Holy Kingdom of Yara plans for Crusade - Part 4


As he sat in shock, Bishop Raj was interrupted by one of his juniors who had just come in with alarming news. They had spotted many ships approaching from the mainland of Ancorna, and the estimated number was staggering - a hundred ships. Bishop Raj knew this could only mean one thing - the Holy Empire was going to lose the war.

He quickly thought of a strategy, they had a really big army here and they could use that to their advantage. He ordered his soldiers to fortify their position on the island and to make it as difficult as possible for the Ancornan army to land on the shores. They would use the terrain to their advantage and force the enemy to fight on their terms.

Bishop Raj also ordered his scouts to gather as much information as possible on the approaching army, their numbers, their weaponry, and their tactics. With this information, they could prepare themselves for what was to come.