Daily life of Jola's Citizens

Ruby has been working in the administration council since her emancipation from slavery, and she has found that her life has greatly improved since then. She is able to use her intelligence and experience to make a difference in her community and to help others. She is now respected and appreciated for her work, and her voice is heard and taken seriously. She has access to resources that she never had before, such as education, and other forms of social support. Ruby is also able to pursue her passions, such as writing and art, and has been able to make a career out of them by writing for the royal press that has been created recently. Ruby has found her life to be far better than it was when she was a slave, and she is grateful for the opportunities she now has.

"Ruby, we have been so impressed with the work you have done in the administration council, and we would like to offer you a position as a Council Head for Human Rights Council. We believe your experience and knowledge are perfect for this role, and it would be an incredible honor to have you leading this new effort. Are you interested in taking on this responsibility?"

That's what the administration council head said to her this morning and she has been thinking about how her life has changed ever since she came to Jola.

"Yes, I am very interested in taking on this responsibility," Ruby said with a smile. "I am eager to use my experience and knowledge to help the administration council make a positive difference in our community. I am also grateful for the opportunity to pursue my passions, such as writing and art. I look forward to the challenge of this new position, and I am excited to see what we can achieve."


Old man Ben has been working as crewmate over year in Jola after been freed from slavery today he was thinking about how his life has changed ever since he boarded that ship, when a member of the administration council came up to him and gave him an offer.

"Mr. Ben, we have been so impressed with the work you have done in transporting tar from the northern shores, and we would like to offer you a position as a Council Head for Transportation Council. We believe your experience and knowledge are perfect for this role, and it would be an incredible honor to have you leading this new effort. Are you interested in taking on this responsibility?"

said the man from the administration council, he had a document singed by the king himself meaning the king has been observing his work over the last few months so how can he say no to this offer. Ben wanted to repay this great king for his freedom that's why he has been working hard but now he can work harder and help change this city into a better place than rest of the world!.


Sam was having trouble sleeping yesterday night because she has been selected to become the next council head for banking and finance which is real huge responsibility, she has been thinking all night why did his majesty selected her? A low born slave? She has learned how to read and write from an old man that helped her when she was a slave in a merchants guild. She was grateful for the old man but she never met him again after she was sold to captain freeman's crew anyway she has been thanking the old man every night because of him is she able to work at the administration council in a great kingdom like this not only that but she is going to become a council head herself it was all thanks to that green haired old man.

While thinking all this she looked at the books given to her by lady Sarah the administration council head.

Double entry calculations, Vedic Mathematic Elementary and Data Entry.

According to Lady Sarah these books were written by his majesty himself and will help her calculate math problems faster and efficiently allowing her to maintain the bank and finances of the kingdom.

There was also a rule book and human rights regulation book which is what she didn't understand why would Lady Sarah give her these books, well whatever she will read them all the same anyway.


Siege Weapons were being placed on the newly built walls around Jola City to protect it from any incoming threats from the sea.

The cement apartment style buildings were being built around the northern sides of the city with huge steam-powered machines, the view of a changing city was something else making Hughes feel nostalgic as if he had grown up in Jola all his life and is seeing it change over time.

This was a strange feeling but he liked it. He looked over at the coastline Military's new training grounds where hundreds of new soldiers training with there crossbows and new short-hand swords, he looked towards the west coastline and saw soldiers training with empty catapults and trenchers.

While Hughes was admiring the view from top of the walls a certain someone was admiring him from his right side holding a plate filed with biscuits, there was no tea on the plate because Jola still doesn't have any cows but citizens still enjoyed eating biscuits without milk. Who was this person? It was of course his wife Alice.

Both of them had a day of today so they thought of going on a date but Hughes still ended up coming to the walls to watch over the trainees. One might think this would have killed the mood but for Alice seeing Hughes so focused for his work was more than enough. She really liked this side of his.

The city has been changing and finally it feels like it's an actual city and an independent kingdom


`Somewhere in the Central Continent`

A young lady with brown hair awoke with a jolt and said

"The fuck was that place?! How can it develop so fast it's different from last time!!"

one can see panic on her face and a bit of angry mixed with it.

"Bell! Come here right now!" She called her servant on top of her lungs.

After few minutes of waiting a man wearing peasants cloths opened the door and keeled in front of her.

"My Lady at your service" He said

"Contact the Prophet, tell him we need to hurry" she said to the servant with a serious tone.

"Ye..s Yes my lady I will inform him" said the servant and left

after the servant left the lady said something to herself

"Maine find another passage link, I want to see more"

even tho no one was in the room she was talking as if she was ordering someone.


End of Volume 1 Another World