kingdom which supported James claim for the throne.

"You will kill me with that sword and everyone will believe that James betrayed me, you also made your knights wear my knights armor when you guys attacked the base. The only ones wearing that armor are my army and James's because we are in the same faction so the blame will automatically go to him." Said and laughed a little

"We would have found another way to start a war but you just gave Conley a golden opportunity so it's on you buddy" Said Jaren as he lifted the sword and placed it near Eli's neck.

"I guess I did , don't forget your promise shithead" Eli said with a smile to this Jaren showed a sadden face.

"She won't be harmed" Said Jaren right before he swung his sword and severed Eli's head.

After that he just stood there looking at the severed head for a few moments.

"I told you not to do anything idiotic when I was not in the Capital…" Said Jaren with his voice breaking a little but he fixed it and walked away.

"We leave from the secret route as fast as possible" Said Jaren to his men.


In a room a man was sitting in front of a table , He had Red Hair, Black eyes, He smiled and said to himself.

"One down Two to go" with an evil smile.