The sun rose slowly over the horizon, casting a pink and orange glow over the desert island. The waves crashed against the shore, sending a spray of salty water into the air. A new day had begun. Some ships were sailing on the coastline with steam coming out from them. This was a bizarre sight for any normal person sailing in the sea but not for the ones on those ships.
With the newly built steam engines attached to the ships we were able to sail them towards the northern shore in 2 hours then we started extracting tar from the petroleum reservoir which helped us keep all the steam engines running. After the fuel problem was solved I made a construction department who started extracting limestone from the canyon that was present near the Northern shore.
Limestone is the basic ingredient used to make cement and concrete. cement is made from mixing iron,calcium (which we got from the shells on the beach) and limestone in the right quantities. Then mixing sand and gravel(made by crushing rocks using a steam engine)water and cement, we got concrete.
With the cement we were actually focusing on building huge rooms (greenhouses) for plantation and walls around Jola city before residential houses because we need food and security first then I can make comfortable houses for everyone. Glass was easy to make because of course it is made by sand burning it at high temperature with the blast furnace the design I got from Aria. One should know that glass making is not a thing in this world yet everyone uses silver plates to look at themselves, people in this era believe glass can only be made from lightning because it's a blessing from gods and shit. It's just that their normal furnaces can't reach the temperature needed to make glass so they don't know.
With glass and cement we started transforming the whole Western Estate into a greenhouse platoon.
We had an Iron shortage but I solved it with the iron sand extraction method I found in the database . For that we needed big magnets but guess what we don't have any. So I went on another 2 days of wrecking my head and searching for methods to make Magnets without actually having one.
We normally make magnets by exposing ferromagnetic metals, like iron and nickel, to magnetic fields. It is normally done by passing current through steel but we didn't have electricity.
This was a problem to which I didn't find a solution in one place but in different methods and research throughout Earth's history.
William Gilbert proved that by extensive cold hammering of hardened carbon steel samples on a massive ferrous anvil has proved possible to produce weak permanent magnets as such we did this method by letting Steam Engine to harmer it for us after few hours a weak magnet was produced but such a weak magnet made of hammering steel would not retain its magnetism for any great length of time however if we made many of them and put them in a bundle with their North poles the same way and we will have a magnet for making others with after all exposing steel to a magnetic field creates a magnet so if use many weak magnets to make one big magnet then use to make more magnets we have several big magnets.
After Neil and the Blacksmiths painstreaking made the magnets we attached them to horses and made them run on the sand with a mechanism attached to them to collect iron fillings.
By smelting the iron fillings into steel bars we are able to make more steam engines, I am not making any internal combustion engines just yet because they are so difficult to make.
The Entire Eastern Estate has smoke coming out of it after all the steam engines and blast furnaces are there.
Now I have solved the surface problems but we still have so many..
`Howl City: Conley Empire ,Sumit Hall`
"Rio was a young boy living in a far away city. He was always getting into trouble and his parents were always worried about him. One day, he got into a fight with some other boys and they ended up stealing his money. Rio was so angry that he decided to take out a loan from a loan shark to get his money back.
He didn't realize how much interest the loan shark would charge him and soon he was in over his head. The loan shark demanded more and more money from Rio and eventually he couldn't pay back what he owed. The loan shark came after him and beat him to death. It was all because of a stupid thing Rio did that he ended up losing his life." said Nick standing before hundreds of Audicnce
He and his brother Jaren are to show their cases for becoming the next emperor of the Empire however their sister Lily was not present today because she already forfeited from the Imperial Succession before boarding a ship to Jola.
"Why would you tell us this sober story, Your Highness Nick Roland?" asked King Andrew with an eyebrow raised.
"I want everyone present to understand that how the peasant have been dying because they don't understand what kind of deals they are making" Said Nick
"If Rio knew how to read he would have checked the document and thought about the interest rate however he took the word from the loan sharks as the truth but died because of not knowing his real debt we can't arrest the loan sharks as they have a proof that Rio agreed to those terms"
"What's your point Nick?" With an overbearing command-like voice, Emperor Edward sat on his high throne.
"I want all the peasants in the Conley Empire to know how to read and write, not just the nobles!" Said Nick whole concile went silent after that statement, after a few back and forth talks Jaren was called on to the stage to place sound on his case.
Jaren stood on the stage silent for a few seconds then sighed, looked all the council members in the eye and said.
"I Forfeit" With a defeated voice.
An uproar started as all of the people watching started discussing and muttering.
"What do you mean you forfeit? Did the competitor threaten you?!" A noble man with a green robe sitting in concile seat asked
"NO, I am not fit to be an Emperor because I realized that my emotions cloud my judgment and I am not ready to make sacrifices to be able to protect my Empire" Said Jaren with a solemn voice after that he stepped down from the stage and went to his seat.
The news of the emperor's death had been spread throughout the empire by messengers on horseback, as well as by runners who had carried the news to the nearest town or city. Gossip and rumors also have spread the news, and people have been talking about it for weeks. By the time Landon reached the Capital the Throne was already waiting for him on a silver plate. He easily evaded Conley's scheme and now he is the only one qualified to become the emperor.
His brother James can't become the next Emperor because of the crime of killing Eli while the Emperor died crowning him as the crown prince of course he will become the emperor now.
The idea of using Conley's schemes against them worked like a charm for Landon.
`Trade Kingdom of D.T`
The island trade city is a large, bustling city with a busy port and a market district. The streets are crowded with people and there are a lot of ships in the harbor. The city is surrounded by a high wall, and there are many guards patrolling the streets.
There is an organization in this seemingly normal kingdom. The criminal organization in the island is very powerful and controls a lot of the illegal activity in the city. They are involved in smuggling, gambling, and other illegal activities. The organization is run by a group of powerful pirates and merchants and also by the king of the kingdom himself who has a lot of influence in the city.
The organization meets in a secret room in a hidden location in the city. The members are all seated around a large table. The leader of the organization, a powerful pirate king, is at the head of the table. The other members are all pirates, merchants, and other powerful individuals. They are all discussing a new weapon that they have acquired.
"This weapon is going to be very powerful," the pirate king says.
"It will help us take control of the holy kingdom."
"But what is it?" one of the members asks.
"It's a secret weapon," the pirate king replies.
"It's a powerful bomb that will destroy anything it touches. We are going to use it to destroy the city's walls and take over the city."
`Holy Kingdom of D.T`
The holy island of Demogus tequila is a small, tropical paradise. The island is surrounded by white sand beaches and crystal clear blue waters. The island is lush with green vegetation and is home to many exotic animals. The people of Demogus tequila are friendly and welcoming. They live a simple life, based on the principles of their religion. The island is a peaceful place, where people can relax and enjoy the natural beauty.
The bishop and other church members are gathered together to discuss the upcoming attack from a criminal organization. They are discussing how to best protect the island and its people. They are also discussing how to best help those who will be affected by the attack.
"I'm glad you could all make it on such short notice," the bishop said as he looked around the room.
"I'm sure you're all aware of the situation with the criminal organization of the trade city that is planning to attack our island. We need to be prepared for anything."
"What do you suggest we do?" one of the church members asked.
"We need to be ready to defend ourselves," the bishop replied.
"I've been in contact with the Demogus government and they are sending some military personnel to help us. They will be arriving soon."
"We need to be ready to fight," another church member said.
"That's right," the bishop said. "We need to be prepared to defend our island and our way of life. I have faith that we will be victorious."