
[A/N: Please, guys, this is an anime fanfiction that uses cultivation lower levels as a reference to strength. I may be using immortal cultivation terms here but this will be his peak.

As a soul formation cultivator, one can freely travel outer space and even live 300,000 years normally, but I didn't say that here 'cause, what's the point?

Please don't look forward to any dao bullshit. He has control over every element, Kekkai Genkai, Truth Seeking Orb, and to top it all off, Yin-Yang Release: Creation of all Things.

Right now he could even go to any pantheon and still be treated as an All-father of Gods. So, please, let's just enjoy the process and not the endpoint. Thanks.]

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Sensing the teleportation seal I placed on the outskirts of the village, I disappeared in a white flash and appeared just a few miles away from the village.

Taking large steps toward the village, I arrived less than a minute later. My casual steps now could already cover miles.

This should be due to my power level now. I feel like if I lit enough pressure, I could jump into the atmosphere. I could also now float. In general, my body could now be called one with nature. I only need to urge the energy in the atmosphere and I could move at a speed faster than lightning.

Arriving at the entrance of the village, I notice it is overly lively, and there seem to be signs of celebration.

Either Ashura just came back or he has already been appointed successor. If it is the former then that is good but if it is the latter then we will have a lot on our hands tonight.

I entered the village with large steps but I wasn't using any energy this time around. I was just walking normally. It didn't take time before everyone started to recognize me.

"Yo, if it isn't Shun, you're back"

"Oh Shun is back"

"He must be back for his brother's celebration party"

"Nah, it should be coincidental, how do you expect him to know that the selection will be a year from now"

"Yeah, it must be a coincidence"

"Hey guys, it's been a while. How have you all been doing?" I greeted them back with a happy smile. I wasn't wearing my blindfold this time around so my smile brought out my full handsomeness.

A lot of villagers who recognized me came to welcome me and I greeted them back, they were all beaming with joyful smiles on their faces. I guess they really are happy that Ashura will be the successor. They might have voiced it out previously for fear of angering Indra but it is now obvious the whole village loves Ashura.

I also noticed a lot of new faces in the village. More than fifty from their chakra presence. I could also now confirm that with my enhanced senses, I developed a kind of empathy. So far I have been feeling joyful emotions from the people I have met and focused my senses on.

After walking for some time and greeting the people I met on the way, I finally arrived home. I didn't feel Indra's chakra in the village but I felt Ashura's together with a group of people I don't. recognize their chakra. Must be his new friends.

Not minding them, I went towards the meeting hall where Hagoromo is most of the time. When I reached the door, he heard Hagoromo and a voice that is supposed to be Itami talking. I didn't bother eavesdropping as that would be rude and he would be caught

'I could hide my presence with natural energy but this is Hagoromo we are talking about here so I didn't bother. Knocking lightly on the door, I pushed the door open and walked in, they both looked at me.'

Hagoromo looked mildly surprised when he looked at me but that was all. Either he expected it or he just doesn't care as long as I am not evil.

'I wonder how that Toad will feel when he sees me now. Will he make another bullshit prophecy or still the same old one? Now that I think about it clearly, How did he even know that a blue-eyed youth will be the savior of the world?'

'If it was before, I would have dismissed it as anime logic but now, I am mildly interested. Guess I'll ask about it when I go to their sacred laIt It's not like he can get any stronger than me.'

"Yo pops, Itami san, I've just returned and I see a whole lot of new faces around here. Plus the festive atmosphere. What's going on? Have you finally chosen your successor? Who is it?"

I asked in one breath while walking towards a sitting mat in front of Hagoromo.

"Nice to have you back, Shun. I would like to hear more about your travels but since you asked, it would have to wait"

"As for what is going on, Ashura came back from his quest and he performed splendidly. I decided to make him my successor. His actions in the village inspired even me and taught me something new."

