Family Time

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The following day had Indra and Ashura pestering me for new techniques or something else. After dinner that night, Indra left the following morning and came back with a lady and introduced her as his wife, Miyako. I didn't recognize her as anyone I have seen in this village before so she must be from outside.

I also noticed that she seemed almost subservient to Indra unlike Ashura's wife, Kanna who seemed like the man of the house, though that's only in private or amongst us. In front of Hagoromo or others, she takes her role as a wife diligently.

In this time and age that is similar to even the era before the Edo era of Japan, women are seen as keepers of the house and nothing else, the maids around the house were understandable as they voluntarily became maids or so I assume, but even in Ria's village, is the same.

I found out later that that's part of the reason Ria's mother forbade me from meeting with her when I first went there, I guess with time they assumed that it was okay as I treated everyone the same. And if there is anything I know about women, it's that not all of them will let themselves be shackled by such stupid beliefs.

Though it could be their upbringing that instills that belief in them, Hinami was also like that at first but changed gradually due to my influence, Ria for sure won't end up like that, I wouldn't be surprised if she runs away from there in a few years.

Anyways, Indra's wife, Miyako was always taking everything too formal with the -sama- here and there and I got tired of that quickly, even Hinami's influence didn't make her loosen up so who am I to even think of trying? Hinami didn't give up though. She always drags both Kanna and Miyako to do some things that I am not privy to know.

With them gone, Indra and Ashura pestered me at every turn, and with no recreation, or activity to keep them or me busy, I agreed to teach them after 4 four days of intensive hide and seek.

I mean I explored ways to hide my presence and very being with every option available to me to hide from them, but their BS Sharingan and Six Paths Sensing abilities found ways to find me.

I tried using my domain but they found the place I was hiding due to the irregularity the domain caused to the physical plane, I tried hiding while regulating my breathing like those ninjas or assassins in other anime or cultivation novels, but they still found me because of the weird feeling of natural energy in the air, or so Ashura said.

I mean, I really tried. It's not like I can just teleport to one of the sage lands I've been to or any place I've been to hide from them 'cause no matter where I run to, I would still come back and the disturbances would continue, so I resigned myself on the fourth day and decided to teach them something.

That brings us to our current situation. Currently, I was standing in front of Indra and Ashura who were seated on the floor far from the village.

I was seriously searching my mental library for techniques to teach them that will both take them time to master and also make them stronger.

I didn't fear them becoming stronger than me or something neither do I fear their strength influencing the future as I know that I will still ne stronger as I have a flexible mind and a diverse collection of techniques and abilities to use. Also if in the future there comes a descendant of either of them that becomes slightly different from the norm, my future descendant will take care of them, the future Is in their hands after all.

Hmm, come to think of it, Indra is more inclined to Lightning and Fire but is more inclined to lightning. The Uchihas are inclined to fire while Sasuke was more inclined to Lightning. It could be a result of being Indra's reincarnation but there's Madara who made Fire Lord Ozai seem like a kid when it comes to Fire.

Ashura on the other hand just popped up with wood release after getting the power up from Hagoromo. If it's in cultivation terms, Ashura didn't lay a good foundation as he jumped the baby steps of learning elemental techniques and jumped to the full-grown adult phase.

Anyways, Wood is a combination of Water, Earth, and Yang so giving him a technique on only one of these would likely disrupt his already established harmony.

Indra on the other hand doesn't even rely on his lightning any longer and just goes full-body Susanno whenever he and Ashura fights.

I sighed at this and looked at them again. If I am not mistaken, they both have all elemental affinities inherited from Hagoromo but as they didn't have any guidance whatsoever on the issue they neglected it. I bet even Hagoromo doesn't even know about this if my memory serves me right, he never showcased any elemental technique, though I don't doubt he could use them.

Since it has reached this stage, there is only one technique that meets my two criteria, being hard and time-consuming. Breathing Technique.

No, no, not my self-created breathing technique but the original from Demon Slayer world. Initially, I used it carelessly and ended up drawing in natural energy in its raw form but after I mastered it and thought back, I realized my mistake. I won't go into detail about my discoveries but the original breathing technique takes in pure air and strengthens the lungs, the process while coupled with physical exercise strengthens the body and tempers the mind.

Kind of like a discipline of sorts. The end product is developing a spiritual sense of sort and if incorporated with the breathing style, can lead to a domain creation, similar to Tomioka Giyu's Eleventh Form: Deep Calm or Rengoku's Final Form: Rengoku.

