Short Timeskip

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It's been 2 years since that lesson from OG Six Paths, and a lot has happened. OG told us to continue repeating what we've been taught over and over again and if we want to practice, we should check the library for practical seals.

Indra gave up first, though I wasn't surprised, he preferred researching Chakra hand signs and so he deemed the sealing technique as not for him.

Ashura lasted for quite some time as he found joy in this sealing art as he could use it to play, though he gave up when it became more complicated.

I continued practicing with enthusiasm, not minding anything else when it's time for sealing lessons. After all, I'm the one who needs it the most.

Lots of things happened during these two years of which the most important is that Indra awakened his Sharingan. When I heard of this I knew the beginning of their conflict had arrived and with renewed vigor, I continued training in all aspects I could.

For my progress so far, I can't say it's a lot but It is not little. Daily, I wake up early, run for 1 hour at a constant pace, and do some push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. After that, I'd meditate till time for meals.

Through meditation, I managed to locate all the spiritual Chakra Gates in my body and managed to unlock my Earth Chakra located at the end of my spine. This gate deals with survival and what's blocking it is fear of danger.

I didn't need to fear anything as I am practically living with God. I just need to discover my reason for wanting to survive.

It was not hard to figure out, I wanted to be strong enough to protect myself and cultivate a body that can withstand time. So it was easy to unlock.

With the opening of this gate, I felt my mind has been strengthened to a certain extent and I could sense things around me clearer. I also have an instinctual feeling that as I unlock more of this, I'll develop a sea of consciousness {Spiritual Plane}.

I also chose a particular chakra affinity to start with. Lightning. There was no chakra paper around during this time so there was no way I could know what elemental affinity I possess.

With that thought in mind, I approached Indra, as I know from the anime that he possesses both lightning and fire affinities.


During our daily research on Chakra and hand signs, I asked.

"Hey Indra, how did you know how to create fire from your mouths?"

Looking at me for a second he said." I don't know, I just felt like I could use it"

"How about the lightning you used to kill that boar that attacked brother Ashura?"

Pondering for a moment he answered "I already felt that I couldn't win without something with enough destructive power, and I knew that my little fire couldn't do anything to it, so I converted a portion of my chakra into a more destructive form and directed it to my palm"

When answering, he demonstrated it for me to see, and that was the technique Kakashi will create.

After a few questions and answers, I left for my sealing classes. Where I was working on a seal that draws energy towards a selected area.

Yes, currently, I'm planning to develop three types of seals.

One: Space seal to lock an area away from anyone seeing or entering or create a personal dimension.

Two: Energy gathering seal, to also gather natural energy to an area.

Three: A cultivation seal, to create a channel to direct natural energy into my body to both refine it and also possibly form a Chakra core.

All these are long-term goals, but I'll get there someday.

After my sealing practice, it was my free time to do whatever I wanted. I first tried to understand the feeling Indra said he felt. I kept trying to make my chakra into a destructive form, but that didn't help. I then sat in a lotus position and started meditating.

I wanted to understand what makes Chakra turn to elements. I tried going through the Avatar route by pushing my chakra into the air, pushing it into the ground and water but that only led to loss of chakra.

I then stopped thinking about it mystically and turned to science. Lightning is a naturally occurring discharge during which two electrically charged regions, both in the atmosphere or with one on the ground, temporarily neutralize themselves, causing the instantaneous release of energy.

Relying on this, I can try dividing a portion of my Chakra and then strike it against itself until it produces a spark and from there, I'll proceed.

Wanting to test my theory out, I tried doing it in my body, but I suddenly had a bad premonition.

Deciding to try it on my palm, I poured out chakra on my palm and then, started vibrating them against each other to create a region charged with electricity.

Maybe I am a genius or maybe because I already possess lightning affinity I managed to produce electricity shining in blue color, and pouring more Chakra into it, it became white with a crackling sound akin to real lightning.

Trying to get more used to this form of Chakra, I tried doing this inside my body before bringing it to my hands and it was a success much slower than the first but more chakra saving.


With my chakra attuned to lightning, I increased my physical training. And knowing that the Sharingan gives the owner a 2X thought acceleration, I first thought of pouring chakra into my brain to stimulate my nerve reaction and increase my thought process thereby giving me an unlimited thought acceleration down the line.

After all, lightning moves at a speed nearly close to the speed of light. I wonder where the bottom line will be if I develop this technique well.

With that thought, I tried pouring Chakra into my brain but it was too little. And then I increased the intensity, which led to a coma. I was lucky I did this at nighttime and by morning I was fresh as new.

Though I noticed that my thought process increased a little which brought a smile to my face. And with that, I kept pouring Chakra into my brain in little quantities every day.

I also utilized my lightning to refine my body on a daily basis. During my morning exercise, I circulate lightning chakra all over my body, which is extremely painful, and at the end, I use my neutral chakra to relieve the pain a little.

That's how these 2 years passed.

Currently, I am 9 years old but look like a 12-year-old kid in the village. Though people know of my training, they don't know of my use of elemental Chakra while training, so they assumed it is due to this.

My skin still looks pale white despite the excessive use of lightning on it. I had thought the cause of the 3rd, 4th and 5th Raikages all having dark skin was due to their Usage of Lightning cloak.

Nevertheless, I'm grateful I still have my pale white skin.

Today we will be having combat training as usual and I am prepared to best Indra. He has been getting a lot withdrawn from us as well as the villagers. He is always in the forest training with Black Zetsu.

I know that black Zetsu is manipulating him and showering him with praises no one else would and making him more arrogant. But I can't interfere after all.

It's practically destined to happen and I am nearly not as strong to defend myself from Zetsu. After all, he can sneak into my room and assassinate me if I become a hindrance to his goals.

Nevertheless, I plan on giving Indra a good fight and trying to get him to talk more. He is already becoming broody this early in life and I can't let that happen so soon.

Currently, my thought acceleration is at 3X the normal on the base form and 9X with lightning Chakra. I've kind of hit a bottleneck. No matter how much chakra I put in, it wouldn't increase. And I get a feeling that should I force it, I will get a deadly backlash. So I am content with where I am now.

With all of us gathered at the arena we use for combat and the fight already going on. I snapped out of my thoughts.


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