Truth of The World

"They are nice people," Hinami said, moments after they left the village.

"They sure are" Shun replied.

"I will miss them," Hinami said

"Yeah," Shun said.

"Will we come back? Will we see them again?" Hinami asked sadly. One could tell from her expression that she felt sad, unlike Shun who, although he felt sad, still had expectations for the future, after all, he isn't dying anytime soon. Perhaps Hinami hasn't gotten used to the idea of living forever but Shun thought that once she does, she won't necessarily feel this way.

"I'm not sure, Nami, but one thing is for sure, we will meet many more people and leave them behind, what we should always have in mind is to protect and spend more time with the people close to us as much as possible so that we won't regret it," Shun said solemnly to console her.

Hinami though didn't see it like that and looked at Shun in shock, "What is wrong with you Shun? I have been keeping this to myself for some time now but this is enough, why do you always act this?"

"Like how?" Shun asked in confusion. This was the first time he jas seen Hinami having an outburst of emotion.

"Like... like... I don't know, I just know you've been behaving weirdly for some time now. It used to be simply you and me, living in the moment but recently, you've been acting like the future of the entire world is on your shoulders and don't look at the present at all"

"Sigh forget it, I guess you'll tell me everything when you think I am finally important for you to do so" She finished and turned, walking forward.

Shun stood rooted on the floor as he processed what Hinami just said. 'Have I really been thinking of the future more than the present? I had resolved to fuck canon and live the way I want, I don't know where I went wrong but I guess I really have been keeping her In the dark huh. Anyways, I better apologize and talk things out now before it gets worse'

With that thought in mind, Shun ran toward Himani and hugged her from behind, and said, "I'm sorry"

Seeing as she isn't saying anything, he continued, "It's true that I have kept things from you and I still believe I did the right thing, but there are some things I really should have told you. Why don't we sit down and talk about it"

Hinami stood there without saying anything for a moment before she nodded her head.

Shun then created his trusty pavilion and sat down. He then used his [Universal Semse] to sense everything in the 10 kilometers around him for any suspicious persons or objects. You can never be too sure who is listening in on you in this world after all.

After a thorough check, he sighed and said, "First of all, you know I'm immortal right?" Hinami nodded and he continued, "Good, what do you know about this world"

Hinami shook her head as she truly didn't know anything except the things she has seen since she knew what was what.

'This world doesn't even have any sort of recording material to record historical stuff' Shun thought.

"Well, what I am about to tell tou is a secret that only I know. Not even father or uncle know about it, I think" Shun said, and this piqued her interest.

"As far as we know, this world or better still, the planet is the homeworld of we humans and sages{a/n: animals are originally the sages of this world} but then, on a certain day, 2 different lifeforms came to this world to plunder it. A ma-"

"Wait what do you mean plunder?" Hinami asked interrupting his story.

"By plunder, I mean to drain the energy of the planet. You know this world has Natural energy right?" Shun asked and Hinami nodded in acknowledgment. "Well, they use a particular seed called chakra seed and plant it on the planet they go to, and then the seed sucks the entire energy of the world, forcefully draining it and as living beings of that planet, they also possess minute amounts of said natural energy running through them, that in turn makes them available to being drained," Shun said.

"What happens to the people after they are drained? Hinami asked in consternation

"They die, it's similar to sucking out their life force and when that happens, they all turn into mindless clones" Shun replied.

Hinami gasped in horror at the thought of that, there was silence for some time before she then asked, "What do they do next?"

"Before the seed sprouts, one of them is sacrificed to the tree for some unknown reason and then, the tree grows, matures, and bears the Chakra fruit. This fruit is then eaten by the other person giving him the power of a god" Shun replied.

They both sat in silence for a while before she then said, "This... How do you know this and what does this have to do with what you are doing?"

"Of course, I have a lot to do with what I am doing, after all, your grandmother is one of them," Shun said.

"What!?" Hinami exclaimed and stood up in shock, "How?" she asked after looking at the calm Shun hoping for an explanation.

"These different alien species have the same appearance as us, and decades ago, I believe She came down here with someone but during their journey here, she fell In love with this planet. As the weaker of the two, I assume she was supposed to be sacrificed but she attacked the person who was supposed to be her superior and sacrificed a portion of him to the tree" Shun said.

"Phew, that means she's the good guy in the story then," Hinami said as she sighed in relief.

