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Appearing behind Hinami silently, I hugged her from behind but with her Byakugan she had sighted me so she didn't feel surprised.

"Hey Shun," Hinami said with a smile while leaning on me.

"Hey" I replied briefly and just kept silent. The silence brought with it, a kind of peace.

After a moment of peace, I noticed the absence of Fenrir and asked, "Nami-chan, where is Fenrir?"

"Ah, Fen-chan was taken by Miyako and Kanna, they said it was cute and would like to spend some time with him, I agreed, though I do feel pity for him," Hinami said.

"Hmm, about Miyako and Kanna, are you getting along fine?" I asked

"Mhmm," she nodded and continued, "we are close like sisters, although Miyako is a little stuck up as you call it, she is quite a nice girl, Kanna is more interesting, she is an endearing fellow."

I was surprised to hear her evaluation of the girls somewhat, I mean I expected her to get along with them but achieving this in less than a week is appalling. Not in the case of Kanna but with Miyako.

"Well, that's good, I hope you're not missing Ria too much."

"Hmm? Who said that? I do miss my sweet little sister but that's in the past and future, as for now? I just need to meet new friends and that's all. I will meet Ria-chan later" Hinami replied.

"Hmm, ok," I said shortly and continued, "when do you want us to be married?"

She blushed at that and said, "anytime you want Shun, why are you asking me?"

I smiled at her cute reaction, no matter how long we have been together, she always gets flustered at things related to marriage and ecchi stuff. Of course, we've made it a lot of time but that's the limit of how far we can go.

"Want to go to my world for a while?"

Hinami nodded and we immediately disappeared.

Appearing in my Dimension, Hinami stood in awe at the sight and stood there motionless while admiring the scenery in front of my mansion.

"I can never get used to this," she said and I nodded. Truly, even I, as the creator hasn't gotten used to the sight I created in front of my house.

The different variety of trees and flowers that grew here added more beauty to it, although it was a chaotic mess of different types of plant life, they all blended in one way or another to make the view attractive.

The air here was also purer than the outside, maybe due to the natural energy here not being polluted and also being generated for me. I used my natural energies of all elements to create this place after all.

The sight of Hinami standing with a smile was quite the sight for me. Her smile was infectious and I found myself smiling at her too.

I then pulled her by surprise and she shrieked but before she could say anything, I sealed her lips with mine and we began to make out. She tensed for a second before relaxing and reciprocating.

We made out for a while before we separated and I said, "How I wish we could get married quickly and properly make love"

She blushed hearing that and buried her face In my chest and spoke in a whisper, "just a little bit more patience Shun"

"I know Nami, I know" and hugged her tightly.

She was a traditional girl through and through so I didn't think having sex before marriage was ever an option with her. I myself am a virgin both lives combined, I don't know about the tradition and stuff like that, but I know that I had to go with the flow.

I honestly don't know what's holding us from getting married so I said, "Let's get married"

She looked up and surprisingly said, "Ok" and smiled sweetly.

I was surprised and asked, "You don't want to wait for some time?"

"Why would I want to wait?" She asked back as she tilt her head in confusion. "I was only waiting for you to set everything up, it's your duty to do that don't you know"

"What?... I know, but I thought you wanted to wait or something?"

"That's what I am saying, why would I want to wait? Don't you see, Kanna and Miyako, they are already married, back in the village, all my friends were already married, no one my age is still unmarried, you know"

"Ok, but I expected you to tell me when you're ready"

She looked at me weirdly and said, "Aren't you the man here? I know you don't like all these customs and stuff like that but no matter what, you should be the one to decide the day of marriage no matter how I see it"

I stood with a dumbfounded expression on my face as I didn't see that coming. Yes, I am the man here, yes, I hate the customs and traditions in these early ages, and yes, no matter how I look at it, I just realized that I should have been the one making the arrangements. Back on earth, it's also the man's responsibility but due to how free and unfettered the customs were back there, both the husband and wife could decide things together.

That thought process gave me the idea that Hinami should also want the marriage to hold.

I sighed as I realized how stupid and almost insensitive I was. I shook my head and said, "When we get back, let's meet with father and tell him about this, I want the ceremony to take place within a week, I have kept you waiting for so long"

"Hm" she nodded with a smile, "You really kept me waiting" I could feel she was happy

"Well, we don't have much to do now so how about we go meet the old man now? We also have to tell your parents and Hokuki ahead of time so that they can get ready" I suggested.

"Hn" Hinami nodded and Hned, weirdly enough. I didn't think much about it as although it is Indra-like, hers was pleasing to hear.

With that, we disappeared and appeared back at the spot we left from and I immediately teleported back to the village with Hinami.

