VS Indra

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All the village Children that were gathered were already having their usual fights. Though it was not without a supervisor. Indra, Ashura, and I were together as always. Although we rarely fight among ourselves, we don't do it frequently. Ashura doesn't like fighting, I feel like Indra disdains fighting against weak people, I'm not too sure about that.

Turning to Indra, I asked him to fight with me. Narrowing his eyes on me, he agreed with a nod.

With that, we approached the center of the arena. Noticing the two of us approaching the center of the arena, the other children gave way to us.

They knew a battle between us brothers was always exciting to watch. With our extensive research on chakra techniques, we made use of transformation, substitution, and real Chakra clone techniques in our battle. Ninjustu were also used, Indra with his kunai and me with my lightning.

3rd POV

The excitement of the audience has finally reached the climax level, almost all the attention and expectations from the start were on Indra and Shun.

Indra smiled at Shun and said: " I didn't expect you to be eager to fight me… but still am very pleased to be able to fight against you."

Watching the changes in Indra's expression made Ashura feel the pressure of an incoming storm, even Shun felt the same way.

What a presence.

Although it's not a surprise, the appearance and the talent of this guy, even his mood and temper give him a great presence.

"I am happy to fight you too."

Shun nodded his head and smiled back at Indra.

Indra said with a smile: "It's nothing much."

Of course, Indra didn't know the reason for Shun's feelings, it was referring to his future of being the first and strongest Uchiha.

Fighting a future son of destiny is, of course, an exciting thing.

And even as a kid he can't be underestimated, he's a strong opponent.

That's the reason behind Shun being so serious about this.


From the very beginning Shun decided to go all out, with full speed, Shun dushed toward Indra and threw a punch.

It doesn't mean he's afraid, the lion goes all out even when he's hunting a rabbit!

Shun, showing his full speed was a shocking moment.

Until now the only thing he showed in this event was his overbearing strength.

After all, the whole village knows that Shun exercises his physical body.

This is the first time he showed his speed.

In the eyes of the other children, Shun's speed was like the speed of light!

His body appeared like a shadow when he moved; they couldn't follow his speed with their eyes!


"Not only powerful?! but fast too… …"

It wasn't only the children, even the other adults were surprised.

His speed is almost comparable to adults who fight!

His speed at this time was enhanced fully with a lightning cloak. Though not visible.

The strength and speed he gained from the lightning refinement can't be underestimated.

"So fast!"

Indra's eyes exposed a hint of shock, but he didn't get distracted, while Shun was dashing at him he started doing Hand signs.

By the time Shun showed himself to strike him with a punch, Indra had already completed his Hand signs.


As soon as the sound of the punch exploded, Indra's body Shattered, but it turned into a piece of wood.

Substitution technique

It didn't surprise Shun, suddenly he clenched his fist and punched out at the air behind him, with his hand clad in lightning.


The air cracked as the punch was enhanced by lightning, and the cracks spread out in all directions.

{A/N: MC's techniques will be Avatar styles, no unnecessary hand signs, only ones that may be a full body technique }

Behind him it was Indra who threw kunai from his back, those lightning cracks froze all the kunai in the air!


All the kunai fell to the ground, simply they couldn't resist the power of the lightning punch.

"It's a tricky one."

Looking at this scene,

Shun dushed at Indra with full speed, but Indra, in the meantime managed to do Hand signs and cast a Substitution technique then appeared behind him.

Indra's natural speed and nerve reactions are beyond any other person except me of course, even the future Minato and Raikage aren't compared to him.

Having a little difficulty, Indra opened his Sharingan, and surprisingly, there were two tomoe in each eye.

That way even against Shun's great speed, he can react faster.

If it was only power, he had too many combat plans to overwhelm him, but with this great speed, it's a little bit difficult.

"The tougher the opponent… the more troublesome he is… That punch must be avoided, or it's gonna be my loss."

he murmured that to himself, then he picked up a kunai.

Shun turned around, with a calm look.

Regardless of the tricks, Indra's gonna pull out, as long as he gets close to him once, as long as he hits him with one punch, it's gonna be his win.


Suddenly, Indra threw the kunai directly toward Shun, at the same time he started doing Hand signs with both hands.

While the kunai was flying in mid-air, suddenly another one showed up, and the one kunai turned into two.

After that, the two changed to four, and the four changed to eight.

In the blink of an eye, the sky was full of kunai, like a storm moving toward Shun!

A shocking moment.

"Kunai Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

"His talent sure is terrifying."

Whether the children or the other adults, shock appeared in their eyes.

However, in the face of this sky of kunai, Shun trusted his power he didn't retreat, instead, he did a one-hand seal,

"Chidori Nagashi"{Chidori Current}

By releasing the Chidori in every direction, a lightning discharge flew from the Shun's entire body allowing him to affect multiple kunai.

When using this technique, it can be used effectively as an instant defense. The body of the person touched by the Chidori will misinterpret the lightning nature as "electrical signals from the nerves", making its muscles contract.

This causes the body to involuntarily go stiff, while at the same time receiving damage. This attack can also be channeled through the ground to increase the range of the attack.

T{ A/N: this technique was used by Sasuke in the anime, so Shun merely copied it}

Anytime Indra uses a Ninjutsu or throws a kunai, I will always stop it with either the current or the lightning fist!


The power of the current made a crazy impact in the air and stopped every single kunai in mid-air, then one by one they fell to the ground and disappeared.

A very Shocking scene, it's simply hard to imagine that the two of them are just children who can use these tricks!

However, this is not over yet.

While the kunai were falling from the sky like rain, several of them started to transform.


They turned out to be clones of Indra transformed into Kunais.

"This trick too?!"

Shun kept a calm expression, he looked to the clones and poured more chakra into his hands and made a more powerful fist similar to Enel's style from one piece,


The discharge of the lightning was outbreaking, it shrouds all the surrounding area.

The lightning strike spread out in the air, it looked as if the arena was enveloped by lightning.


The smoke generated was so big, but abruptly the wave of lightning blocked it out, it couldn't go any further!

Releasing the Chidori Nagashi to maintain a certain amount of stealth in the smoke, Shun spread his senses to locate Indra

However, the smoke and dust were temporarily blocking the senses.

The smoke spread out in all the area, and the clones disappeared in the air, meanwhile, a strong wave of flame came and blew everything away.

"Fire Release! Fireball technique!"

This fire release, impressively gave Indra a great advantage on Shun, while he was dealing with the clone Kunais, he released it to shorten the distance between them, the moment Shun realized what was happening, Indra was already in front of him!

Too late for him to dodge.

However, he just used Ninjutsu!


A\N: Their chakra is high even if they are children. This is the era where Hagoromo made sure everyone had the same amount of chakra. But let's not forget that both Indra and Shun are training secretly. Indra with Zetsu while Shun by himself but with different anime logic.

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