Shun chuckled and said "Not quite actually. At first, she was really good, she even fell in love with a human. Back then, there were lots of humans with kingdoms here and there and she luckily or rather unluckily fell in love with a young king at the time"

"Isn't that a good thing?" She asked

"Well it was until it wasn't" he replied

"Stop with that and be straightforward," she said

"Yes yes. Well, she was stunningly beautiful, so beautiful that I doubt anyone in the past would rival her beauty and that's what caused everything. An opposing kingdom schemed against her and as the superior specie she was, she massacred the lot of them. Later, the opposing kingdom general in his greed and lust offered a peace treaty if only she was handed over, her husband at the time, the king foolishly accepted and condemned his pregnant wife to death" Shun said sighing sadly.

'Now that I think about it, Kaguya really is pitiful' He thought.

Hinami also felt sad for her as I could feel pity and sorrow in her emotions.

Shun continued, "Being cornered by the soldiers, she ran along with her maidservant to the God tree which had an already matured Chakra fruit. Along the way, she watched her maidservant and only friend being killed by the arrows the soldiers shot. Reaching the tree, she bit into it and gained the corresponding power making her the famed Rabbit Goddess"

Hinami paid close attention to the story and seeing shun stop, she urged him to continue, "Don't stop, keeps going, there should be more right?"

"Of course, there is more. With the burst of power she got at the moment, she sucked the energy in the humans nearby, both shoulders and normal people alike, from then on, she began her tyranny" Shun replied and stopped.

"I won't continue with the story as I am not sure of the motive behind what happened next between her and her children to this day. Maybe if I meet her one day I would ask her"

Hinami nodded her head in acceptance but still asked, "So, what about you?"

"What about me?" Shun asked confused.

"Have you forgotten the original question? The original question is why do you do what you are doing now?" Hinami asked

"Oh, I didn't say it but the two that came down here are still alive and well, one is sealed while the other is in a parasitic relationship right around now and they're problems for the future, not to mention their fellow clansmen. Uncle has already placed a seal around the planet with the moon as the core to cover up their energy signature, this way unless the one on the moon is released, they can't come to this planet." Shun said.

Hinami let out a breath of relief hearing that and then looked at him and asked. "I thought the Rabbit Goddess was defeated by an uncle, what do you mean by sealed?"

"Defeated, not killed. Father and uncle both fought against their mother the Rabbit Goddess for nearly a month before they decided to seal her off which created the moon your family is living on currently"

"No way" she gasped as different emotions were rolling off of her.

"So my dear Nami, what did this story teach you?" he asked.

"Teach? To be stronger than them?" she asked back.

"Yes that too, but the most important points to pick are that one, these people are immortal and are ridiculously strong, two, humans are being filled with good and bad so we should pick our friends and loved ones carefully, and finally three, we should create countermeasures."

"You know this chakra that we all possess is all her chakra, your grandmother that is. If she is unsealed, everyone that has a trace of her chakra will be sucked dry" Shun said while thinking, "Just like Yywach to the quinces'

" What?" Hinami was shocked once again.

"Well not entirely though, though my chakra is hundred percent mine, and ai will be yours and the villager's in due time, after all, my breathing technique helps filter out foreign stuff," Shun said while raising his head in pride.

"Okay, so when will she be unsealed?" Hinami asked in trepidation.

"Not anytime soon, give it like 700 years give or take," he said.

"What? That long? Then why are you bothering about it now?" she asked

"Haha, that's why I said it's nothing serious at the start, it was tou who took my secrecy as something to worry over," Shun said amused.

"Ugh, my head hurts with all this new information, is there anything you're not telling me? I still have one more question to ask"

"Hmm? Actually, I have this teeny tiny thing I haven't told you about yet and you have to prepare yourself for it, so go ahead and ask I will tell you when we're done" He said

"Hm, the question is rather simple, how do you own all this?" Hinami asked looking him straight in the eye.

Shun raised an eyebrow at the question but immediately answered, "Would you believe me if I said I just knew?"

They both looked each other straight in the eye for a full minute before she sighed and said "I will believe you, if I don't, who will then"

"Haha, that's my little princess" Shun laughed and then said. "Now then, the great reveal of the day" and immediately, they appeared in bis dimension, in the pavilion outside his mansion.

To Hinami, Shun flared his chakra for a split second and then, there was a change in scenery. Although she was used to Shun's teleportation, she still felt that this was something else.

Trying to sense her surrounding a little, she immediately became amazed by the mansion behind them. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she immediately noticed the change in energy and took more deep breaths as though she couldn't get enough of it.

Finally calming herself, she turned to Shun and asked, "What is this place?"

Shun chuckled at her antics, standing up, he walked out of the pavilion, spread his hands wide, took a deep breath, and said, "This, is my world"


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