Divine Manifestations

The sun rises over the horizon, casting a beautiful orange hue in the sky. The birds start to sing. The people of Jola begin to wake up and start their day. They greet each other and begin to prepare for the day ahead however someone in Jola has no rest like all, it was their king Eugene.

I have been trying to solve the currency problem , Jola doesn't have a currency yet so how do people buy stuff? They don't Eugene and the Admin staff have been distributing food,clean water, clothes and everything else according to the number of members in the family,age and so on. but this can't continue forever. If it does, we will lose so much manpower for maintaining this so I need to make a self sustaining economic system for Jola. Jola used to use Ancorna's Iron Thal as its currency, obviously it was under their rule before Idecided to become King but we melted all the coins to make steam engines for the attack.

I am going to make a new currency with paper which we can create now using steam engines, engines really are useful. We don't have traditional material to make paper but we do have a lot of unwanted weeds sprouting in our newly built/being built greenhouses.

To turn harvested plant material into paper, we need to first cook it in huge pots and beat it. Normally one would beat it by hand but with a machine operated by steam engine to break down the fibers into pulp it was a piece of cake. Then the black smithes made Mold and deckle we spread the cooked product in it after that use a press to press it down into sheets and dry it in warm ovens doing this for a day makes paper which is stronger than modern prepare well it takes a whole day to prepare than the modern one which requires so many processes which we can't do right now.

With this homemade type of paper we can make documents,money and all sorts of things.

For ink I wanted to make petroleum distillate ink but soon gave up the idea because of the hazardous substitution it can create for the workers. So traditional ink was the way to go for now, usually Black ink is made using carbon black which we have abuntadent because of all the tar extraction we have been doing in the northern shore.

I already sent the The steam-powered rotary printing press design to the Blacksmiths in the Eastern Estate but it will take some time for it to be built with all the work they are doing right now. So money printing is not really going to happen till the start of new year.

We did try to start synthetic fiber making and failed miserably. I guess I will need to buy cotton from conley in exchange for clothes but they are not giving as anything 'important' so no noble would be able to demand our advanced technology in exchange. Even if they ask for our cloth production technology I will just give it to them. There is no way they can make automated swinging machines without steam engines, without blast furnace designs or huge amounts of steel mush is literally unheard of in this era.

I want Jola to interact very minimally with the outside world, I want Jola to be an isolated hidden paradise island.


Today makes it a year. It's been a year since I came to this world and it just went by in a flash because I was just lazing around while everyone was working their ass off to make Jola into a kingdom.

Also today is the day when Aria will manifest into the world just like me, that's the reason why she disappeared today. I can't talk to her even if I tried to, she is offline till her body gets created , this is the first time in a year I don't hear a voice living in my head constantly talking,seducing or comforting me of my uselessness.

I suddenly am starting to understand why she was made to be that way. I never had anyone who loved me unconditionally in my previous life so the Administrator gave me a person who is an ideal definition of lover in my mind. That's why he said it was a gift not an assistant to help me entertain him rather someone who will make me want to continue living unlike my last life where I had a goal in mind here I have nothing so giving me Aria was to make me want to stay alive which worked I guess.

While thinking all this I slowly drafted into sleep. I have been studying and checking on progress in Jola City so I was really tired.


`Howl City , Sumit Hall : Conley Empire`

The guests are all dressed in their finest clothes and there is a sense of ceremony in the air. The music is playing and the champagne is flowing. Everyone is enjoying themselves and there is a feeling of happiness and joy.

"It is a shame that Prince Jaren had to forfeit the throne to his brother yesterday. It must have been a difficult decision for him to make. However, I'm sure he is doing what is best for the kingdom. I'm sure his brother will make a great Emperor." said a merchant to a noble.

While a play was being played about what happened yesterday.

"after Jarean Forfeited he said to Nick" said the Narrator

"My brother, I am sorry to say that I must forfeit the throne. Yesterday, I was involved in a terrible accident and I am not fit to rule. I ask that you take my place and rule in my stead." Said an actor dressed like Jaren to an actor dressed like Nick.

There was a man with white hair watching the play, who sighed deeply after it ended and said to another with gray hair.

"I should have never sent Jaren to Ancorna, his guilt of killing his only friend made him forfeit the throne sigh" This White hair man was now Former Emperor Edward

"It's not your fault Edward, Nick is also a good kid so why are you so upset?" said Andrew

"I know I am just sad that Nick got it without any competition , if you get something without putting much effort into it you don't take it seriously enough" said Edward

"You think too much Edward, we all know how brilliant all your children are" Said Andrew

"Yeah yeh whatever" Edward said

"But why is lilly not here? I thought she would be debating with Nick and Jaren then lunch out and say 'We should settle this with a duel' or something tsk too bad we didn't get to see any drama" Andrew said while drinking a glass of wine.

"haha she would do that but she forfeited the throne as soon as I announced that I will be retiring , she only cares about battles and war. She exactly like mother" Said Edward

"Hahaha you're right about that man she used to beat me up so bad during spars, anyway you still didn't answer my question where is Lilly?"

"Oh she is on an special mission"

"Not telling me huh must be a really important one"


`Inside Imperial Palace , Capital City : Ancorna Empire `

The court is like a cold, dark place. The walls are made of stone and there is a large throne at the end of the room. The throne is made of gold and has a large, red cushion on it. There are two large, red curtains hanging on either side of the throne. The floor is made of stone and is very cold. There are many people in the room, all of them wearing dark clothes. They are all silent and they all have their eyes on the throne and the person sitting on it, Landon Ewan after the news about Alec's death spread obviously he will be incharge afterall he was the crown prince.

The atmosphere in the court is electric. All of James' noble supporters are there, and they're all waiting to see what will happen. Landon is there, too, looking calm and collected.

London gives a small smirk then orders that James and his supporters be brought to the execution grounds in chains. He has them stripped naked and beaten with whips until they are covered in blood. Then, he has them dragged through the streets while the people jeer and throw things at them. Finally, they are put on the gallows and hanged. Landon watches from a distance, laughing as they die.

Now all of the small pawns are dead, only the big fish Conley and their banished prince Eugene is the competition Landon has to face. Landon didn't even care about his sister's , he doesn't believe that they will be able to stop him from taking the throne nor can other wives of Alec. In 1 month he will have his coronation and become the Emperor and also on that day he will wipe out every single enemy he would face in the future.

With that He went to the Castle to take control of all the ministers and the Noble in the capital.


Eugene is feeling lost and alone in this new world without anyone. The only person he knew, Aria, left him yesterday. He feels like he has no one to turn to and is not sure what to do.

Eugene felt like he was drowning . He felt like he was sinking into a deep, dark hole that he would never be able to climb out of. The pain was overwhelming and it felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest. He feels isolated and alone, and his self-esteem is low. He may feel like he is not worthy of love or attention, and he may feel like he is invisible.

Even though Aria was like a fake who was made to love him, it was still something and now that she was not there, even though it's just been a few hours he is feeling useless and has many emotions he can't even can't even explain.

He closed his eyes while sleeping on his overly large bed trying to fall asleep when he finally drafted into sleep, an ominous blue light glowed right beside him and slowly a figure shaped like a woman snuck into his arms while caressing his red hair with her pretty hands.