Changing Scenary

Everything's so blurry people surround me, are they doing something? Saying something?

"Sir he is □□□□"

"Bring in the □□□"

"Sir it's not working!! We need to get □□□□ here"

What are they talking about, what is this place, what is going on??

Why do I feel so dizzy, what's happening?

"Mr. Eugene Raven, stay with us!"

What Raven? I am Eugene Ewan Prince of Ancorna, what does he mean by stay with us?

Ah I feel a weird pain in my head, why does it hurt so much?

It looks like I am experiencing a dream or a vision, possibly caused by a medical condition or something supernatural. It's unclear who the people surrounding me are or what they're doing, but it's possible that they're trying to help me stay conscious or keep me safe from the pain in my head. It's also possible that the name 'Eugene Raven' is a clue or reference to something else, and that the person saying it is trying to help me remember who I am?

Slowly my head started to feel lighter and I fell asleep.


`Somewhere between Time and Space`

Being 1: So, I heard the moderators are planning to make a move that will help them win. What do you think?

Being 2: Yeah, I heard the same thing. I think it's a great idea. With this move, they can really gain the upper hand and put themselves in a position to win.

Being 1: That's true. Do you think they'll be successful?

Being 2: Absolutely. They have all the resources they need to make it happen. If they can execute the plan properly, they should be able to come out on top.

Being 1: This is really a bold move the moderators are not holding back this time huh..

Being 2: Yeah The Administrators really fucked up big time, this time no one can save them.

Being 1: let's not get ahead of ourselves. They still have the upper hand so I don't think they will lose so easily.


`Jola, The Castle`

Eugene awoke with a start, feeling Aria's arms wrapped around him. He smiled, savoring the warmth and comfort of her embrace. He felt her heartbeat against his back and he closed his eyes, feeling safe and peaceful in her arms.

Eugene felt a gentle kiss on the back of his neck and he smiled, turning his head to look up at Aria. She smiled down at him, her eyes full of love and admiration. Eugene felt a wave of contentment wash over him and he let out a long, contented sigh.

Aria ran her fingers through his hair and Eugene smiled, enjoying the sensation. He felt so loved and cherished in her arms, and he knew he would never want to leave. He felt like he could stay there forever, just basking in the warmth of her embrace. Eugene thanked the universe for bringing her into his life and he knew that he would never take her for granted.

After enjoying each other's company both of them left to start their day.

After Eugene divided the construction workers to start making houses, In a month the scenery in Jola started to change. 3 story buildings are being made to house all the residents in. The greenhouse area has been almost completed and the wall is near its completion around the city.

Eugene divided the city into 5 districts, Administrators District where government buildings will be built. This District will be in the middle of a circle . A small steel fence wall will be separating all the districts. Why a steel fence? Well to make electric fences in future.

Blacksmiths district on the East will be called the manufacturing district from now on, all factories and manufacturing buildings will be built there.

Greenhouse District and Entertainment District will be in the West, it will have two seperate sub-districts to protect the grains being grown there. The whole district as a whole will be the place where things such as Malls, restaurants, hotels will be built in.

Port District/ Military District in the south this district is our first defense line from any invading force hence it will be totally under control of the military council. The transport, military and food council will work together here to bring in stuff from other empires and kingdoms.

Royal District, as the name suggests it's the district where the royal family will be living. The Election Committee's Hq will also be built here because members of the Election Committee are Royals after all.

This was the general layout Eugene had planned for Jola's Capital City.

Eugene has already ordered a small town near the Petrol Reserve from where they extract tar. This town will be a harvest town of sorts from where the capital will buy fuel and cement from. Eugene has planned to make more cities and towns on the island but has not acted on them yet because of low population.

The desert island kingdom is finally coming together.


I gave Aria the job to select members for the other 2 councils so she has been interviewing people from the city to see who is fit for the job, after all she is going to be my wife meaning she will be royalty soon so she should start working as one.

I sat down in my study and started reading the reports. The use of money has gradually started even though we still don't have a bank. We started giving out salaries and stopped giving free food in-exchange for work.

Right now I am reviewing the documents for implementation of voting rights and universal rights. The voting rights in Jola are for anyone at the age of 16, why make 16? well people in this world start working at the age of 13 or 14 so if I said that only 18 year olds can vote nobody would accept it, I can't change a standard that has been already established in one go. I need to slowly normalize my ideals into the kingdom. I can't rush this stuff with universal rights and marriage. People marry way too young in this world so I establish a minimum age of 16 to marry someone and even for that I got negative feedback from the council heads in the meeting saying that the people will revolt if I kept the age of consent and marriage so "high".

But I explained saying that only the ones who are old enough to vote and think for the country should be eligible to marry. That's why I am keeping it so "high" this clam down the council a bit.

They were not really happy about allowing women in the military, they were also not happy about having the age where children can work at 16.

I had so much trouble convincing them to increase the general age for the working class. But I didn't have that much trouble in convincing them to have women in the military because they thought I was bringing the Conley ideology into the kingdom to support them. They liked the fact that I totally abolished the federal lord system hence they understood that allowing all women to fight would be to show that no nobility exists in the kingdom.

Now that these small problems are solved I need to tackle the biggest problem: the population, I don't have enough people to call Jola a Kingdom, heck I can't even call it a city. It's more of a big town. We have large land but less people, big ideas but less manpower, if this continues it will take forever to be open to the world.