{A/N: In the anime, this form were shown as their final form and was shown to have a domain-like effect as Giyu's Surroundings became a calm lake or sea and Rengoku's surrounding became an area filled with flames. So I'm just making up my own ideas}

Unlike my breathing that follows the Body and Mind strengthening to give me a Sage Body and Sea of Consciousness, the ones from Demon Slayer would give them a larger stamina reserve and a Sea of Consciousness.

I had researched the five elemental breathing techniques from my memory and created a neutral version of it, meaning that anyone who trains in it would not follow my route but the normal route. The elemental breathing techniques I had given out were also derived from this as they were new but for Indra and Ashura who I know have multiple affinities, I will be giving the neutral version. Wherever they go from there is their business.

Ria's and Hinami's versions though were created from my original version.

Coming back to real-time, I looked at them again and smiled, "Indra, Ashura, the technique I have finally settled on teaching you both is a technique I spent 2 years creating" I paused to let it sink in but Ashura suddenly asked, "But Shun, if you spent 2 years creating it does that mean you haven't trained it?"

"Hmm? Good question there Ashura, and yes, I haven't trained it as I don't need it."

"What? Then does it mean it isn't strong?" Ashura asked.

"What? No. It's strong if you train it to the peak. You both have experienced my domain expansion correct?" I asked and they nodded, I then continued, "At the peak of this technique, you could do the same"

"Wait, you have me confused here, Shun," Indra suddenly said.

"Oh? What has you confused Indra?"

"If it can create a domain at the peak, and you didn't train it, then what technique did you use to reach that level?" Indra asked with a subtle heated look in his eyes.

"Hehehe, wouldn't you like to know now, Indra? Well, it's simple, the technique, is a.... secret" I said and laughed as I noticed Indra's sullen expression.

"What? You expect me to tell you my Overpowered technique? Not a chance. If you train this diligently, you can reach my level of expertise, and with further control, you can surpass me. With this technique, your will and imagination will be your most important incentive" I said and then turned serious and said, "Now don't care about your fights but you both will cease all forms of conflict till you've mastered this technique and have fought me to make me release my domain, is that clear?"

"Hai," Ashura said immediately while Indra nodded with a serious 'Hn' and I knew he would take this seriously.

I smiled and said "Alright ill put the technique directly In your head, come" and I walked forward to put the technique in their head.

"Huh? What do mean put it in our head" Ashura asked and immediately took a defensive stance that didn't look reliable at all

I deadpanned as I realized that I had gotten used to this cultivators way of transmitting techniques with Ria, Hinami, and the villagers and I knew that I have to either show them my Creation of All Thing ability if I want to create a book or explain to them the Mind Transmitting process and I chose to explain.

"It's a way to share the information I developed after experiencing the way we meditate while circulating and sharing our chakra. You just have to let my chakra in" I said as concisely and believable as possible.

Truly though, I created this technique after noticing how the Ninshu stuff Hagoromo taught was helpful. The precondition though is that the receiver has to let my chakra in. Ria, Hinami, and the villagers didn't have any problems with that as I was the one that even thought them how to circulate their chakra.

"Oh, the way you said it sounded wrong so sorry, hehe..." Ashura said while chuckling shyly.

Although Indra and Ashura had been fighting for some time, they haven't developed the amount of distrust the shinobi will develop in the future.

"Alright then, here," I said and placed my index finger on his head and printed the technique on his consciousness, this way, although he hasn't developed a mindscape he can still recall it whenever he thinks of it.

"Indra, your turn" I then approached Indra and did the same, but the difference was that while I tried placing it on his consciousness, I was dragged into his mindscape.

That surprised me there for a second but I then shoved it away as he is an Uchiha, the very first of his name, if he doesn't have a mindscape who else will, except me and Ria and Hinami, but that's aside from the case.

Normally, an Uchiha will develop a mindscape whether conscious or unconscious. Even if they don't consciously develop one, they could still use it with their Genjutsu, and after staying here for a while without noticing Indra, I concluded that he developed this place unconsciously.

His mindscape was the village but a cracked one. Cracked, not destroyed. It was like a picture frame that was smashed and the glasses cracked here and there.

I shook my head at the sight and printed the technique and left it there, that way it will be even safer than Ashura's.

Sparing one last look at the mindscape I left and removed my finger from his forehead with a change in my expression and said. "If you think of what I just placed In your head you'll immediately know the steps to follow, now with this breathing technique, your hand-to-hand combat, kenjutsu, bukijutsu, and even Ninjutsu will be empowered. Now I don't want any more disturbances for the foreseeable future, Ciao"

With that, I teleported to where Hinami was

Back where Indra and Ashura were, after a moment of silence, Ashura asked, "What is a ciao?"

Indra Shrugged with a 'Hn' and Ashura said, "Hmm, I wonder"

If Shun was here he'd be surprised at how Ashura understood what Indra said.


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