Chapter 4 R18 Fin

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Unsurprisingly, Hinami also moved her hips in just the right way to match his movements.

She pressed her body weight down when he moved up to increase the impact of the thrust.

"You sure know how to use your hips."

"I-I can't help it…ahhhh❤ Your cock feels so good❤ My hips are moving on their own❤"

He was feeling like a pro at this as he guided Hinami to climax while her nectar sprayed out.

"Ahh❤ Ahh, Shun! I-I'm cumming again…ahhhh, ahhh❤"

"So am I, Nami! Let's cum together!"

Just as he was starting the last spurt, he felt a tongue crawling toward his asshole.

"Don't forget about me, Shun❤"

It was Ria. She had her face pressed against his butt while she licked at his anus.

"Ohhh! This is something else. Pleasure from both sides!"

He felt the sweetly ticklish pleasure of the wet and soft tongue on his backside, the smooth rubbing of his dick across the hot and nectary flesh, and the kiss with Hinami that forced him to swallow her saliva.

No man could last long like that, so he felt a powerful throbbing in his crotch.

"I'm cumming! I'll fill your womb with my sperm!"

"Please do! Ahh…inside me! Ah❤ Ah❤ Ah❤ Ah❤ Ah❤"

With the very last thrust, the hot goo was released and Hinami orgasmed.

"Ahhhhhhhh❤ There it is! Your cock is squirting it all out inside me❤ Ah❤ Ahh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh❤ It won't stop❤ Ahhh❤"

Shun stood firm so he could lower Hinami onto the bed.

There he found Kaguya had circled around in front of him on all fours to stick her butt out toward him.

"Please, Shun, hurry up and give me your s-sperm directly."

"Okay, you got it!"

He could see her beautiful pink anus and her wet vagina throbbing between her lewdly spread labia. The sight made him hard again in no time, so he buried that erection in the Otsustsuki pussy.

"Ah❤ Ahh❤ I'm so happy, Shun❤"

"Your pussy is so wonderfully wet, Kaguya."

Her fleshpot was even hotter than before.

"Wait, were you saying hers feels better than mine?" asked Ria as she leaned against him from behind.

"I never said that."

"Then you'd better do me too❤"

Ria stuck her butt out alongside Kaguya.

"Shun, I want it too."

Hinami got up on all fours as well.

'They sure recovered quick!' Shun thought

He didn't panicked at how quickly they were demanding a second round. They all had godly stamina so it was as expected.

The three asses were lined up in front of him with Kaguya in the center. It was a splendid view.

'i can feel they let Kaguya take the lead this time. Anyways. To hell with it! Whatever happens happens!' Shun thought.

He stuck a finger in the pussies of the other two asking for more. With a little transformation his fingers took a suitable shape.

"Okay, I'll do all three of you at once!"



Ria and Hinami writhed in pleasure. As did Kaguya.

"Ahhhh, Shun! Your cock is so hard and thick…I can't get enough of it!"

"How naughty of you Kaguya. Who would have thought that the ice cold goddess that year was as naughty as this."

"It's been long, Shun, AHH❤️... I've never felt this good before,"

Shun chuckled.

He fingered two pussies while thrusting his dick inside the third.

The harder sensation he could feel with his fingertips had to be their lowered cervixes. He could also feel that with the penis head deep inside Kaguya.

All three screamed with pleasure as he made a triple womb attack.

"Ah❤ Ah❤ Wow❤ You're rubbing so deep❤"

"Shun, I need it now❤ Cum❤ Cum inside me❤ Fill my pussy!"

"Do that more❤ More, more…ah❤ Ahhn…ahh!"

Their cervixes seemed to be a powerful erogenous zone for them because they all wiggled their butts like crazy.

Shun stared at Kaguya's shapely and beautiful butt, Ria's small but plump butt, and Hinami's massive and alluring butt.

Sexual juices were dripping from their pussies while those butts danced every which way thanks to his fingering and thrusting.

It was like a dream come true.

Their pussies squeezed tight as if to prevent his fingers or dick from escaping. Their entire bodies seemed to be begging to have every last drop of his cum inside them.

"Kh…here you go, Kaguya!" he shouted as his cock pushed against her cervix.

"Ah❤ Ahhhn! Ahhhh❤"

"One last thrust!"

Her labia pulled back along with his shaft and then he thrust back in once more!

He pumped the hot goo into her womb.

He also supplied his best finger vibration to Ria and Hinami's pussies!

Their nude bodies shook as all three reached climax at the same time.

"Kh, ahhhhhhhhhh! Ahh, ahhhhh! I'm cumming…I'm cumming❤❤❤"

"Hyahhhhh, nh❤ My pussy is tingling…hhhhhhhhh❤❤❤"

"Shun❤ Shun❤ Ahhhn, Shunnn❤ Ahhh! Shun's thick cum is going to get me p-pregnant❤"

"Ugh, you're really squeezing it out of me."

