Brothers Fight

'...'. Thoughts

"..." Speech

[...] Technique

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Shun could feel Indra's chakra coming towards the village. It was in a state of excitement. It was boiling so to say. It could only be the effects of excited emotions or the effect of the upgrade in his chakra quality.

The village was still quiet and calm as they didn't know the danger approaching them.

As Indra neared the village, Shun looked up to the sky. Turns out Indra wasn't walking in, he was flying in.

As Indra landed, the tremor generated by the fall alerted everyone in the village and they all scrambled toward the village gate.

Ashura and Hagoromo rushed toward the gate. Reaching there, they both saw Kanna, the girl who came along with Ashura from the village he went to on the quest.

"Kanna, are you alright?" Ashura asked.

"Yes," She replied.

Ashura used healing palm Jutsu to quickly heal her injuries.

Noticing the source of the tremor, Ashura and Hagoromo ran toward it. Reaching there, he exclaimed seeing the source.

"Elder brother"

Not bothering to acknowledge them both, Indra said.

"Why? Why didn't you choose me as your successor?"

"Is it because of the task? I gave them everything they needed."

"But ultimately, the villagers ended up relying on my power too much"

Looking at his palm like a classic villain who just realized the right way to go about things, he continued

"I didn't do anything wrong, can use my power and establish total order."

At this point, Hagoromo decided to intervene.

"Those with power must never forget the human heart. With power comes the responsibility of helping those in need"

The villagers were solemnly looking at what was transpiring. The amount of aura coming from the chakra Indra was emanating came with a terrifying pressure that they couldn't bear.

"People will not support a governance through fear Indra"

"Foolish" Indra muttered.

"This is a foolish way of thinking. What is the point of power if you cannot use it to govern those weaklings? I cannot be like them"

Indra said the last part while flaring his chakra. His fully matured Mangekyou Sharingan or Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan at this point became visible.

"Indra, your Sharingan," Hagoromo exclaimed in surprise.

"Elder brother, please stop, I don't want to fight you," Ashura said.

Without bothering to even reply, Indra made a hand sign and a huge amount of lightning chakra was accumulated and thrown towards Ashura.

Ashura didn't stand idly by. Cupping his hands, he created some balls of chakra and used them to match Indra's incoming lightning ball.

"What?" Indra shouts in surprise.

Shun, who was watching the show nearby, also showed a trace of surprise on his face.

'Seeing it in the anime and seeing it in real life is so different' Shun thought.

'I didn't even know when he learned this. Nice going Ashura'

When the lightning and [Amenomihashira] collided, it generated a lot of dust clouds but surprisingly, the [Amenomihashira] overpowered the Lightning Jutsu and hit Indra.

"But this is not enough to defeat me," Indra said while showing his full body Susanoo.

'Damn. All the way to the full body? This guy didn't even build up the chakra." Shun thought gobsmacked while watching the fight.

"Here I come," He said before stomping on Ashura.

Ashura managed to evade the leg on time but was on his ass on the ground.

From behind Ashura, a ball of fire, water, and wind landed on Indra's Susanoo.

"Every Join forces" Hagoromo urged the villagers. The villagers watching the fight all started shooting various elemental attacks at Indra's Susanoo

'Surprisingly, their chakra has all passed the gaseous form. If not for Indra's Susanoo, they would be able to slightly overpower him. They all have at least Kage-level strength' Shun thought

'It's all futile efforts though'

With a Slash of his Susanoo blade, Indra destroys all incoming attacks. The force from the swing goes on to cut into the village, creating a huge ravine.

"The powerless can band together but it all means nothing in the face of true power," Indra says while looking over at Ashura.

He then swings his blade at Ashura while shouting: "It's over"

"Elder brother" Ashura shouts.

As the blade landed on the spot Ashura was standing, the force from the swing destroyed what was left of the village while generating dust clouds.

Hagoromo was protecting the villagers with his Truth-Seeking Orb, in the form of a dome.

Shun, who was watching nearby, was shocked at the turn of events.

Didn't his advice change anything?

Is this fate or is something at work here?

He didn't know what to think.

But he was both shocked, angry, and disappointed.

Since Hagoromo didn't bother to defend Ashura, Shun didn't bother to, as Ashura already possess Hagoromo's Yang Six Path Senjutsu

Indra's blade was blocked by Ashura's rod, created from two of the eight Truth-seeking Orbs floating behind him.

Seeing that one of his blades has been stopped, Indra swung his second blade at Ashura. The force and weight from the blade push Ashura into the ground.

Trying to withstand the weight from the blade and trying to stand up, he suddenly feels the combined chakra from everyone in the village on his shoulder.

Turn out that Hagoromo gathered everyone in a circle and with hands joined together, they transferred their combined chakra to Ashura.

'Wow, what a spectacle. I almost wish I could join' was what Shun was thinking. 'Hmm? My clone is back, guess he managed to find him huh?'

'That's by the way. I need to find a way to create an Avatar for battle. Indra has the Susanoo, and Ashura has the True Several hands. I wonder what should create' Shun made a mental note to research this at a later date

"I can feel it... I can feel everyone's power" Ashura shouts.

And with the help of the chakra carrying everyone's thoughts and hopes, Ashura claps his hands and used the [Sage Art Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hands]

A humongous wooden construct in the form of a Budha with his two hands clapped together. Hundreds of hands extending from its back appeared with Ashura standing on its head.

The size towers over Indra's Susanoo by two times.

Indra in his rage flew up to clash with the Ashura.

"Ashura," Indra shouts.

"Elder Brother"

Ashura fights back with his several hands and destroys Indra's Susanoo while injuring him in the process

When the dust settled down a little, Indra was on the ground with blood flowing out of his mouth.

'Guess they didn't use any flashy techniques after all. The fight was quite boring but still interesting.'

Ashura, in his kindness, ran toward Indra to heal him.

"Stay back" Indra shouts at him.

Shun, knowing this was his opportunity to follow Indra, immediately activated his domain to cover only the three of them.

Indra who attempted to flicker away noticed a change immediately and looked around cautiously.

"You've both outdone yourselves" A voice came from the whole area.

"So you were watching Shun"

Indra being the intelligent one immediately understood what was going on.

"Ah, Shun. So you're here. Wait, where are you?"

Ashura then tried sensing him but still couldn't find him which confuses him greatly.

Before he could say anything else, Shun interrupted.

"l meant that as both a compliment and an admonishment. Ashura, I didn't know you've gotten strong, well done and you Indra, what's all this about?"

"I thought my advice a year ago reached you somehow but this? Trying to kill your brother, for what? Being the successor? What came over you Indra"

"You don't know anything. You wouldn't understand" Indra refuted.

"Yes, I wouldn't understand" Not bothering to talk to him anymore, Shun appeared in between Indra and Ashura, and facing Ashura, he said:

"Ashura, Good job. I believed you'd be strong someday. I want to have a chat with Indra. I'll be back later to talk with the old man. Tell him I left with Indra"

"Ok. Take care of Elder brother" Ashura said with a proud yet sad smile.

And with that, the domain effect went off and both Shun and Indra disappeared.


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