Princess Lily was always a bit of an odd duck. She was born into an Imperial family, but she was always more interested in playing with swords and getting dirty than in attending fancy balls and wearing pretty dresses. When she was four, she saw a group of knights riding by and she begged her father to let her become a warrior. He laughed and said that she could be a warrior when she was older.
Conley was not like other empires in the continent as it allowed women to train in combat but it was only the nobility who did so, normal people just didn't have the time for it. Even noble women are very few that train with swords because after all the empire is still very new.
But Lily was determined. She started practicing with a wooden sword and shield that her father had made for her. She would spend hours every day training, until she was as strong and fast as any of the knights she saw. When she was eight, she entered a tournament for young knights and she won. After that, her father couldn't deny that she had the skill and strength to be a warrior. And so, Princess Lily became the first female knight to win a tournament in the Conley Empire.
As Lily grew older, she became more and more skilled with a sword. She entered and won more tournaments, until she was considered one of the best warriors in the empire. One day, she was asked to compete in a tournament against the best warriors from other empires. She agreed, and traveled to the kingdom of Rolux in the Demogus Empire.
In the tournament, Lily met and defeated some of the best warriors from all over the continent. In the final match, she faced a woman warrior from a kingdom she had never heard of before. The woman was tall and muscular, and wielded a huge two-handed sword. Lily had never seen anyone fight like her before.
The woman was incredibly strong, and Lily was barely able to hold her own. But she refused to give up, and eventually she managed to strike the woman down. As the woman lay on the ground, she looked up at Lily with admiration and respect. She asked Lily to take her sword, and said that she would make a great warrior. Lily was surprised and honored, and she agreed to take the woman's sword.
The woman's name was Commander Dathara, and she was the leader of the Datharaean Guard, the elite fighting force of her kingdom which was from the Western Continent. She told Lily that she had been watching her fight for some time, and that she was very impressed. She asked Lily to come and train with her, and Lily agreed.
For the next few years, Lily traveled with Commander Dathara and trained with the Datharaean Guard. She learned everything she could about sword fighting, and she became one of the best warriors in the world.
One day, Commander Dathara took Lily aside and told her that she had taught her everything she could. She said that it was time for Lily to go back to her own empire and use her skills to protect her people. Lily was sad to say goodbye, but she knew that her commander was right.
She went back to Conley and became one of the most celebrated warriors in the empire. She fought in many battles and led her fellow knights to victory. She became known as the Princess Knight, and she was revered and respected by all but even with all this, Lily still never defeated Commander Dathara and for that reason she always keeps on training. Lily's only goal now is to become so strong that one day she can defeat her mentor in a fair fight.