
Back in the village, it was currently morning and everything was going on as usual except for the overly bustling villagers running around putting things together. Hinami and Ria were currently sitting together under the pavilion in front of Shun's house.

Today would be the day Shun would be leaving, the villagers knew about it and were running around putting things together to send Shun off.

Ria came over as early as possible Io meet up with Shun and spend a little more time with them before they left. Currently, they were getting worried as it has been close to two days since Shun disappeared and they had no clue what he is up to and considering as they were both worried, there was no one to reassure them and they sat in silence.

Suddenly, from behind Hinami, a voice said, "Yo"



Shun POV

After coming out from my dimension, I reappeared on the spot I left Hinami and Ria and noticed that less than 2 days has passed, using my [Universal Semse] I scanned the whole village for Hinami and noticed that Ria was with her, I also noticed that the whole village seem to be overly excited for some reason.

Not paying attention to it, I teleported to the location I sensed Hinami, and seeing as they had worried expressions on their faces, I said, "Yo"

That seemed to startle Hinami as she screamed cutely when suddenly, my [Danger Sense] screamed at me to move, which I did instantaneously. {A/N: In other future, it'll be Observation Haki}

In that split second before I teleported, I noticed the chakra in Hinami getting active and the last thing I saw and heard was an explosion targeted at the area I once stood.

Luckily, it was only targeted behind Hinami as the resultant wave from the explosion didn't hit Ria who was sitting beside Hinami.

"The hell!..."

Normal POV

"The hell!..." Shun screamed as he appeared in front of the girls. "What was that for?"

"Ah, Shun, don't scare me like that again," Hinami said while letting out a breath of relief, totally ignoring the fact that she almost blew up her husband-to-be.

"What? Did I scare you? And what's with the explosion?" Shun asked clearly aggrieved.

"Ah, don't mind it, it must be one of those flight or fight things you talked about when someone gets scared," Ria said, defending Hinami.

Hinami nodded her head In acceptance immediately while looking like she was the victim here.

'I'm clearly the victim, why is no one realizing that' Shun thought to himself.

"And there is no way you'd be hurt by that you're big brother after all" Ria said with certainty.

'This kind of confidence isn't healthy at all' Shun thought, still aggrieved. 'A little apology wouldn't hurt you know'

Shun sighed and dropped it as he knew that it really wouldn't have hurt him even if it hit.

"So, why we're you guys sitting here with gloomy expressions this early morning?"

"Huh? Was it not because of you? You just up and left without even the least bit of information on where you're going for an entire day and night, how are we not supposed to be worried?" Hinami asked in a pissed-off tone.

"Huh? Is that all? And here I thought someone died" Shun joked while scratching his cheeks with an awkward expression and continued, "I'm sorry for making you worry, how should I make it up to you?"

"This is not a joke you know, I was worried, we were worried," Hinami said, this time with a sad tone.

'Seems like I did something stupid again. I thought it only two days or so, but to Hinami who didn't have any idea where I was, she must have been scared, Sigh'

"As for how you will make it up to me, you don't have to, just promise that next time, no matter what you are doing, you will let me know," Hinami said.

"Sure I promise," Shun replied and pulled her into a hug.

They stayed like that for a while before Ria couldn't take it anymore and said, "Ne ne, big brother, l was worried too you know, and you have to make it up to me"

Shun broke the hug and looked at his cute little sister smilingly and said, "Sure what do you want?"

"I want to go with the two of you" Ria replied with visible stars glittering in her eyes.

"Rejected" Shun immediately shot her down.

"But why? You promised" Ria asked with a heartbroken expression.

"Sigh, Ria, you are still a child and have someone responsible for you. I can't take you away from your mother, at least, not without her permission." Shun replied.

'It may be due to my past life principles, but I can't take a 13-year-old girl away from home, hell I know Ria has feelings for me but I can't say whether its a childhood crush of sorts or real love and even still, there is no way I'm going to accept her feelings. She is still young, but by the time she grows and manages to sort through her feelings, she will decide whether to tell me or not. Anyways, time will tell'

"But, but..." Ria stuttered with tears pooling in her eyes.

Shun sighed seeing this and said, "How about this, I will give you the surprise I prepared and you'll help me develop this village with it, and then when you grow and get permission from your mother to leave, you can come to find me, or I will find you. You have my communication token so that shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"Hum," Ria nodded and said, "Don't forget to reply when I talk to you, you hear?"

Patting her head dotingly, Shun said, "Of course, look here" bringing out his token, he made a hole in the too area and created a rope and passed it through the hole and tied it on his waist, and said, "This way, no matter what, I will know if you talk"

"Ok, but what's the surprise you've been up to," Ria asked with renewed excitement.

Shun chuckled seeing her immediate change and waved his hand making the dozens of books he created in his dimension appear.

While Shun and Hinami's explosion escapade was going on, Shun received the memories from bis clones, showing that they have finished with the necessary seals to be placed on the books.