He enjoyed the sensation of his semen filling Kaguya's pussy as a sense of fulfillment came over him.

This was the mother of chakra. The supreme goddess of this world.

'With this, they should be offed for the day."

Or so he thought until Ria got back up again.

"Okay, now you need to give me your dick instead of just your fingers."

"Eh? I-I could really use some time to rest."

He tried to reject her, but a mystical light surrounded him.

He looked over to see Hinami smiling his way.

"R-really? We're not done yet!?"

"Of course not! Why would you think we were!?" said Hinami.

"That's right. We're just getting started," said Kaguya.

"You have plenty of work left to do, Shun❤" said Hinami.

Kaguya apparently had no intention of stopping either.


After they pushed him onto his back, he felt boobs pressed against him, tongues crawling along him, and fingers rubbing at his cock.

"We haven't done nearly enough, have we?"

"This is for world peace, so we wouldn't want to underdo it❤"

"And we can keep going for a while yet."

He was surrounded by soft female bodies, smooth and warm skin, and the scent of pheromones.

If this was only the first day of his sex life on this garden, what would the rest of it be like?

That thought came to mind while buried in female bodies.


This went on for hours on end till they finally all became exhausted. Shun's last thought was. 'Did Iake a mistake making them this overpowered?'

And with that, he too went unconscious.

Shun's POV

After that intense session, the next time I regained consciousness, I found myself buried under the three women.

Ria on top, Hinami to my right and Kaguya to my left.

I didn't even get to accept Kaguya's confession when she said she's my woman now.

Hehe, I literally became my father's step dad. Cool huh?

Anyways, I gotta get out of here to at least prepare something.

Hmm, a clone would do.

After that, I created a clone who went and made us a good full course meal.

If you're wondering where the food is from, it from my dimension.

We don't particularly need the food but it's already a habit for three of us. Kaguya never needed it but as she's now had a functional human body, albeit pseudo, she has to relearn the pleasures of the flesh.

With a light jerk, I woke them up.

"Food is ready, wake up girls."

"Mmm, a few more minutes Shun..." They mumbled drowsily.

Kaguya opened her eyes slightly and looked around in confusion before realization dawned on her and she sprang up from the bed.

"Look who finally woke up,"

I said as I spotted a teasing smirk.

Kaguya blushed and looked away.

"Shun... Sorry... I got carried away."

Kaguya said in a low voice.

"What are you talking about? Do you see me or the girls complaining? You already proclaimed yourself my woman, what man would I be if I rejected you now?"

I said. The smile never leaving my face.

Did she really expecte to enjoy her this once and push her aside? Humph. Ridiculous.

Since she's boarded this train, then we'll be going all the way.

Kaguya relaxed and looked at me, tears threatening to fall out of her eyes.

Shun frowned and asked. "What's wrong with you? Don't tell me you hate me this much?"

"What!? No. I could never hate you, Shun. I've always loved you but didn't have a way to express myself so I've always bottled it in."

"Whenever I see you with Hinami and Ria, I always felt pained iny heart as I didn't know if you'll ever love me as you do them."

Tears were already falling profusely.

"Thank you, Shun. You too Hinami, Ria. Thank you,"

Hinami and Ria who were already awake sat up and put on a smile and Hinami said.

"What are you saying Kaguya, were already sisters now. No need for the thanks and whatnot. Also, I noticed your budding feeling back when he introduced you to us but I was wary of you so I didn't show any form of support like I did Ria."

"You've spent so much time together with us helping me, Ria and Shun. If I still didn't show any form of support then I truly would be an evil person. So feel at home with us, and welcome to the family"

"Welcome to the sisterhood," Ria chipped in.

I didn't even get a chance to express anything and they're already welcoming her into the family.

Not that I object though but I feel like Hinami is the man of the family🤔.

"Don't think something so stupid Shun. Of course you're the man in the family. I'm just expressing my stance."

Hinami said as she smiled at me.

Well whatever. It's not like I care though.

I smiled at her and then looked at Kaguya.

"Welcome to the family. I won't say I didn't notice your love way back when, but I had to make sure it wasn't admiration or gratitude. As time went by I developed feelings too but didn't have any way to show it."

"In short, I love you too Kaguya. I'm not promising more love to any of you. I'm just going to say what I said to Hinami back then. I'm selfish and as you're all my women now, I'll make sure to give you a 100 percent of my attention"

"Not divided, the same. I only hope for understanding in the family."

Hinami smiled resplendently while Ria was nodding with a smile too.

Kaguya smiled as the tears in her eyes flowed down, but instead of tear of sorrow, it was tears of joy.

"Alright then, who want to eat the Shun's special delicacy?"

"Ooh" Hinami and Ria exclaimed and pumped their hands in the air while walking out of the room.

Kaguya smiled and followed suite.


I think this should be the one and only R18 in this volume.