"I would like to hear your opinion on the matter. Take a look at this report and tell me what you think"

He said before passing a scroll to me. I picked up the scroll and opened it. Inside was the report on how Ashura performed his quest, the decisions he made, the approach he took, and the result of his actions on the village.

Even though I already knew all this from the anime, reading it firsthand also has a special kind of feeling it gives. After I was done reading I handed it back to him. He then handed me another scroll which was Indra's report on his quest.

I already know what he did in the village but I still opened up the scroll to see it from his point of view.

in the scroll was his action concerning the already stated problem inflicting the village. His report states that he attempted to solve the issue by himself as the villagers were too weak to be of any service to him.

Indra didn't have the patience to pull them through the issue so he did everything himself.

In the village he went to, the land had been sucked dry by a branch of the God tree nearby and they didn't have any other source of food and water.

The land was dry and there was no water channel. Unlike Ashura who appealed to the villagers and later won their hearts and gained their help, Indra didn't bother about the villager's help or emotions. With his ninjutsu, he made a lake for them and also watered the land and left it like that.

While reading this, my mouth involuntarily twitched. Any sensible person would know that this is not the way to solve the issue. If Indra remained there as their source of water, it would be understandable. Instead, he gave them a short-term solution instead of Ashura's long-term solution.

Both their quests were fundamentally different but they still had one thing in common which was to help the villagers.

If I am being fair, Ashura won this quest flawlessly while Indra has to reflect on himself. If not because I know that this part of the lot is important, I would have really gone to beat a little sense into Indra, but alas.

After placing the scroll down, I took a deep breath and said my true thoughts on the matter.

"In all fairness, Ashura's way of handling the problem facing the village was admirable while Indra's method has a way to go. Ashura gave the village a long-term solution while Indra gave them a short-term solution."

"I still wouldn't choose between the two as I feel like you know better than me what you want from your successor." I finished.

Now it doesn't matter what I say. I want to remain true to what was a year ago. I don't want to choose between them and even if I said 'I choose Indra, Hagoromo will still choose Ashura.

Hagoromo nodded sagely and didn't say anything else concerning the issue. He then asked me about my experiences outside.

I started to recount everything that happened after I left the village. I didn't hide anything and told him how I used clones to explore parts of the land and also the people I met.

I also told him about the Shikkotsu forest and what I learned from Katsuyu about other sage lands. I didn't tell him about the chakra tree branches though.

I also told him about my experience with the seven chakra gates and where they are located and everything I passed through after opening all of them.

I didn't mention my dimension though but I did tell him that I have achieved the sage body which he nodded, not surprised at all. i guess that's why he looked a little surprised when he came into the room.

When I was done recounting my experiences, it was already evening and the festival was already in its beginning stages. I also heard from Hagoromo that he has already chosen Ashura to be his successor, which means a few hours from now, Indra would kill his two lackeys and awaken both the Mangekyou Sharingan and Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. He would then attack the village.

Knowing all these, I would be a bad brother if I didn't meet and congratulate Ashura before his inauguration.

I met Ashura with some of his friends from the village he went to.

I noticed that he and a girl named Kanna were quite close and if I am not mistaken, she will be his wife.

"Yo Ashura. Longest time"

"Ah. Shun. How are you? I've not seen you for a whole year." He said while approaching me for a hug.

I hugged him for a while before we separated. I looked around and noticed the curious gazes directed at me.

I waved at them and introduced myself.

"Hey, I'm Ashura's brother in all but blood. The name's Shun"

They then introduced themselves. We discussed for a while toll Ashura was called by Hagoromo.

I knew it was time he passed his Six Path senjutsu to him and soon Indra would be coming.

I repressed my every chakra and waited for the first battle between brothers. I could save this scene forever in my mind and show it to re-incarnations if I felt like it.

Another reason I want to hide properly is to find Zetsu and have a nice conversation with him.

I felt Indra's presence near the village and knew the moment was fast approaching.


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