Without much surprise, I notice that not much time has passed and I shook my head and thought, "if this continues, I might really lose track of time or my mental clock would become obsolete"

Indra and Ashura weren't back yet, Kanna and Miyako were at the side of the mansion with Fenrir doing things id rather not say, and Hagoromo, as usual, was sitted in the hall.

I wonder how he does that without rest and doesn't feel tired at all. I know he doesn't feel tired and may not even need food but how the hell can someone sit on a spot from morning to night and not be tired?

Noticing that he wasn't attending to anyone yet, I walked in with Hinami at my side, "Hey old man" I greeted politely. What? He knows that me calling him old man is polite and do you really think I was being rude? Please.

"Uncle" Hinami greeted with a bow.

Hagoromo nodded and said, "What brings you both here today?"

"Ok it's nothing much, just wanted to tell you that we plan on getting married within a week and ask for your permission for the arrangements for the wedding ceremony," I said seriously with a casual tone.

"Hm, that's not an issue, after all, my son and niece are getting married. Leave it to me to get the arrangements in order" he said.

The way he put it sounded off in a way but I guess he isn't wrong. The way he put son and niece there may make someone think things just got incestuous.

Shaking away these thoughts, I nodded my head and looked at Hinami who was also looking at me with a smile. I smiled back and then a thought struck me. I had to invite Ria and the entire village to this. After all, they are basically another family I and Hinami found.

"I may be inviting some friends from a village nearby, is that alright?" I asked Hagoromo.

"Of course, they are your friends and this is a memorable occasion, it would be bad of you not to invite them" Hagoromo replied.

"Ok then, ill see to it Also, can bother you to contact and invite uncle and his family?" I asked.

"Hm. That isn't an issue, they will be here. It's their daughter's marriage after all" he said with a chuckle.

"Then about the arrangement..."

We then went on to make a series of arrangements for the wedding and stuff related to it. He had organized a lot of these events after all. He also had a hand in Ashura's wedding even Indra's if I'm to make a random guess.

I'll ask about that later. After the plans were laid out, Hagoromo went on to announce the upcoming wedding of their '3rd young master' and to assign works to those it may concern.

When Ashura got wind of this, he tracked me down and started bombarding me with congratulations. I asked him why he isn't training and he said that it isn't as important as this, which made me happy internally but I dint show it. I then said, "thanks Ashura, and by the way, If you really neglect your training, Indra may surpass you, you know?"

To that, he smiled confidently and said, "That doesn't matter, with you here, there will be no fighting for the time being. And besides, I noticed that the technique you gave us is going to take a long time to train, at least 5 to 6 months or at most a year. Sparing a few days won't make a difference"

I was surprised at his deduction as truly, this technique could take a few months to perfect no matter how genius one is. But still, it's Indra we are talking about here.

"Alright then suit yourself. Now let's get these plans going. And you're coming with me" I said.

"Ok" Ashura beamed as he replied. This sight makes one think if he really is a grown and married man.

With that, I teleported back to Ria's village and told them about my upcoming wedding.

They threw confused looks at who was by my side smiling brilliantly and as I introduced him as my brother, they all got excited and greeted him politely but not overly excited, after all, they knew me and not him.

They were all happy for me but got worried when I said the wedding will be in a week's time.

They were worried they wouldn't make it there in a week and I facepalmed at them. Although they weren't trained like shinobi of the future, they still had an indent chakra and that should help them run to the village in a short time. But still, their traveling would be bad too.

After a bit of contemplation, I decided to draw a group teleportation seal in the village to teleport everyone to the seal near the village.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like these villages should give themselves names, I can't continue calling them by a person's name, I mean, I'm already calling this place Ria's village, and calling our village, Our village. Nothing else, not like I care or anything, I just feel like it's necessary.

After making the decision, I told them the plan and although they seemed to understand what I was saying, I could tell that only one person really understood what I was saying and that was Ria.

With the decisions made, I drew up a 10x10 meter teleportation seal. As far as they step inside and pour their chakra into the seals, they would be teleported to the mark I left a few hundred meters away from the village.

With the matter settled, I prepared to go back home as the seal drawing took a major part of the day, byt Ria stopped me and asked that I take her with me as her mother would still come by later so there was nothing to lose.

I immediately rejected her but she held me close as she knew the principles of my teleportation. As far as she's in contact with me, she would also teleport with me. After a little argument here and there, I decided to ask her mother about it and was surprised when she accepted.

Her words were, " Hm, no problem. It's good she stays with miss Hinami before her day"

With that, I didn't have any more reason to refuse Ria and after leaving a few instructions and bidding them goodbye, I teleported back to the village.


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