"These here, are the hundreds of thousands of plant life that exist in the world currently, it's not all, but at least a majority of them exist and I will be creating the rest. Some can be used to cook, treat injuries, make your skin fresher, make you fragrant, name it, they are all here. You and your family are the first ever to come upon these. I want to see what you can't do with all these given a few years. Make me proud my little genius." Shun said.

Hinami and tie looked at the books in awe after listening to my explanation. They both knew of my ability to create wooden structures, but only Hinami knew I could create any plant.

'Big brother is amazing as always' Ria thought with increased admiration and respect.

'As expected of my husband' Hinami thought with pride and blushed the next moment at her thoughts though disappointing that no one noticed it.

An hour went by with the three of them arranging the books in Shuns house which Shun decided to use as the library for the villagers who would be interested in learning. He also put in some books containing some basic knowledge about life and agriculture.

The book containing metals and their compositions was also put there, even if no one knows about them now, one couldn't be certain about the future.

After all, was done, Shun put everything important to him and Hinami into his spatial ring and prepared to leave the village after meeting the old lady.

Surprisingly as soon as he left the house, he was met with the entire village in front of his house.

"Whoa, what's going on" Shun exclaimed in genuine surprise. Although he has a passive sensory ability, if he doesn't pay attention or nothing worth paying attention to happens in his sensory range, he wouldn't notice. So the scene in front of him really caught him off guard.

Nanami the village chief, and chieftess at the same time, came forward and said, "Well we knew you would be leaving today so we decided to send you off properly,"

"What? You guys didn't have to you know, but thanks, I appreciate it. I was just about to come to meet you and leave right after" Shun said.

"What? You wanted to come and go like you did last time again" Nanami said pointing her cane at me in fake anger.

"What, no, I wouldn't do that" I chuckled dryly and avoided eye contact, 'That was the plan'

"You're lying aren't you" She screamed this time around. The villagers laughed at this scene and this brought a smile to Shun's face.

This was the first time he felt like this since coming to this world. All along back in the village, growing up, he didn't communicate with the villagers and merely saw them as filler characters of sorts and only placed importance on people like Hagoromo, Ashura, Indra, Gamamaru, and sometimes the house butler of sorts, Itami.

Nanami smiled kindly with her wrinkled face and said, "Shun-chan-" Shun's lips twitched at this "-I don't know what goes on in that head of yours but one thing we all know here is that you have helped this village tremendously, since the first time you came here and built the fence, and helped us with chakra, our lives have gotten better, people are no longer getting sick, our food products have greatly improved in quality. Whether you want to accept it or not, you're the benefactor Of this village now and in the future. Never forget that and know that you're always welcome here forever"

Shun didn't know what to say and just said, "Thank You"

Shun was greatly touched by this and looking at the villagers, he could see genuine gratitude in their eyes and even feel it off them. Some were even sad he was leaving. Looking in the direction he felt sadness from, he saw Yuu and the few boys his age he always hung around with whenever they were working on the farm.

He smiled and said, "What are you lot feeling sad about, you're men you know and men aren't supposed to feel sad about things like this, you know, Yuu, although I don't know when I would see you again, make sure you become a good chief for this village, and never forget, they are family, treat them as such. Nakamori, Neihara, Kehira, and Shahiko, make sure to take good care of yourselves and make sure you don't overwork yourselves while working on the farm."

"If I start calling you all by name, I am not sure I would be leaving today, but what I have to say is, take care of yourselves, the person beside you is the closest thing you have to a family, don't take only your immediate family as a family, remember that this village is the largest family you could ask for."

"And finally, as a parting gift, allow me to show you" Clapping his hand together, Shun closed his eyes and used [Parallel Processing] and created 5 clones in his head to handle the entire thinking process used [Thought Acceleration] to speed up the process. To the villagers, Shun clapped his hands, closed his eyes, and then said: [Mokkuton: Jukai no sōzō] [Wood Release: Creation of a sea of trees]

The ground started shaking tremendously and some children who couldn't control themselves fell on their asses, the adults who were already to the earthquake-like effect of Shun using Wood Release stood their ground with the help of their chakra control.

Outside the village, and around it, different varieties of trees began shooting up from the ground and spamming for hundreds of meters.

The villagers looked at this in awe the children even more so.

Shun then coughed drawing their attention and said, "I have documented all these trees in plants and left them in my house, Ria would be in charge of them as she is the more advanced, anyone can read them, these trees have different uses. There are many other books as well, feel free to make use of them as you wish"

"Sigh, Shun-chan, you're as ridiculous as ever, how can you go atoumd creating things like this out of nothing," Nanami said with an exasperated sigh.

Shun knew she was asking it rhetorically but still answered, "This is nothing, with chakra you can do a lot more, you just have to pay attention"

After that they had some little talks with the adults saying their farewells maturely and the children clustering around him making some ridiculous demands which he fulfilled and then there were the girls saying their farewells with hugs mixed in.

After all was said and done, Nanami, the old lady brought Shun his farewell gift which consisted of various food and fruit products from various families.

Shun thanked them once again and finally left the village while the villagers waved him goodbye.


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